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Shops and shopping

When we want to buy something, we must go to the shop where it is sold. In the shop-window we see what is sold in the shop. Sugar, coffee, salt, pepper, ham, bacon and so on are sold at the grocer’s. Bread, rings, rolls and buns are sold at the baker’s, meat and poultry – at the butcher’s. We go to the greengrocer’s for vegetables and to the fruiterer’s for fruit. Cakes and sweets are sold at the confectioner’s. At the fishmonger’s we can buy fresh , salted, dried, smoked and tinned fish. At the dairy’s there is milk, butter, cheese, margarine, cream and sour cream.

As you come into the shop you can see a salesman or a salesgirl standing behind the counter. The cashier sits at the cashdesk. The customers go up to the counters. The salesman weighs the goods which we want to buy on the scales and tells us the price. At the cashdesk we give the bill and the money to the cashier who gives us a check and our change. The salesman wraps up the goods and gives them to us.

Some shops have many departments where we can buy nearly everything we need. They are called department stores or supermarkets. In some shops there are no shop-assistants but only cashiers. The customers choose the goods they want and pay at the cashdesk. They are called self-service shops.

When we want to buy clothes, we go to the men and ladies outfitter’s. We buy boots and shoes at the boot and shoe shop. We buy jewelry at the jeweller’s. We buy books at the bookseller’s.

Ex.3. Ответьте на вопросы.

1.What is sold at the grocer’s?

2. What can you buy at the baker’s?

3. Where do you buy meat and poultry?

4. What is sold at the fruiterer’s?

5. What do they sell at the fishmonger’s?

6. What is sold at the dairy’s?

7. How are the shops with many departments called?

8. How are the shops without shop-assistants called?

9. Where do we go to buy clothes?

10. Where can we buy boots and shoes?

Ex.4. Закончите предложения.

    1. In the shop-window … .

    2. … at the confectioner’s.

    3. The salesman weighs the goods … .

    4. … gives them to us.

    5. In some shops … .

    6. We buy jewelry … .

Ex.5. Сопоставьте магазины (отделы) с товарами, которые там продают.

1. Knitted wear a. drawing pin, paper clip, blotting paper

2. Haberdashery b. paperback, post stamp, greeting card

3. China and glassware c. vacuum cleaner, bulb, dish-washer

4. Stationery d. living room suite, cabinet

5. Perfumery e. pendant, silverware, candlestick

6. Record department f. cups, plates, vases, teapots

7. Electrical equipment g. muffler, jersy, mittens

8. Newsagent’s h. bric-a-brac, silver bell, “Old Master”

9. Furniture shop i. records

10. Hardware goods j. scissors, tape, ribbons

11. Jeweller’s k. scent, eye-shade, hand cream

12. Antique shop l. knife, screws, watering-can













Ex.6. Назовите 5-10 товаров, которые вы можете купить в:

1) a grocery, 2) a sweet-shop, 3) a butcher’s, 4) a fruiterer’s, 5) a greengrocer’s, 6) a fishmonger’s, 7) an off-license shop, 8) a baker’s.

Ex.7. Прочитайте и переведите.

a) Shops and shopping in London

Oxford Street is one of the biggest and most popular shopping centers in London. Its nice shops and department stores attract people from all over the country and from foreign countries as well.

Shops and department stores are open every day till 6 o’clock except on Sundays. If you can’t go shopping during the day you can make a purchase on Thursday after office hours as the shops close at 8 o’clock in Oxford Street on that day.

There are different kinds of shops in Oxford Street: there are clothes shops and shoe shops, bookshops and dress shops. But many people prefer a department store, as it offers almost everything in one building.

One of the largest department stores in Oxford Street is Selfridge’s. It has about 235 different departments. It is a very expensive department store, that is why most Londoners have to go to cheaper shops: Marks and Spenser’s for clothes and supermarkets for food.

Supermarkets have become very popular with customers. They sell not only food, but also ready-made clothes, toys and other goods. They are self-service shops.

* Сравните в виде таблицы магазины на Оксфорд Стрит и кировские супермаркеты.

Department stores in Oxford Street

Kirov supermarkets

b) Расскажите, что вы узнали о:

1. Oxford Street and its shops. 2. Selfridge’s. 3. Buyer’s purchase.

c) Ответьте на вопросы:

1.Why does Oxford Street attract people from all over England? 2. Why do shops close at 8 o’clock on Thursday in Oxford Street?

d) Прочитайте, переведите и инсценируйте данный диалог, сделав некоторые изменения.

Salesgirl: What kind of suit would you like, sir?

Buyer: I’d like a light suit for summer wear, nothing too modern.

S.: Single- or double-breasted?

B.: Single-breasted, please.

S.: What’s your size, sir?

B.: I’m afraid, I don’t know my English size.

S.: You’ll have to try on this one for size in the fitting-room over there.

B.: I don’t think it’s my size: the jacket is too tight and the trousers are too short.

S.: Yes, I think the suit is one size too small for you, here is another, a size larger. It looks fine on you. It fits you perfectly.

B.: So it does.

S.: It’s of very good quality, it’ll wear for ages.

B.: Will it? That’s nice. How much is it?

S.: It costs …

B.: Well, I think I’ll take it. I like the style and the colour.

S.: Will you pay cash?

B.: Cash, please.

S.: Here is your purchase. Thanks you for coming.

Ex.8. Вставьте подходящие предлоги.


1. – I’d like to buy a dress … better wear.

- Let’s call … the Central Department Store, there’s a good choice … dresses there.

2. – I called … you yesterday morning, but you were out.

- I went shopping … some food.

3. Why do many people prefer supermarkets … small food shops?

4. – I think this coat is the right size … me.

- Yes, it fits you perfectly.


Last Saturday Joan went shopping … clothes. She called … a big shop … ready-made clothes … the 5th Avenue. She wanted to buy a dress … office wear. … the shop she tried … a few dresses … the fitting-room.

When she put … the first dress she saw that it was too short … her. The second dress was longer than the first one but it was too tight. The third dress looked nice … her, it fitted her perfectly but it was green and Joan wanted something … brown, and it cost more than Joan wanted to spend.

Then she called … a small shop and bought a dress. It was the right size and colour and it was not expensive … her. She liked the dress very much.

Ex.9. a) Отгадайте, что это:

  • A fingerless winter glove with only a separate cover for a thumb;

  • A strip of leather or cloth worn round the waist;

  • A thing which is usually wound round one’s neck to keep it warm in cold weather;

  • A part of clothing which may be out up when the frost is severe or cold wind blows;

  • A small bag inserted in a clothing or attached to it.

b) Составьте свое описание одежды или части одежды.

Ex.10. Заполните пропуски глаголами to wear, to dress, to put on.

  1. People don’t … tail-coats nowadays.

  2. He … when his mother called him.

  3. She didn’t want … her raincoat and took an umbrella instead.

  4. Yesterday at her brother’s birthday she … a pretty frock.

  5. She said she would prefer … jeans not skirts.

  6. … this hat. It’s very becoming.

  7. She … her daughter and then … her coat and then left home.

  8. When I get up I always … my dressing gown and slippers.

  9. She always … well.

  10. Do you like … ready-made clothes?

  11. – Is she always … in white? – Yes, she enjoys … white.

Ex.11. Прочитайте, переведите и инсценируйте данный диалог, сделав некоторые изменения.

Lucy: Do you have any pears?

Seller: Yes, over there next to the lemons?

Lucy: How much do they cost?

Seller: 5 dollars for a kilo.

Lucy: I’ll take 2 kilos.

Seller: Would you like anything else?

Lucy: Yes, bananas. How much do they cost?

Seller: Four dollars per kilo.

Lucy: Oh, that’s very expensive. How much are the grapes?

Seller: Black or green?

Lucy: Black, please.

Seller: The black grapes are three dollars per kilo.

Lucy: Good. I’ll take a kilo, please.

Seller: Is that all?

Lucy: Yes.

Seller: Here you are. That’s 13 dollars altogether.

Lucy: Thanks.

Ex.12. Переведите на английский язык.

1.Где можно купить печенье? 2. Персики дорогие? 3. У вас есть сметана, ветчина, баранина и говядина? 4. Сколько стоит килограмм гречневой крупы? 5. Дайте мне полкило копченой рыбы. 6. Где касса? 7. Ты идешь в магазин? 7. Вам следует купить серые перчатки под цвет своей шляпы. 8. Джейн всегда покупает одежду в отделе готовой одежды. 9. На Мэри был надет костюм из твида, отороченный мехом. 10. Туфли на низком каблуке очень удобны для загородной местности. 11. Я купила этот шарф в прошлом месяце. 12. Когда я хожу в театр, я надеваю свое любимое черное платье. 13. Готовая одежда значительно дешевле, чем одежда сшитая на заказ.

Ex.13. Групповая работа: сделайте эскиз своего магазина и его устную рекламу.

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