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17. Talk about Jerusha’s academic life in college: her failures and achievements

Jerusha Abbott was a 17-year-old orphan who had lived in the asylum since her childhood. And the only education she managed to receive was several years at school of the asylum and four years at the village high school. Jerusha was definitely a brilliant girl therefore she did well in certain branches at school. And her work in English could even be called excellent, that is why she was noticed by a rich man who decided to send her to college with the purpose to educate her to become a writer. Thus, Jerusha, so to say, got a “golden ticket” into the adult life. Actually, it was a totally unknown world for her. This new reality was full of unfamiliar things, because at her 17 years old she had never before stepped outside the asylum and couldn’t picture the life behind its gates. She had never even dreamed there was such a place in the world as college. Every day was full of new impressions, and she was excited by every moment of her life.

Alongside she had to come across with some difficulties, and the main problem was that the basic education she had got at the asylum wasn’t enough for the college. For example, Jerusha once got into a stupid situation: the teacher asked her who Michelangelo was, and she thought he was an archangel. So, to exclude similar incidents Jerusha made an unbreakable rule: never to study at night, and instead of studying started to read books to widen her horizons. She read such books as “David Copperfield”, “Robinson Crusoe”, “Alice in Wonderland”, and many others. As a rule, one book was not enough for her hungry mind, so, she was reading four books at once. What is more, whenever, Jerusha came across with an unknown word she looked it up in the encyclopedia.

Of course, it was very difficult for Jerusha to catch up with other students, and she even failed her first exams in mathematics and Latin. Nevertheless, she didn’t get knickers in a twist, but worked hard, and as a result, her next exams were passed with flying colors. She spent lots of hours reading books and writing her own stories. What is more, Jerusha took part in several literary competitions: when she was still a freshman her poem “From my Tower” was published on the first page of the Monthly. Moreover, one of her four stories was accepted by a magazine. Apart from that, she participated in the fifty-yard dash and even won it. Later on Jerusha got a scholarship that could cover her ward and tuition.

So, as we may see, Jerusha made her best to get a good education and to become a real author. Generally speaking, Jerusha Abbott didn’t waste time at college but had a very active life and enjoyed studying greatly, which made lots of good for her: Jerusha developed critical thinking, independence of character, a mind of her own, vivid imagination and confidence to help her face the realities of her further adult life.