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Key text assign. 7

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It was merely ... great big village; and mainly ... mud and ... thatch. ...

streets were muddy, crooked, unpaved. 8. In ... spite of ... war, ... fire and

... Reconstruction, ... Atlanta had again become ... boom town. In ... many ways, ... place resembled ... busy young city of ... Confederacy's early days. 9. Underneath ... surface were ... misery and ... fear, but all ...

outward appearances were those of ... thriving town that was rapidly rebuilding from its ruins, ... bustling, hurrying town. 10. When ... London Bridge was caught with fire, ... City was doomed— for it was covered with ... buildings and as they collapsed they blocked that means of escape.

II* Use the correct form of the verb replacing the infinitive in brackets.

1.At each village they (ask) for news of the fire and (hear) the same thing everywhere: it (take) all the town, (burn) the bridges, churches, houses, (spare) nothing. And the closer they (get) to London the more people they (see) on the roads, all going in the same direction. 2. When they (go) fifteen more miles they (can) see the smoke, a great moving ball that (hang) in the distance. 3. It (be) almost night when they (reach) the city. From far off they (can) hear the roar of the fire. There (be) a continuous echoing thunder as buildings (collapse). From the churches that still (stand), within the city and without, the bells (ring) frantically sounding a wild call of distress that never (cease) since the fire (be discovered) two days and a half before. 4. At first no one (believe) that the fire (be) any more destructive than (be) dozens of fires London (have) every year. It (begin) at two o'clock Sunday morning in Pudding Lane, a narrow little alley near the waterfront, and for hours it (feed) on the tar and coal that (be stored) beside the river. 5. Casey (leave) his car in a garage on F. Street and (walk) around the block past the Treasury building. The softness of evening (drop) over the city like a veil, blurring the sharp edges of daytime. There (be) few people on Pennsylvania Avenue, for Washington, unlike Paris and London, (withdraw) into itself after sunset. 6. It (be) the end of the daily cycle for Washington, which (go to bed) earlier than any other capital in the world. The night baseball game (end) and the last spectators (move) across the outfield grass of the stadium towards the exits. 7. As he (approach) the office he (walk) faster and faster, muttering, "Guess better hustle." All about him the city (hustle), for hustling's sake. Men in motors (hustle) to pass one another in the hustling traffic. Men (hustle) to catch trolleys, with another trolley a minute behind. 8. Nobody should approach Philadelphia, Archer (think), as the train (speed) through the outskirts of the city. It (be) too depressing. It (be) a gray morning and the clouds (hang) low over the wastes of the suburbs. All our cities, Archer (think), peering through the window, (be


surrounded) by belts of apathy. Even the trees (look) desolate, thin and without vitality, as though they (reach) a season in which they (put) forth leaves. 9. As they (turn) the corner into Peachtree Street and she (look) towards Five Points, she (cry out) with shock. Despite all Frank (tell) about the town burning to the ground, she never (visualize) complete destruction. In her mind the town she (love) so well still (stand) full of close-packed buildings and fine houses. But this Peachtree Street she (look upon) (be deprived) of landmarks, it (be) as unfamiliar as if she (not, see) it before.

A Few Talking Points

1.Make a summary of each paragraph in the key text. Point out the key sentences.

2.Make a summary of the key text.

3.Retell the key text.

4.Expand on the idea.

When a city begins to grow and spread outward, from the edges, the center which was once its glory is in a sense abandoned to time.


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