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ESP Textiles and Dressmaking.doc
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III Answer the questions:

  1. When did people begin to think about clothing?

  2. What were the first clothes made from?

  3. What caused wearing fur?

  4. What was used to tie pieces of fur?

  5. How did ancient people use an animal sinew?

  6. What way did lacing skills get better?

  7. What tool preceded an eyed needle?

  8. What was the second important invention in ancient sewing?

  9. How was the first yarn developed?

  10. What is spinning?

IV Complete the sentences with the words from the text:

1. … is a process of making yarn.

  1. The process of interlacing yarns to create a cloth is called … .

  2. … is a machine used for weaving.

  3. … are those ones made from natural material.

  4. … a thin thread of a natural or artificial origin.

V Find the English equivalents to the words:

Голка з вушком, стебель, стовбур, сплутаний, шнурування, розтягнутий, ткацький верстат, прясти, волокно, джерело

VI Make up sentences with the terms:

A sinew, to punch holes, an awl, a sewing plate, a continuous strand, to spin fibres, to interlace yarn

VII Give definitions to the words:

A sinew, an awl, a thimble, a string, a cloth, a fibre, a needle

VIII Translate the sentences into English:

  1. З давніх часів люди шукали спосіб створювати одяг.

  2. Перший одяг був напевно виготовлений з тваринних шкір.

  3. Щоб зв’язати шматки майбутнього одягу використовувалась виноградна лоза.

  4. Тваринні сухожилля також були гарним способом для зв’язування.

  5. За допомогою шила стародавні люди пробивали дірки в шкірі та протягували сухожилля крізь них.

  6. Пізніше був винайдений наперсток та швацька пластина.

  7. Пряжу виготовляли, скручуючи волокна.

  8. Перші ткацькі верстати були невеликими та зручними для первісних суспільств.

IX Speak on the topic using the following words and word-combinations:

To make clothes, a vine, to tie, a sinew, an awl, to push holes, an eyed needle, to twist yarns, spinning, to interlace yarns, weaving, a loom, to use natural fibres


I Read and remember:

  1. tailored – розкроєний, шитий

  2. draped – драпірований, зі складками

  3. composite – змішаний, комбінований

  4. a toggle – ґудзик (дерев’яний)

  5. knotted – зав’язаний, затягнутий

  6. fringed – бахромчатий

  7. raveling – розшарування, обсипання

  8. a sasher – стрічка, пояс

  9. to wrap – обмотувати, замотувати

  10. a hip – стегно

II Read the text and define the main idea of it:

The Development of Garment Styles

Almost all clothes are constructed in one of three basic ways: tailored, draped, or composite. These three garment styles appear today in almost all cultures. However, the actual form they take varies with cultures.

The tailored garments are cut and sewn to fit the human body. Examples of tailored garments include suits, pants and fitted jackets.

The development of woven fabric led to the second major clothing construction method, the draped garment. Draped garments are created from an uncut piece of fabric that is draped, wrapped, or hung on the body.

Draped garments can fit tightly or loosely. Pins, buttons, toggles and belts or sashers are used to hold them in place. Fabric squares and rectangles are neither cut nor sewn to make draped garments.

Early woven fabrics were most commonly used to make draped garments. In part, this is because woven fabrics take a long time to weave by hand. As a result, people probably decided to drape the fabric whenever possible rather than cut it. The unfinished edges could then be knotted or fringed when they are removed from the loom to prevent raveling. Cutting fabric also takes time and draping is simpler and faster.

Draped clothes have other advantages. A large square or rectangular piece of fabric can take on a variety of shapes, depending on how it is draped. The same piece of fabric can be wrapped to give several different looks, or to serve several purposes. For example, it could be used at different times as a garment, a bed covering, or for carrying things.

In many cultures, draped garments appear in many different styles. Ancient Egyptians wore a draped garment called a schenti.

Greeks wore chitons and himations, and Romans wore togas and stolas. Today women in India wear saris, and men wear dhotis. Both are draped garments. In Arab cultures, people often wear draped garments to protect themselves from the heat.

In composite garments, material is shaped and sewn to hang loosely on the body. Sometimes the material is even left, or an uncut piece is sewn into a large-shaped piece. Composite garments always hang loosely on the body. The garment may hang from the head, shoulders, waist, or hips.

In American culture, tunics, some skirts and bathrobes are composite garments. Chinese robes, Japanese kimonos, Peruvian ponchos, and Plains Indians blanket tunics are often examples of composite garments.

Caftans, worn in many cultures are also composite garment.

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