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Глотова Английский язык

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лидер продаж, привлекать покупателей, хорошее качество, хорошо обученный персонал, получить прибыль, нижнее белье, успешный, хорошее обслуживание.

2. Fill in the table:






to succeed



to train


to change






to vary



3. Are these statements true or false?

1)M&S is only popular with the British.

2)Tom Spenser is the founder of the store.

3)The store started as a small stall in a market selling some clothes.

4)M&S doesn’t sell convenience food.

5)M&S sells high-quality affordable goods.

6)Staff training contributes greatly to M&S’ success.

7)The staff is well looked after.


4. Say as much as you can remember on the following points:

-the history of the store;

-M&S’ best-sellers;

-the keys to success.

5. Compare what you have learnt about M&S with the information about Wal-Mart. Are there any common features?


6. Write a passage about a retailer company which is popular in your country.




Since the Second World War the retail sector (supermarkets in particular) has become one of the biggest and most profitable sectors in international business.


Business: low-price supermarkets

Country of origin:


Company history:




first store opened in Arkansas by brothers Sam

and Bud Walton




becomes a public company on the New York

stock exchange





makes its first acquisition (Mohr-Values Stores)



becomes the biggest retailer in the USA



first international store opens (Mexico City)



becomes the biggest employer in the USA


enters the UK market; becomes the biggest retailer and

employer in the world; has given millions of dollars to charity since its



Number of countries:


Number of employees:

1.3 million

Sales 2002-3:

$244.5 billion


The Wal-Mart motto: LOW PRICES ALWAYS!


The Wal-Mart Cheer: (shouted by employees at the start of every working day)

Give me a W! Give me an A! Give me an L! Give me an M! Give me an A! Give me an R! Give me a T!

What’s that spell?


Who’s number one?

The customer! Always!

The Sundown Rule: Wal-Mart employees are expected to fulfill every request, made by the customer or another store, by sundown on the day they receive it.

The Ten Foot Rule: If a Wal-Mart employee comes within 10 feet of a customer, he/she should look them in the eye, greet them and ask if he/she can help them.


1.Read the company profile of Wal-Mart and find words that mean:

1.a business that anyone can buy shares in.

2.the “place” where you can buy and sell shares in American companies.

3.when one business buys another.

4.a business that specializes in shops and selling things.


2. Answer the questions:

1)What kind of shops are Wal-Mart stores?

2)Where was the first Wal-Mart store outside the USA?

3)When did the company make acquisitions in Britain?

4)Why is Wal-Mart a record-breaking company?

5)How many people work for Wal-Mart?


3. Why should a Wal-Mart employee never do these things?

-Tell a customer that the product they want won’t be available until


-Pass a customer without speaking.

-Think that their first loyalty is to the company.

-Try to make more profit by raising the price of a product?


4. Most supermarkets want to sell food at the lowest possible prices. Think about these factors:

Buying from local/foreign producers.

Buying from small/large producers.

Transporting produce long distances.

Buying organic/non-organic/genetically-modified produce.





Being English used to be so easy. They were one of the most easily identified peoples on earth, recognized by their language, their manners,


their clothes and their tea drinking. It is all much more difficult now when these conventions are dead.

With the end of empire Britain stopped being dominating and the most powerful nation in the world. It’s obvious nowadays that neither

Britain, nor any other nation can single-handedly control the flow of capital that determines well-being of its citizens. Now when the United Kingdom has become an integral part of the United States of Europe, people wonder : What does it mean to be English in the modern world?

If we look in the past, we’ll certainly see the things that created the instantly recognizable Englishman. The fact that they were born on an island rather than on the continent had its effect. The English came from a country where Protestant reformation had put the church firmly in its place. Once upon a time the English knew who they were. They were polite, unexcitable and reserved. They paid attention to a person’s social background and were unable to express their emotions. They couldn’t be called religious, they believed in the value of education and science. They did their duty and honour was one of the most valued features of an Englishman. Marriage and the institution of family were also of great importance to them. And of course, they were famous for their sense of humour.

This is the mentality of today’s grandparents and it differs greatly from the behavior of the younger generation which seems to have considerably assimilated with the Europe. Fashions in food, clothing, music and entertainment are no longer home grown. The youth’s popculture spread through the international mass media and the entire process of globalization make young people from different parts of the world look and think in a similar way.

to recognize – узнавать кого-либо convention – обычай, условность

an integral part – неотъемлемая часть value – ценность, значимость feature –характерная черта

to differ – отличаться behavior – поведение generation – поколение

in a similar way – похожим образом



1. Form adjectives from the following words:

to recognize –

to wonder –

to differ –

attention –

power –

humour –

2. Insert prepositions:

1)My point of view differs considerably ___ my parents’ opinion.

2)My sister pays a lot of attention ___ the latest trends in fashion.

3)Mr. Brown is always recognized ___ his informal manners.

4)The infection spread quickly ___ water.

5)Japan is famous ___ its highly developed IT technologies.


3.Name the most important characteristics identifying an Englishman in the past.

4.Prove the following statements:

1)Political status of Great Britain has changed.

2)In the past an Englishman could be easily identified.

3)The English are losing their national identity.


5. Discuss in groups:

-Do Russian have a strong sense of national identity?

-What is the stereotype image of the Russian?

-Have Russia and the Russian people changed in recent years in similar ways as the English?




Marian Bean, Director of the International Student Office, described the major American values in the following way:


Individuality: Americans are encouraged at an early age to be independent and to develop their own goals in life. They are encouraged not to depend too much on others including their friends, teachers and parents. They are rewarded when they try hard to reach their aims.

Privacy: Americans like their privacy and enjoy spending time alone. Foreign visitors will find American homes open but what is inside the American mind is considered to be private. They won’t let anyone to intervene into their private affairs.

Equality: Americans believe that everyone was created equal and has the same rights. This includes women as well as men of all ethnic and cultural groups living in the USA. Managers, directors, presidents and university instructors are often addressed by their first name.

Time: Americans try to make the best use of their time. In the business world “time is money”. Being “on time” for class, an appointment, or for dinner with your family is very important.

Informality: The American lifestyle is generally casual. Students go to class in shorts and t-shirts. Professors seldom wear a tie and some may even wear blue jeans. Greetings and farewells are usually short, informal and friendly. Students may greet each other with “hi”, “how are you?” and “what’s up?”.

Achievement and hard work: A competitive spirit is often the motivating factor to work harder. Americans try to achieve efficiently the objectives they select and compete with others in their study and career. Americans seem to always be “on the go”, because sitting quietly doing nothing is considered to be a waste of time.

to encourage - поощрять to reward – награждать to reach – достигать

aim, goal, objective - цель privacy – приватность private affairs – личная жизнь

appointment – деловая встреча casual – неформальный, простой

greetings and farewells – приветствия и прощания competitive spirit – дух соревнования

a waste of time – пустая трата времени



1. Give the English for:

иметь равные права, достигать цели, соревноваться с другими, зависеть от других, проводить время одному, образ жизни, пустая трата времени, вмешиваться в частную жизнь, стараться использовать наилучшим образом, быть независимым.

2. Translate the sentences:

1)Americans seem to always be “on the go”, because sitting quietly doing nothing is considered to be a waste of time.

2)Americans try to achieve efficiently the objectives they select.

3)They are encouraged not to depend too much on others including their friends, teachers and parents.

4)Он усердно трудится, чтобы добиться своей цели.

5)Вы не имеете права вмешиваться в частную жизнь других людей.

6)Я стараюсь использовать наилучшим образом деньги, которые я зарабатываю.


3. Complete the sentences without looking into the text:

1) Americans like their privacy and enjoy … . 2) They won’t let anyone to intervene into … . 3) Students go to class in … .

4) Students may greet each other with … .

5) Americans seem to always be … because sitting quietly doing nothing is considered to be … .

4. Answer the questions:

1)What do Americans encourage their children to do?

2)What is privacy for American people?

3)Do Americans believe that different ethnic and cultural groups have different rights?

4)What are usual American greetings and farewells?

5)Why achievement and hard work are so important for Americans?


5. Think, what qualities could be important in the following situations and how they can help a person:


-at a party;

-in class;

-at a business appointment;

-at the meeting with the subordinates;

6. What qualities described in the text:

-you like/don’t like in people?

-would/wouldn’t like to be your own trait of character?


7. Write a passage about most important human values in your country.

Do they differ a lot from American values?

What qualities do people need to be respected and successful in life? To build up a happy family? To build up a career or run a business? Do you possess these qualities?



Immigrants to the USA have to obtain a “green card” if they want to live permanently in the country. After obtaining a green card, immigrants can apply to become full US citizens – a process called “naturalization”.

Naturalization can take from 6 months to 2 years and at the end there is a ceremony where the new citizen takes the Oath of Allegiance to the US. The naturalization process involves an exam set by Immigration and Naturalization service. This consists of an interview, an English dictation test and a written exam with questions about the constitution and history of the USA.

The United States Immigration Service: About Citizenship:

A citizen of the United States is a native-born, foreign born or naturalized person who owes allegiance to the USA and who is entitled to its protection.

As a citizen you get unique rights and privileges which include the right to vote, having a US passport, the US government protection when abroad and the right to petition for green card for your children and close


relatives. As a US citizen you cannot be deported or lose your citizenship even if commit a crime or choose to live elsewhere in the world.

Naturalization is the way immigrants become citizens of the United States. The general requirements for naturalization include:

a period of continuous residence and physical presence in the USA

an ability to speak, write and read English

good moral character

allegiance to the principles of the US Constitution

Some questions from the


1.How many stars are there on the US flag?

2.What colour are the stripes on the US flag?

3.How many states are there in the Union?

4.What is the 4th of July?

5.From what country did the American colonies declare independence?

6.Who was the first President of the United States?

7.Who is the President of the United States today?

8.Who is the Vice President of the United States?

9.For how long do we elect the President?

10.What is the Constitution?

to obtain – to get

permanently – continuingly, constantly to owe – to promise

oath – a solemn promise allegiance – loyalty

to be entitled to – to have the right to possess to petition – to ask for


I. Give the English for:

Совершить преступление, иметь право на что-либо, постоянное проживание, состоять из, включать в себя, общие требования,