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Text 14 Duties and quotas

A tariff ( or a duty) is a tax imposed on goods. In export operations it is called export duty. Import duty is imposed on goods when they are brought into a country.

A quota is the maximum quantity of a product allowed into a country during a certain period of time.


export duty – экспортная пошлина

import duty –импортная пошлина

to impose a duty – облагать товар пошлиной

tax - налог


Task 1. Give synonyms to the following word:




Task 2. Give anonyms to the following words:




Task 3. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions.

1. A tariff is a tax imposed … goods.

2. When they are brought … a country.

3. A quota is the maximum quantity … a product allowed … a country … a certain period … time.

Task 4. True or false?

1. A tariff (or a quota) is a tax imposed on goods.

2. Import duty is imposed on goods when they are taken out of the country.

3. A quota is the minimum quantity of a service allowed into a country during a year.

Task 5. Finish up the following sentences and translate them into Russian.

1. A tariff (or a duty) is … .

2. In export operations it … .

3. A quota is … .

Task 6. Which one isn’t the same?

1. tariff, time, during, goods, tax;

2. is, the, am, are;

3. impose, allow, product, create.

Task 7. Unscramble the sentences.

1. on, duty, a, imposed, a, is, tax, a, goods, tariff.

2. brought, when, on, import, are, a, is, duty, they, into, goods, country, imposed.

Task 8. Answer the following questions.

1. What is a tariff?

2. What is it called in case of export and in case of import?

3. What is a quota?

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