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  1. In some countries children come of age when they are 19, 20 and even 21.

Numerous countries, including some states of the USA, legally recognize the beginning of the adulthood only at the age of 19 or older.

  1. Children respecting their parents at any age are more likely to grow as a personality.

Oriental philosophy indicates that a person who looks up to his parents will never look down on anyone, he will always be cheerful which will make him extremely beautiful both inside and outside.

  1. Gaining independence of parents can result in a nervous breakdown for both parties.

Parents, I mean good, caring parents, have always given high priority to rearing of their children, they’ve obviously put into them a lot of love, care, money and certainly, they expect something in return, at least a phone-call once a week. In case children want to fully free themselves from this burden their parents feel drained, lost and useless. Children, in their turn, who have got used to that love, care and money, lose all these things at once and feel the same. This can end in a deep state of depression and in case of appearance of difficulties, even in suicides (20% of suicides are caused by parents-children conflicts).

  1. Parents can help their children financially.

A majority of parents — 59 percent — provide financial support to their adult children, according to a survey reported by Forbes. After leaving school most children are unpractical and cannot provide for their living. In case they enter a university they either scrounge off their parents or spit upon their studies. That is why at this age children count on massive support that can help them make root in life and get used to living independently.

  1. Maybe we don’t need parents after 18, but they need us.

Parents give high priority during a great part of their lives to rearing their children. It is a natural duty of children then to provide a respectable life to their parents. Historically the elderly have always needed the support of their offspring in order to survive and this is still the case not only morally, but also legally in many countries. In India, Israel and Taiwan there are laws in place to force adult children to support their parents and in China parents can make their adult children sign a voluntary but legally binding Family Support Agreement. Similarly a dozen American states, including California and Illinois, have civil law in place that allows parents and grandparents to sue their descendants if they are in need of support that their children fail to provide willingly. In the United Kingdom the Elizabethan Poor Law made parents and children legally responsible for each other from 1601 until 1967. Therefore, nowadays supporting parents is not only a moral, but also legal obligation.

  1. Parents can provide moral support to their children.

Parents and children are related by blood which makes them extremely close. Parents love their children unconditionally, just for the mere fact they exist, not for their merits or achievements. That is why they are the first to who children can turn in order to ask for advice. Moreover, having lived on the Earth for quite a long time, they have some experience on which the solution of most problems can be based.


In deciding whether it is important for adults to have their parents beside them all the factors should be taken into consideration. Although legally children have a right to independence and full emancipation already at the age of 18, in most cases psychologically, financially they are not ready to take a responsibility for themselves and morally they have an obligation to look after their parents. At the same time, living together may affect not only relationships with one’s parents, but also one’s personal life which can be completely destroyed with the “help” of one’s parents. Besides, parents need some personal time and space to spend for themselves, they do not want to start looking after their children again when their “small kids” already have abilities to begin their own lives. Therefore, even if children have decided to return back home or if they don’t have any other choice they should agree on two essential points: clarification of conditions and committing to mutuality. For adequate clarification, the basic terms of return must be specified and agreed upon. For adequate cooperation, efforts must be made by both sides to help make the relationship work.

Personal view

Man is an animal, but, according to Aristotle, he is a “social animal”. He is closely connected with people around him, and especially with those that are blood-related to him. He can trust them, he can rely on them, emotionally, financially, psychologically, he can get support, praise, constructive criticism and comfort from them. The further he drifts apart from his parents, the more depressed he feels, as he cannot satisfy his basic social and emotional needs himself. Finally, as Aristotle says, the person who considers himself to be self-sufficient, turns out to be either a beast or a god. We are not able to become gods but in order not to degenerate into beasts it is essential to keep relationships with parents at any age.

As for returning to parents’ home, I believe that in spite of the fact that parents and children are the closest relatives, but they are grown-ups with already well-established personality and it may be extremely difficult to cohabit with them. Therefore, it is very important to set some rules of living together in order not to ruin good children-parent relationships.

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