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3LESSON THREE In the chemical laboratory.doc
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In my opinion. As far as I know. I believe/suppose. It is said that.

  1. Chemists often function as detectives with molecules as their suspect. Each molecule can be identified by its own unique behavior.

  2. To learn the nature of chemistry is possible only through your own experience.

  3. “… those sciences are vain (пусты,напрасны) and full of errors which are not born from experiment, the mother of all certainty…” Leonardo da Vinci.

Exercise 4. Prove that:

    1. A well equipped laboratory is the base of every successful experiment.

    2. Lab accessories are not less important than basic ones.

    3. The work in the chemical lab requires cleanliness.

Exercise 5. Ask your group-mates questions concerning:

  • the organization of a chemistry laboratory;

  • the equipment of a laboratory;

  • the instruments and tools;

  • the laboratory glassware;

  • the rules of the work in the laboratory.

Exercise 6. Get ready to speak on the topic “In the chemistry laboratory” using ex.5 as an outline.

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