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Identify the word according to its definition

  • to ask someone for a particular amount of money for something you are selling;

  • to live in a particular place

  • happening once a year;

  • the main room in a house where people relax, watch television etc.;

  • happening or existing now;

  • to change the shape, structure, or appearance of something, especially a building;

  • safe from and protected against damage or attack;

  • to go into a building and steal things;

  • including all the latest information.

Put the words in the correct form

  1. 'I know,' she said … (apologize).

  2. It's … (sense) to keep a note of your passport number.

  3. I need to work in pleasant … (surround).

  4. He smiled … (content).

  5. He was making life … (bear) for his parents.

  6. The whole house was … (spot) clean.

  7. The information was … (instant) available.

  8. That sounds absolutely … (fascinate).

  9. We … (origin) intended to stay for just a few days.

Give the synonyms to the words in bold

  1. The cab stopped outside the house.

  2. Don't accuse me - it's not my fault.

  3. I'm afraid I'll have to abolish our meeting tomorrow.

  4. Her behaviour is producing a lot of problems.

  5. Working hours must not outdo 42 hours a week.

  6. It was an strange thing to say.

  7. She asked the doctor to speak to her parents instead of her.

  8. We work mainly with the elderly and other defenceless groups.

  9. We stayed in neighbouring rooms.

  10. We need someone who can encourage the team.

  11. The bedside lamp shined dimly.

Translate the words in brackets

  1. The crowd (отступила) to let the firemen through.

  2. The traffic barriers were put there as a (меры предосторожности).

  3. One of Belfast's most famous (достопримечательностей), the Grosvenor Hall, has been demolished.

  4. Two men were blocking her (выход).

  5. All (попытки) to control inflation have failed.

  6. The President (столкнулся) the difficult task of putting the economy back on its feet.

  7. The hotel has been (обновлен) and redecorated.

  8. All applications must be (представлены на рассмотрение) by Monday.

  9. (Вытри) the table with a damp cloth.

  10. Parents are invited to attend the (день открытых дверей) next Thursday.

  11. Buy two lipsticks and you will get the third one (бесплатно).

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