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Учебник по английскому, часть 1.docx
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Студент пытался провезти в желудке кило кокаина

Таможенники в аэропорту Манчестера были поражены, увидев прилетевшего чернокожего студента. Парень бережно поддерживал руками свой живот, вздутый, как у женщины на пятом месяце беременности.

Подозрительного субъекта задержали и просветили на рентгене. Оказалось, что в желудке у него запрятано 67 упаковок с кокаином общим весом 1 килограмм. Содержимое желудка пассажира по стоимости тянуло на 300 тысяч евро – абсолютный рекорд. Наркокурьеров с такой богатой «начинкой» британцам ловить ещё не приходилось.

Студент заявил, что понятия не имел, что это наркотики. «Я думал, глотаю что-то другое и провезу в Британию в виде подарка другу», - лепетал задержанный. Ответом ему был дружный смех таможенников.


Task 21. Complete the following sentences:

1. The customs formalities include . . .

2. To declare an item is to …

3. The points of the declaration must be answered . . .

4. The passenger is to fill in . . .

5. The passenger must also declare . . .

6. Personal belongings are brought in and . . .

7. If the passenger understates the value of the article . . .

8. Undeclared foreign currency in cash found . . .

9. The customs officer may ask the passenger to open . . .

10. The owner of the baggage must answer . . .

11. The declaration must be kept . . .

Task 22. Make up short dialogues between a customs officer and a passenger discussing the following points:

      1. the formalities through which incoming/outgoing passengers must pass;

      2. the main points of the declaration;

      3. the way the declaration should be filled in;

      4. prohibited, restricted and dutiable articles.

Task 23. Get ready to speak on the topic. Use the vocabulary of the unit.

Communication activities.

Task 24. What questions would you ask passengers on arrival?

  • Where have you arrived from?

  • What time is it by your watch?

  • What’s the purpose of your visit?

  • Are you travelling alone?

  • Do you use any drugs?

- Where did you buy your ticket?

- What type of business are you involved in?

- What is your wife’s name?

- Is this all your baggage?

- What is your occupation?

  • What is your home address?

  • Is it real turquoise in your ring?

Task 25. The class is to be divided into four or five groups. The teacher will give you an article about the Customs. The article is divided into a similar number of parts. Each group will receive one part of the article and try to estimate the position of their part in the article as a whole (whether it is likely to be from the beginning middle or en). The class negotiates the reassembling of the article. The group believing themselves to have the first part of the article retells it for the rest of the class to record the essential points. The group believing themselves to have the second piece follows and so on. The class then goes on to discuss whether or not the correct order has been established. When an agreement is reached, each student should attempt to write the summary of the article in full and discuss the possible contents of the article.

Task 26. Make up short dialogues discussing the following points:

1) the formalities through which incoming/outgoing passengers must pass;

2) the main points of the declaration;

3) dutiable, prohibited and restricted articles.