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What are anabolic steroids?

Anabolic steroids are synthetic variations of the male hormone, testosterone. People do not abuse anabolic steroids for the same reason as other drugs. They want to be stronger and look better, and take anabolic steroids to stimulate muscle growth. Very often young people take steroids without being aware of the dangers. Typically, steroids are taken in cycles of 4 to 18 weeks, and then stopped. But when steroid and training stop, muscles fade away. Uncontrollable aggression, emotional confrontation with family or friends, are commonly reported as side effects of steroids.

What are hallucinogens?

Hallucinogens – both natural and synthetic – are substances that excite the central nervous system, and alter the mind, usually causing euphoric feelings and sometimes severe depression. A user may speak of “seeing sounds and hearing colors”. Acute anxiety, restlessness and sleeplessness are common, until the drug wears off.

What is lsd?

LSD is probably the best known and most potent hallucinogen. It is sold on the streets in tablets, capsules, and liquid. It is odorless, colorless, tasteless. It is often added to absorbent materials – such as paper, sugar cubes and small decorated squares. The effects of LSD are unpredictable. They depend on the amount taken, the user’s personality, mood, and expectations. The user feels the effects of the drug 30 to 90 minutes after digestion.LSD users experience severe terrifying thoughts and feelings, fear of losing control, fear of insanity or death, and despair.

b) Work in groups. Make a chart to systemize the information about drugs.

c) Suppose you are working for an anti-drug campaign and your task is to prepare a 3-minute talk for the meeting with local teenagers. Work in groups. Use the information from the chart and prepare your speech and/or presentation.

Task 22. a) Read the text.

The behavior detective.

Have you ever wanted to a detective? Would you like to ”read” other people’s body language? This short guide will soon help you spot a few clues.

Evidence about how we feel can often be found in our hands and face, even if we try to hide it. For example, try asking a few people to smile at you. Can you tell if their smiles are genuine or fake? No? Look at the corners of their eyes. If small wrinkles can be seen, then it may be a “real” smile. If you can’t see any wrinkles, it can’t be a genuine smile.

A good detective can also spot lies. If someone is being honest, he/she can look you directly in the eyes. Another simple clue is that people often touch their mouths when a lie is told. As people get older, it’s possible that they may touch their noses, rather than their mouths.

Can you see people whose arms are folded tightly across their chest? This makes a barrier between them and the rest of the world. If someone has his thumbs up, you can be sure that he is feeling confident. However, if his hands are closed in tight fists, he is feeling angry, so be careful!

b) Work in groups. Discuss what the body language below may/might/could mean. Compare your ideas.

1. A girl is fiddling with her hair or jewellery.

2. A boy can’t look you straight in the eyes when he is telling you something.

3. A woman has covered her whole face with her hands.

4. A man is sitting with his hands behind his head.

5. A girl has her mouth open wide and is covering it with her hands.

c) 1. Can you read other people’s body language easily? Give examples.

2.What is the most common sign in your body language or the body language of your friends?

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