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Глотова Английский язык

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1. Guess the meaning of the following word combinations: state-owned business, the dominant economic trend, a badly-run

business, to freeze prices, cost-effective, average standard of living, large-scale, socially important purposes.

2. Give synonyms for:

To lead to, to happen, to give, to spend money unreasonably, aim, to fix prices, effective.

Give antonyms for:

efficient, private company, well run business, to earn money, cheap, to take over, to free prices.

3. What is the English for:

контроль над бизнесом, частный собственник, обратный процесс, успешный и конкурентоспособный, дорогой и неэффективный, переводить деньги в плохо управляемые предприятия, общее благо, вмешиваться в бизнес, рентабельный (оправдывающий затраты), снизить эффективность, коррумпированный, по политическим причинам, контролируемая государством компания, частная компания, быть заинтересованным в извлечении прибыли, привлекать инвестиции из-за границы.


4. Read the introduction and answer the following questions:


What is privatization? What is the opposite process?


When did these two processes happen in Europe?


What are some examples of privatization in Britain? How

successful have they been?

5. Name the main arguments in favour of






nationalization and state control.


6. Work in groups.

Discuss with other students:


-Is it right for the governments to sell off nationalized


-Are some industries more vital for the country than others? Should they be kept under state control?

-Have privatization and nationalization taken place in your country. When? What are the results?


7. Summarize the ideas from the text and express your point of view.

-Explain what privatization and nationalization are.

-Describe the main arguments in favour of each of them.

-Say if you think that a privatization is a good policy.




The USA has a mixed economy, because privately owned business and government both play important roles. Private businesses produce most goods and services, and almost two-thirds of nation’s total commercial output goes to individuals for personal use (the remaining one-third is bought by government and business). The consumer role is so great that American economy is characterized sometimes as

“consumer economy”.

However, like in all modern economies, there are limits to free enterprise and private ownership. For instance, in the United States government is responsible for administration of justice, education (although there are many private schools and training centres), the road system, social statistical reporting and national defence.

Government also provides social and unemployment benefits. It pays much of the cost of medical care for the aged those who live in poverty, it regulates private industry to limit air and water pollution. Besides the US government has ever played the leading role in the space exploration. All of this is paid for by a system of progressive taxation.


Over the last century, the economy of the USA has changed in other ways as well. The population and the labour force have moved from farms to cities, from fields to factories, and, above all, to service industries.

privately owned – частный, находящийся в частной собственности

output – продукция, объем производства

free enterprise – свободное предпринимательство

to be responsible for – нести ответственность за что-либо administration of justice – отправление правосудия defence – оборона, защита

social benefits – пособия по социальной защите unemployment benefits – пособия по безработице medical care – здравоохранение

poverty – бедность

space exploration –исследования космоса


1. Give the English for:

товары и услуги, частный бизнес, смешанная (плановая, рыночная) экономика, потребитель, частная собственность, сфера услуг, рабочая сила, загрязнение воздуха и воды, играть ведущую роль.

2.Fill in the gaps in the table:



to explore




to consume


to regulate





3. Match these

words and word

combinations with the

definitions below:

social benefit, output, to employ, private industry, to explore, progressive taxation


-to give work to somebody;

-to travel into little-known areas (land or sea) in order to learn more;

-that which is produced, the amount of production;

-a system of taxes in which tax rates rise according to a person’s income.

-financial aid (help), which is given to those who live in


-a business belonging to an individual or a small group and run without government aid;


4. Finish the sentences and translate them into Russian:

1)The USA has a mixed economy, because …

2)Private businesses produce …

3)The consumer role is so great that …

4)In the United States government is responsible for …

5)The US government provides …

6)The US government regulates …

7)The US government plays the leading role in …

8)The taxation system in the USA is …, which means …

5. Answer the questions:

1)What type of economy does the US economy belong to?

2)Why is the US economy called “consumer economy”?

3)What areas are controlled by the government?

4)Why is it important to regulate private industries?

5)What type of taxation system is there in the USA?

6)In what industry is the most part of labour force employed nowadays?


Economy of the United States






$14.660 trillion (2010)

GDP growth



GDP per capita


$47,132 (2010)



2.1% (February 2010-11)






8.9% (February 2011)





$1.280 trillion f.o.b (2010)

Export goods


- agricultural products



(soybeans, fruit, corn) 9.2%,



- industrial supplies (organic



chemicals) 26.8%,



- capital goods (transistors,



aircraft, motor vehicle parts,



computers, telecommunications



equipment) 49.0%,



- consumer goods (automobiles,



medicines) 15.0%

Main export partners


Canada, 13.2%; Mexico, 8.3%;



China, 4.3%; Japan, 3.3%.



$1.948 trillion c.i.f. (2010)

Import goods


agricultural products 4.9%,



industrial supplies 32.9%



(crude oil 8.2%),



capital goods 30.4% (computers,



telecommunications equipment,



motor vehicle parts, office



machines, electric power



machinery), consumer goods



31.8% (automobiles, clothing,



medicines, furniture, toys)

Main import partners


China, 15.4%; Canada, 11.6%;



Mexico, 9.1%; Japan, 4.9%;



Germany, 3.7%.






Public finances



$2.162 trillion (2010)



$3.456 trillion (2010)


6.Explain how you understand the following:

-consumer economy;

-progressive taxation;

-mixed economy;

-social and unemployment benefits.

7.Use the table to tell about the economic environment in the USA for the year 2010






Britain’s National Health Service (the NHS) is funded by the government, and is the biggest employer in Europe, with 1.2 million


employees. But nursing recruitment in the UK is at its worst level for 25 years, and 40% of nurses come from overseas, often from South East Asia. In 2001 the Royal College of Nursing published the results of a survey of its members. These are some of the key results:

Most nurses work both day and night shifts.

Three fifth of NHS nurses work about 6.5 hours overtime per week. One third do this for no extra pay.

90% think that they are poorly paid.

A quarter have a second job to supplement their salary.

The biggest age group is 35-44. Only 1 in 8 nurses is under 30.

31% would leave nursing if they could.


1.Read the text and find words that mean:

1)someone who gives a job.

2)people who do a job for someone else.

3)bringing new people into a profession.

4)blocks of time that you work.

5)extra work outside your normal hours.

6)the money that you earn from your job.


2.Find the right statistics.

1)How many people work for NHS?

2)What percentage of new nurses are from outside the UK?

3)What is the average length of nurses’ overtime per week?

4)What percentage of nurses think they are well-paid?

5)What percentage of new nurses have another job?

6)what age are 7/8 of nurses?

Guardian Unlimited

Nurses desert NHS for good life

Eighteen months ago Katie Morgan lived in a cramped council house in Torbay and traveled to work at the local hospital in a small old car that


often refused to start. Now she lives in a large house with a swimming pool in Phoenix, Arizona, and has two new cars. ………………..

Figures from the UK Central Council for Nursing show that 5,500 nurses emigrated last year.

Morgan,26, earned £14,000 a year at Torbay hospital’s cardiology department, but instantly doubled her salary in the United states. “Once you are here for a while, it is possible to increase your pay almost without limit – it’s not capped like in the UK,” she said. “………………..”. But here you are seen as a professional and paid a professional salary.”

Such magazines as the Nursing Times include several pages of advertisements persuading nurses to leave the UK. Nurses going to work in the USA have their flights paid and receive green cards for their families. ………………..

The only disadvantage is two weeks’ holiday a year, compared with seven in Britain. “………………..,” said Morgan. “I’m never going to go back, not in a million years!”

to cap – to put an upper limit on cramped – with very little space green card – US immigration permit

3.Read the newspaper article and place the sentences A-D in the gaps 1- 4.

1.But I couldn’t afford to go anywhere on holiday, so I just sat at


2.I feel really sorry for my friends back home. They work so hard and don’t get rewarded for it.

3.They get starting salaries of up to $56,000 – almost £40,000.

4.She is a part of growing number of nurses deserting terrible NHS pay and conditions for better pay and conditions overseas


4. Complete the table about Katie Morgan’s life.


18 months ago




Torbay, England







Type of house









£ …


$ …


… weeks per year


… weeks per year





5. Match the words with their definitions.


1. ward

a. a senior doctor, a specialist

2. patient

b. a hospital department for seriously ill

3. intensive care



4. records

c. papers showing someone’s medical

5. consultant



6. admission

d. a room with beds in a hospital


e. someone who

has just entered the


f. someone who is being looked after

Listening 9a

6. Listen to Jenny, a senior nurse, talking about her typical working day in hospital and answer the questions:

1)What type of ward does she work on?

2)How is the shift system organized?

3)How many beds do they have?

4)What time do the doctors see the patients on the wards?

5)What does she do in the afternoons?

6)What is the last thing she does before going home?


7. Does the government pay for health care in your country, as in the UK, or do patients have to pay, as in the USA? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each system?





Marks and Spenser (M&S) is Britain’s favourite store. Tourists love it too. It attracts a great variety of customers, from housewives to millionaires. Last year it made a profit of £529 million, which is more than £10 million a week.

How did it all begin?

It all started more than a hundred years ago, when a young Polish immigrant, Michael Marks, had a stall in Leeds market. He didn’t have many things to sell: some cotton and wool, lots of buttons and shoelaces.

Above his stall he put the now famous notice: DON’T AKS HOW MUCH – IT’S A PENNY! Ten years later he met Tom Spenser and together they started Penny Stalls in many towns in the north of England. Today there are 564 branches of M&S all over the world – in America, Canada and in Europe.

What are the best-sellers?

Surprisingly, tastes in food and clothes are international. What sells well in Paris sells just as well in Newcastle. Their best selling clothes are:

for women: jumpers, bras and knickers (M&S is famous for its knickers!);

for men: shirts, socks, pyjamas, dressing gowns; for children: underwear and socks.

Best-sellers in food include: fresh chickens, bread, vegetables. Chicken Kiev is internationally the most popular convenience food.

Why is M&S so successful?

The store bases its business on three principles: good price, good quality and good service. Also it changes with the times – once it was all jumpers and knickers and now it’s food, furniture and flowers as well.

But perhaps the most important key to its success is its happy, welltrained staff. Conditions of work are excellent. There are company’s doctors, dentists, hairdressers, and even chiropodists to look after the staff, and all the staff can have a lunch for under 40p!


1. Give the English for: