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DESIGN 2010.doc
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III Make up a plan of the text.

IV Translate the paragraph in italics in a written form.

V Questions for discussion:

  1. What is video design?

  2. Where and how can video design be implied?

  3. What influenced the development of this area of design?

  4. What computer programs are used in motion design field?

  5. What skills are needed to become a video designer?

  6. What kinds of media files do you know?

  7. What can be created inside those files?

  8. What properties do the layers have?

  9. How do the layers merge with each other?

  10. What is one of the basic principles in computer animation?

VI Render the text in brief in a written form.


I Mind the following words and word-combinations:

    1. optical filtering – оптична фільтрація

    2. to diminish – зменшувати, скорочувати

    3. wavelength – довжина хвилі

    4. positive transparency – позитивний діапозитив

    5. post-processing – подальша обробка

    6. superiority – перевага

    7. highlighting – висвітлення, привернення уваги

    8. shadow – тінь

    9. exposure latitude – допустимий інтервал витримок при зйомці; інтервал експозиції

    10. archival storage – архівне зберігання

II Listen to the text and decide if the statements are true or false:

  1. Film, optics and photographic paper give the opportunity to capture shadow and highlight details.

  2. Colour photography displays the classic monochrome look.

  3. Digital imaging is a highly manipulative medium.

  4. Black-and-white photography became available in the mid 1800s.

  5. 68 percent of professional photographers prefer analogue photography because of the wide exposure latitude of film.

III Listen to the text again and be ready to answer the questions:

  1. Why do more than two-thirds of professional photographers prefer the results of analogue photography?

  2. How does colour photography form images?




I Listen and remember the following words:

    1. identity – індивідуальність, особливість

    2. evolve – розвивати

    3. perceive – розуміти, сприймати

    4. regardless – незважаючи на, не беручи до уваги

    5. advertisement – реклама, оголошення

    6. duly – належним чином

    7. merchandise – товари, торгівля

II Read and remember the following phrases:

    1. corporate identity – корпоративний, фірмовий стиль

    2. colour scheme – гамма кольору

    3. legal entity – юридична особа / компанія

    4. press release – повідомлення для преси, прес комюніке

    5. set of guidelines – комплекс корпоративних елементів

    6. crucial component – вирішальний (ключовий) компонент

III Read and translate the following text:

Corporate identity

Corporate identity is a symbol. It can be as simple as a colour scheme or a word, written in a certain way or even a picture.

The concept of corporate identity and its management evolve over the last 50 years, and programs are now used in most large organizations, in the private as well as the public sector.

Corporate identity manifests itself in many ways. It’s a corporate title, logo (logotype or logogram), and supporting devices. They are commonly assembled within a set of guidelines.

Every organization, regardless of its size, has a corporate identity, and it can be either formal or informal. It allows customers, suppliers and staff to recognize, understand and clearly describe the organization.

The function of corporate identity consists in reflecting of the organization, its goals in a consistent and positive manner.

Corporate communication, corporate image, and corporate reputation are the fundamental variables in the process of managing corporate identity. It is the unique, individual personality of the company that differentiates it from other companies.

Usually, a company focuses on providing uniform communications which present the corporation in a positive light. These communications also encourage consumers to think of the company when they need a specific product or service. Communications include things like advertisements, press releases, news features, and phone services. Finally, corporate behavior and ethics are a crucial component of corporate identity. Since some consumers actually base their buying habits on how companies act, many companies focus on presenting a very specific image.

Today there are many corporations, agencies, legal entities, products, brands, services and other using an ideogram (sign, icon) or an emblem (symbol) or a combination of sign and emblem as a logo. As a result, only a few of the thousands of ideograms are recognized without name. It is sensible to use an ideogram as a logo, even with the name, if people do not duly identify it. The company, such as McDonald’s, has its own identity that runs through all of its products and merchandise. The trademark ‘M’ logo and the yellow and red colour appears consistently throughout the McDonald’s packaging and advertisements.

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