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10 Old and new tourism

Today’s tourists are leaving the high-rise hotels and European comforts. Instead they are looking for more authentic experiences. The change from old tourism to new tourism did not happen suddenly. Interest in the traditional two-week sun and sea package holiday fell gradually towards the end of the last century. Individual tailor-made or independent holidays-such as fly-drive – have steadily become more popular. Nowadays people are taking shorter yet more diverse holidays. Long-haul flights are increasing and are making faraway places easier to get to. More and more tourists are looking for adventure, activity, and authenticity. Adventure travel, ecotourism, cultural tours, and sport vacation are taking people to more exotic destinations.

11 Reasons for travel

People travel for many different reasons. In the tourism industry we divide the reasons for travel into three main categories: leisure tourism, business tourism, and visiting friends and relatives (usually abbreviated to VFR). Leisure tourism can mean anything from excursions, day trips, and weekend breaks to package holidays, pleasure cruises, and longer independent trips such as hill walking or treks in the mountains. Business tourism includes any travel away from one's main place of residence, for such events as meetings, conferences, and trade fairs. Travel in order to visit friends or family relatives is also regarded as part of the tourism industry.

8 Putting a package together

Package holidays, which are also known as package tours, include all of the components necessary for a complete vacation: 1.transport to and from the destination 2. transfers between the airport I station I port and hotel 3. food and accommodation at the destination 4. other services such as a guide or holiday 'rep'. The professionals who bring these elements together to create a holiday are called tour operators. They buy in advance and in bulk from the principles: airlines, shipping lines, hoteliers, and so on. In the past tour operators sold almost entirely through travel agents, but today they also use direct selling, because direct sell operators do not have to pay commission to a travel agent. Many smaller tour operators, for example, prefer to deal directly with their clients. big operators, the mass market operators, produce lowcost holidays to traditional sea, sun, and sand destinations like Spain, Greece, or Turkey.

28 Action and adventure

Bungee jumping in New Zealand.

Bungee jumping or jumping from a great height on the elastic cord - Entertainment in New Zealand is incredibly popular. This, no doubt, contribute to the country's natural features - picturesque landscapes and numerous hills.

The most famous bridge for bazhdi jumping schitaetsya- Auckland Bridge. Eight-bridge across the Waitemata (Waitemata Harbour) - is one of the sights of Auckland. Auckland bridge - the longest bridge in the North Island, with a length of 1,020 meters. However, tourist bridge is of interest primarily because it is possible to make a bungee jump. There is also a TV Tower Sky Tower - the tallest building in the Southern Hemisphere. Its height is 328 meters. Auckland Sky Tower is visible from the palm as if it is an ideal place for jumping fans to experience the thrill. Auckland Sky Tower - is one of the tallest towers in the world, with which you can jump.