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Key text assign. 7

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w.-c. to catch a chill (scarlet fever, the flu) — простудиться (зара-

зиться скарлатиной, гриппом)

е. g. Не caught a chill and got laid up with it for a whole fortnight.

w.-c. to catch sight (a glimpse) of smth — увидеть что-л.


e. g. We came to some iron gates, and I just caught sight of a low grey stone house (at the end of a gravel drive) before we drove away uphill.

w.-c. catching disease, habit,etc — заразный, заразительный,


е. g Is my paranoia catching? Yawning is catching.

w.-c. catchword – (пренебреж.) модное словечко, лозунг, удачно пущенное словцо.

е. g The phrase had become a catchword between him and Alice.

w.-c. a catchy tune, line,slogan –броский, легко запоминающийся

е. g It was silly but it was catchy, and children loved it, which is always the sign of a good tune.

2. excite v — возбуждать, волновать; вызывать

w.-c. to excite smb (oneself) — волновать кого-л., волноваться

to excite curiosity (interest, envy, pity, etc.) — вызывать лю-

бопытство (интерес, зависть, жалость и т. д.)

е. g. The scent was strong enough to excite Lassie (a dog), but she still gave no warning of danger.

Some odd object on the ground excited his curiosity and he bent down to inspect it closely.

excitement n — возбуждение, волнение

In the text:

I believe I smelled the sea rocks, the excitement of churning sea water and the odor of washed shells.

w.-c. nervous (feverish) excitement — нервное (лихорадочное) воз-



to cause excitement — быть причиной (вызывать) волнения to burst with excitement — задыхаться от волнения

e. g. The more he failed to prove his point, the higher his excitement rose.

Only a slight colour on her cheeks suggested that beneath her calm was some nervous excitement.

excited adj — возбужденный, взволнованный

e. g. There was silence; then everyone seemed to be looking at me and a hum of excited conversation broke out.

exciting adj — возбуждающий, волнующий; захватывающий, увлекательный

w.-c. an exciting novel (story, book, scene, etc.) — увлекательный роман (рассказ, книга, зрелище)

е. g. The other discoveries as they moved on along the cave were far less exciting than the first one.

excitedly adv — возбужденно; взволнованно

e.g. He was too nervous to sit down and relax and was excitedly pacing the room.

3.substitute vt & i — заменять, подменять, замещать

In the text:

...for West Coast most people substitute California.

w.-c. to substitute for smth or smb — заменять что-л. или кого-л.

e.g. While on probation in the clinic Goe was asked to substitute for the sick clinicist.

w.-c. to substitute smth for smth — заменять что-л. на что-л. Другое

e.g. Doctors advise fat people to substitute cottage cheese for porridge for breakfast.

He was a poet who in a moment of danger substituted the gun for the pen.


NB. Note that the structure patterns English:

She had to substitute margarine (direct object) for butter (prepos. object).

are different in Russian and in

The doctor substituted another medicine for the former one.

In the English sentence the word-order is fixed. The direct object in the Russian sentence corresponds to the prepositional object in the English sentence.

substitute n — замена; заменитель, суррогат w.-c. an adequate substitute — хорошая замена

е. g. Substitutes for rubber can be made from petroleum. There is no substitute for information

4. swarm vi — толпиться; кишеть

In the text:

People swarming in, cities doubling and trebling in numbers of inhabitants.

e. g. The new American finds his love in traffic-choked streets, skies nested in smog. And this, as I found, is as true in Texas as in Main, where the streets swarm with this hurrying breed,

swarm n — рой, стая; толпа; куча, масса w.-c. swarms of people — толпы людей

swarms of ants, birds — колонии муравьев, птиц swarms of dust — клубы пыли

in swarms — толпами

e.g. All during the summer ideas for his work had come to him in swarms.

The swarms of dust they had stirred up were beginning to choke them.

5. way n — 1) путь, дорога


e.g. Which is the best (shortest, right, quickest, etc.) way there (from

A to В)? — Как лучше всего (быстрее) пройти туда (от А до Б)?

Which is the way in (out)? — Где вход (выход)? w.-c. to find one's way — найти дорогу

to lose one's way — сбиться с пути

to pave the way for smth — подготовить почву для чего-л.

In the text:

On the outskirts of this place I once knew well I could not find my


2)сторона, направление

e. g. Look this (that) way. — Посмотрите сюда!

This way, please. — Сюда, пожалуйста.

Going my way? — Нам по пути?

w.-c. to go this (that, the other) way — пойти в эту (ту, другую)


е. g. The dog didn't want the two boys to go that way and she kept pushing against their legs as they moved slowly ahead.

3)образ действия; метод, способ

w.-c. The right (wrong, best) way of doing a thing (the way to do smth) — правильный (неправильный, лучший) метод

Is this the way to do it? — Разве это так надо делать?

Do it your own way, if you don't like my way. — Делай по-

своему, если тебе не нравится, как я делаю.

w.-c. to make, find, think of a way to do a thing — найти

(придумать) способ сделать что-л.

in one way or another — тем или иным способом, так или иначе

in the same way — таким же образом

in a way — в некотором отношении, в известном смысле in every way — во всех отношениях

the other way round — наоборот


e.g. In one way or another you'll have to get to the village by fiveHe could think of no way to help David.

Saying: Where there's a will, there's a way — Где хотенье, там и уменье.

6. effort n— усилие, напряжение; попытка

In the text:

...and the yellow smoke of progress hung over all, fighting the sea winds' efforts to drive them off.

w.-c. to make an effort — попытаться to spare no efforts — не жалеть сил an effort of will — усилие воли

to make every effort to do smth — приложить все усилия чтобы сделать что-л.

to pull one's efforts — сплотить, объединить усилия

e.g. His efforts at clearing up the mystery failed. I will make every effort to help you.

Does it require a great effort of will to give up smoking?

The conference appealed to all those concerned about the future of mankind to pull their efforts to avert the threat of a new destructive war.

7.to wonder vi & t — 1) интересоваться, желать знать; задавать (себе) вопрос

In the text:

I wonder why progress looks so much like destruction. Mind that the verb "to wonder" in this meaning is followed by an indirect question (the direct word order).

2) удивляться, изумляться, поражаться

(обыкн. at)


e.g. Tom always wondered at the look of utter disappointment which showed in his uncle's eyes.

It’s not to be wondered at.

wonder n— 1) чудо; нечто удивительное, неожиданное

w.-c. the wonders of modern science — чудеса современной науки seven wonders of the world — семь чудес света

(It is) no wonder (that) ... —неудивительно, что...

It is little (small no) wonder that... — неудивительно, что

e. g. When I looked at the house the lights weren't on, no wonder I thought there was nobody inside.

2) изумление, удивление, смешанное с восторгом w.-c. to be filled with wonder — быть пораженным

e. g. His words filled Catherine with wonder. wonderland n — страна чудес

e.g. We went on our way into the wonderland of nature.

8.destruction n — 1) разрушение, разорение; уничтожение

In the text:

I wonder why progress looks so much like destruction. e. g. The destruction of the town by the earthquake defies description.

w.-c. means (weapons) of mass destruction — средства (оружие)

массового уничтожения 2) причина гибели или разорения

е. g. Self-conceit was his destruction. destructive adj — 1) разрушительный

w.-c. a destructive war — разрушительная война

a destructive storm — разрушительный ураган destructive criticism — уничтожающая критика

e. g. One year the whole valley was merely ruined by a destructive storm that wiped out a great crop of grapes.


2) пагубный, вредный

w.-c. destructive of (to) health — вредный для здоровья

e.g. Lack of exercise and fresh air are exceedingly destructive to health.

destroy vt — разрушать; уничтожать e.g. The forest was destroyed by fire.

w.-c. to destroy smb's hopes — разбить чьи-л. надежды

e.g. All his hopes to get a job were destroyed.

9.spread vt & i — 1) распространять(ся) на поверхности; расстилаться); простираться

In the text:

When a city begins to grow and spread outward, from the edges, the center which was once its glory is in a sense abandoned to time.

w.-c. to spread a cloth on a table — расстилать скатерть на столе

to spread a tent — ставить палатку

e. g. Fronting the river was a large lawn with numerous round iron tables, with snow-white table-cloths spread on them.

2)разносить, распространять

w.-c. to spread knowledge — распространять знания to spread diseases — разносить болезни

to spread rumours — распространять слухи

e. g. Shelly tried to spread his radical political opinions by speeches and pamphlets but later expressed them in verse.

3)простирать, протягивать

e. g. She spread her hands to the fire to warm herself. 4)мазать, намазывать

e. g. Spread some butter and jam on a slice of bread spread n — распространение


w.-c. the spread of disease (epidemic, knowledge, education)—

распространение заболевания (эпидемии, знаний, образования)

е. g. It was impossible to stop the spread of the epidemic; it swept over the country and carried away thousands of people.

10. to abandon vt — 1) отказываться; оставлять

w.-c. to abandon the attempt — отказаться от попытки,

прекратить попытки

to abandon (all) hope — оставить (всякую) надежду to abandon the town to the enemy — сдать город врагу

In the text:

...the center which was once its glory is in a sense abandoned to time.

e. g. The new engine design had to be abandoned for lack of financial support.

2)покидать, оставлять w.-c. to abandon smb — бросить кого-л.

to abandon the sinking ship — покинуть тонущий


e. g. The situation seemed desperate and courage abandoned


3)предаваться чему-л., отдаваться чему-л. w.-c. to abandon oneself to despair — предаваться отчаянию

to abandon oneself to the idea — склоняться к мысли e. g. We must act and not abandon ourselves to despair.

abandoned adj — заброшенный, покинутый; оставленный

e. g. The abandoned drive leading to the gates was swept by the bitter wind.

11. move vt & i — 1) передвигать(ся), двигать(ся)

e. g. The dog was moving cautiously, sniffing the air, but she did not growl or bark.

2)переезжать, переселяться


w.-c. to move into town (into the country) — переехать в город (в сельскую местность)

to move out — выезжать

to move in — въезжать (в квартиру)

In the text:

Then the buildings grow dark and a kind of decay sets in; poorer people move in and small businesses take the place of once flowering establishments.

3)трогать, волновать

e . g . The film moved her deeply. He is easily moved. 4)доводить до какого-либо состояния *

w.-c. to move smb to laughter (tears,anger ) — рассмешить кого-л. (довести до слез,рассердить )

е. g. The sight of Edward, dressed in a frock-coat and the most dismal pepper-and-salt trousers moved Bertha to laughter.

w.-c. to move a resolution (a proposal,a statement) – вносить резолюцию, предложение, делать заявление.

move n – движение, перемена положения, места, ход (в игре),акция(полит.)

w.-c. science on the move-наука в своѐм развитии, knight’s move – ход конѐм(шахм.)

a new move on the part of the government- новые акции(предложения) правительства

movement n — 1) движение

e. g. She didn't stir, it seemed there was no movement in her figure bent over the type-writer.

2)движение, (общественная) деятельность

e. g. The peace movement is being joined by a generation

that has

not experienced the horrors of World War II.


Saying. One false movement may lose the game. — Один неверный шаг может погубить всѐ дело.

В. Word-Combinations

to be true of smth — быть справедливым в отношении чего-л.

In the text:

And here a generality concerning the growth of American cities, seemingly true of all of them I know.

e. g. Mr. Parrish was not difficult to deal with, which was true

of my

other employees.

to set in (smth sets in) — устанавливать, наступать

In the text:

Then the buildings grow dark and a kind of decay sets in.

e.g. They did not go away when the hot weather set in, intending to

stay the summer in London.

to tear down (to pull down) — сносить,


In the text:

The district is still too good to tear down.

e. g. It is forbidden by law to tear down all buildings of historical value.

Exercises to the Obligatory Vocabulary

I. Learn the VN and be ready to translate into Russian and back into English the examples given to illustrate the use of the OV.

II.* Give the English equivalents of the following (written). Consult the VN (A, B).

1.подготовить почву для чего-л.; 2. делать попытки; 3. толпами;

4.оставлять надежду; 5. творить чудеса; 6. утопающий за соломинку хватается; 7. тем или иным способом; 8. уловить дух чего-л.; 9. волноваться; 10. воспользоваться случаем; 11. успеть на поезд; 12. попасть под дождь; 13. задыхаться от волнения; 14. увлекательная


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