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10.) Characterize the main political parties in the u.K. (Labour, Conservative and Liberal-Democratic). Comment on the results of the elections of May 2005

The major political parties in the UK are Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrats. The Cons. And Labour parties are the most powerful. As a rule, they control Parliament. There is a two-party system in Britain. The Cons. And L parties share power, they control the state mechanism, only these 2 parties have access to the management of the state, though in reality there exist other parties.

The Cons. Party of GB was officially organized in 1867 on the basis of political groups of the English landed aristocracy(in 17th cent it was called the Tory party).In the 19 th the Cons party became the main party of British top monopoly capital. It has no official permanent programme. The party issues a pre-election manifesto which states the main aspects of the home and foreign policies of the future Cons government if the party wins the elections. Structurally the party consists of 650 local associations. The Cons party has no official membership, no membership cards and party dues. Formally the highest organ in the party is the annual conference. However,actual power is concentrated in the hands of the leader of the party. The party issues its own paper Newsletter, the official journals of the party are Time and Tide, Politics Today.

The Labour party was established in 1900 on the intiative of the trade unions and several socialist organizations.the main aim was to win working class representation in Parliament. The home policy of the L.party IS BASED ON PRINCIPLES OF REFORMISM. Reforms favoured nationalization of the economy, a state-run health and educ.system, some improvements in social security.The leader of the party is elected by a college of electors including representatives of three bodies – the trade unions, local organizations and the Labour Parliamentary party. Some right-wing politicians left the Labour party in 1981 and formed another party known as the Social-Democratic party. In 1988 the 2 parties finally merged together under the name the Social-Democr party. There are about 7.3 mln members in the labour party, of which over 600 thous of individual members and more than 6 mln collective members. Local party organiz-s – the bases of the party. The annual conference which elects the National Executive with 25 members is the highest organ of the party. The leader of the party, his deputy, the treasure, the Chairman and the general secretary are all members of the Nat Ex.There is a constant struggle between the right and left wings of the party. Paper - Labour News

The Liberal Democr p. was organized in 1877. The history is associated with the Whig party. (interests of bourgeoisie) The party is opposite to the policy of Charles II. “Whig” from “whiggamore”(cattle-drover). Began as a term of abuse used by opponents. 19th cent – formation of the Liberal party(bourgeois intellectuals formed the social basis).Liberals formed an alliance with the Social Democr party which emerged in 1981 as a result of a split in the Labour party. 1988 – Liberals+Social Dem =Soc-Lib Democr party. The party was set to take a centrist stand in the political spectrum of GB.

In the elections of May, 1997, Labour won 418 seats in the House of Commons by following a centrist political strategy. TonyBlair , head of what he called the "New Labour" party, became prime minister.

Today. in June, 2007, Gordon Brown - prime minister. Prime Minister Brown took the lead internationally in attempting to stabilize the financial system by recapitalizing a number of major banks with government funds. In May, 2009, Britain's political parties became enveloped in a scandal over inappropriate expenses claimed by members of Parliament. Revelations concerning those expenses led a number of legislators to announce they would not run again. Several government ministers resigned-some as a result of the scandal, some in protest against it and the prime minister-and the speaker of the House of Commons, accused of failing to prevent the abuses and of trying to prevent release of the information, was forced to step down. . The scandal affected all the parties, especially Labour, which suffered significant losses in the local English and European parliament elections held in June.