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оскільки на запитання What do you like? відповідь має бути не Mary, а Mary to sing - як Марія співає. Саме тому, що цей комплекс має в своєму складі інфінітив і вживається у функції додатка (object), він називається складним додатком (complex object) або об’єктним інфінітивним комплексом (objective infinitive complex).

Першою частиною цього комплексу може бути не тільки іменник, а й особовий займенник в об’єктному відмінку.

I like her to sing. – Мені подобається, як вона співає.

Складний додаток вживається після дієслів, що виражають:

а) сприймання за допомогою органів чуттів: to see -

бачити, to hear - чути, to feel - почувати, to watch, to observe -

спостерігати, to notice - помічати… Після цих дієслів інфінітив у складному додатку вживається без частки to:

He saw Helen cry. – Він бачив, що Олена плаче.

b) наказ, прохання, дозвіл, пораду, примус: to order -

наказувати, to ask, to request - просити, to allow, to permit - дозволяти, to advice - радити, to cause, to force, to make -

примушувати, to let - веліти, дозволяти. Після дієслів to make і to let інфінітив вживається без частки to:

We made him work. – Ми примусили його працювати.

He allowed us to come in.

Він дозволив нам увійти.









Exercise 1. Translate into Ukrainian:

1. Nobody noticed him leave the room. 2. I heard somebody speak in the next room. 3. I felt him tremble. 4. I saw him cross the street. 5. We did not see her enter the room. 6. I made Pete wait outside. 7. I watched him climb through the window, and then I

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called the police. 8. He felt it to be true. 9. During the experiment we saw the temperature fall rapidly. 10. I heard the door of the entrance hall open and close softly.

Exercise 2.Complete the sentences using Complex Object. E.g. “Bring me a book”, said my brother to me.

My brother wanted me to bring him a book. 1. The teacher said to the pupils: “Learn the rule”. The teacher

wanted … 2. The man said: “My son will study mathematics.” – The man wanted… 3. “Fix the shelf in the kitchen,” my father said to me. - My father wanted… 4. “It will be very good if you study English,” said my mother to me. – My mother wanted… 5. “Don’t eat ice cream before dinner,” said our mother to us. – Our mother did not want… 6. “Come to my birthday party,” said Kate to her classmates.

– Kate wanted… 7. “Bring me some water from the river, children,” said our grandmother. – Our grandmother wanted… 8. The biology teacher said to her pupils: “Collect some insects in summer.” – The biology teacher wanted…

Exercise3. Paraphrase the sentences using Complex Object.

1. I should like to see how he would say it to my face. 2. I expect that you will join our excursion. 3. We had not expected that she would reply, but she did. 4. We knew that he was a clever man. 5. I don’t like it that you repeat this nonsense. 6. I hate it when people speak so critically. 7. We expect that everybody will be ready by seven. 8. We did not expect that he would return so soon. 9. They showed themselves even more narrow-minded than we had expected they would be. 10. I know that she will send me a letter.

Exercise 4. Translate into English.

1. Я люблю, коли діти сміються. 2. Я ненавиджу, коли ти забуваєш свої обов`язки. 3. Йому подобалось, коли я розмовляла англійською мовою. 4. Вчитель не зміг примусити його

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переписати вправу. 5.Коли ти примусиш свого сина робити зарядку? 6. Вона не розраховувала, що вони повернуться так пізно. 7. Він знав, що вона дуже добра людина. 8. Ми сподівалися, що міністр відповість відразу. 9. Мені б хотілося, щоб ви приїхали до нас. 10. Хочете, я дам вам мій словник? 11. Я б не хотів, щоб ви загубили мою книжку. 12. Вона не хоче, щоб її чекали.

Exercise 5. Compare the sentences.

I saw him enter.

I saw him entering.

I heard her speak.

I heard her speaking.

I felt him tremble.

I felt him trembling.

A.E.g. He was reading in the garden. She saw him.

She saw him reading in the garden.

1. The students were writing a paper. The teacher watched them. 2. I watched the sun. It was rising. 3. She heard him. He was singing an English song. 4. I watched the rain. It was beating down the flowers in the garden. 5. Didn’t you see her? She was smiling at you. 6. They were talking about computers. He heard them. 7. The ship was leaving the port. He stood and looked at it. 8. We saw Ben. He was crossing the square.

B. E.g. He dropped his bag. I saw it. I saw him drop his bag.

1. I saw him. He pointed to the picture on the wall. 2. I heard him. He shut the door of the study. 3. We saw that the children climbed to the tops of the trees. 4. He slipped and fell. I saw it. 5. I heard that she suddenly cried out loudly. 6. I saw that he opened the door and left the room. 7. She dropped the cup on the floor and broke it. I saw it. 8. Shall we hear it if the telephone rings?

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

1. Я чув, як він відчиняє двері. 2. Я чув, як він відчинив двері. 3. Ми побачили, що вона перепливає річку. 4. Ми побачили, що вона переплила річку. 5. Я не помітила, як він поклав листа на

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стіл. 6. Ми спостерігали, як він підійшов до вікна, зупинився, розгорнув журнал і почав читати. 7. Ми бачили, як вона виходила з дому. 8. Ми чули, як вони весело сміються в сусідній кімнаті. 9. Чи ви помітили, що він пішов? 10. Хлопчик спостерігав, як кішка намагається відчинити двері. 11. Він почув, як на вулиці плаче чиясь дитина. 12. Я не чув, як вони розмовляли. 13. Я бачив, що вчитель прийшов. 14. Чи ви помітили, що вони сміються?

Exercise 7. Read and learn.

I must


my hair cut.


my watch repaired.

I want to


my photo taken.

I am going to



a new coat made.





your hair cut?

Have you


your watch repaired?

your photo taken?





a new coat made?



your hair cut?

did you have

your watch repaired?


your photo taken?




a new coat?



your hair cut?

Where do you


your watch repaired?


your photo taken?




a new coat made?




Exercise 8. Translate:

1. They had some dinner brought. 2. I must have these shoes mended. 3. I shall have my son be taught music. 4. I must have my hair cut tomorrow. 5. I have just had my photograph taken and think you might like to get one. 6. I meant to have this dress altered but I never did. 7. Have this carpet spread on the floor. 8. I shall have your

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things brought and unpacked at once. 9. I want to have my watch repaired. 10. She has had no photographs of herself taken since her childhood.

Exercise 9. Translate into English.

1. Я хочу, щоб це правило вивчили. 2. Я чув, як хтось постукав у двері. 3. Я змушу його принести книгу завтра. 4. Вони чекали, що ми приймемо участь в обговорюванні. 5. Ми хотіли, щоб вони досягли успіху. 6. Я не хотіла, щоб ви вчили цей текст напам’ять. 7. Я не люблю, коли діти залишаються наодинці. 8. Я не виношу, коли гублять ключі. 9. Де ви стрижетесь? 10. Я знаю, що ваш брат – кращий учень школи. 11. Вчора він сфотографувався. 12. Погана погода змусила нас повернутися додому. 13. Всі знають, що вона дуже смілива. 14. Ми бачили, як він перейшов через дорогу. 15. Коли вам відремонтували машину? 16. Мені хочеться, щоб ви зайшли до мене сьогодні ввечері. 17. Мій батько хоче, щоб я вивчив дві іноземні мови. 18. Ми розраховували, що ви поїдете з нами на південь. 19. Я хочу, щоб ці книги були прочитані.

Exercise 10. Translate into English using Complex Object. 1. Мама хотіла, щоб я полила квіти. 2. Я бачив, як вона перейшла вулицю. 3. Вчитель хоче, щоб це правило вивчили. 4. Я чув, як хтось постукав у двері. 5. Коли ти полагодиш свій годинник? 6. Я знаю, що ваш брат хворий. 7. Його батьки не розраховували, що після школи він піде до університету. 8. Ми б хотіли, щоб вони досягли успіху. 9. Я примусила її вивчити цей вірш напам`ять. 11. Я знаю, що вона найкраща студентка. 12. Вона чула, як хтось увійшов у кімнату. 13. Я б хотіла, щоб ви провели літо з нами. 14. Я не люблю, коли діти залишаються самі. 15. Лікар примусив його прийняти ліки. 16. Він не хоче, щоб ти підстригався. 17. Вона не чула, як заплакала дитина. 18. Чи ви бачили, щоб хто-небудь упав? 19. Чому ви сфотографувались? 20. Холодний вітер примусив його одягнути

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пальто. 21. Він розраховує, що я йому напишу. 22. Коли ти підстрижешся? 23. Я хочу, щоб цю музику грали щодня. 24. Чи чула мати, що хлопчики так сказали? 25. Чи ви бачили, щоб хтонебудь вийшов з кімнати? 26. Мені хотілося б, щоб робота була закінчена до неділі. 27. Я терпіти не можу, коли ламають речі. 28. Чи ви бачили, щоб хто-небудь говорив з ним? 29. Я примушу тебе добре вчитися. 30. Я хочу, щоб робота була зроблена.

Суб`єктний інфінітивний комплекс. (Складний підмет) (Complex Subject)

Присудок, виражений в Passive Voice.

He is said to know six languages

Говорять, що він знає шість мов. He was said to know six languages.

Говорили, що він знає шість мов. He is said to have gone to London.

Говорять, що він поїхав у Лондон. He was said to have gone to London.

Говорили, що він поїхав у Лондон.

Наступна таблиця допоможе перекладати речення, які містять Complex Subject (Passive Voice).

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He was said to work a lot.


Казали, що він багато працює.

…was seen to…


Бачили, що…

…was heard to…


Чули, що…

…was supposed to…


Припускали, що…

…was believed to…


Вважали, що…

…was expected to…


Чекали, що…

…was reported to…


Повідомляли, що…

…was considered to…


Вважали, що…

…was thought to…


Думали, що…

…was found to…


З’ясували, що…

…was announced to…


Оголосили, що…

…was known to…


Було відомо, що…

Інфінітивним зворотом можна замінити безособове речення, іменна частина якого виражена прикметником easy, difficult, hard, good etc.

It is pleasant to hear this news. This news is pleasant to hear. It is difficult to read this book. This book is difficult to read.

Цю новину приємно чути.

Цю книгу важко читати.

Присудок, виражений в Active Voice.

Аналогічні звороти з дієсловами to happen, to seem, to appear, to be sure, to be likely, to be not likely, to turn out.


It seems that he is very busy.





He seems to be very busy.






It happened that I was there.

Він, здається, дуже зайнятий.

I happened to be there.

Трапилось так, що я був там.


It seems that they have

Мені трапилось бути там.


finished their work.

Здається, що вони закінчили

They seem to have finished their

свою роботу.




Вони, здається, закінчили



свою роботу.



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N.B. Запам’ятайте речення, що містять Complex Subject.

He is likely to win the prize. – Схоже, що він виграє приз. He is sure to come. – Він обов’язково прийде.



Засоби вираження






I am sure/certain/positive that the ideal engineer



will need much more technical knowledge.



The ideal engineer is certain/ bound to need muсh



more technical knowledge.



The ideal engineer will certainly/ definitely need



muсh more technical knowledge.



It is likely that the ideal engineer will need muсh



more technical knowledge.



The ideal engineer is likely to need muсh more



technical knowledge.



The ideal engineer may/might need muсh more



technical knowledge.

probably not


It is unlikely that the ideal engineer will need some



teaching skills.



The ideal engineer is unlikely to need some



teaching skills.

certainly not


The ideal engineer definitely/certainly won’t need



any artistic skills.

о ні»)


I am sure/certain/positive that the ideal engineer



won’t need any artistic skills.

Exercise 1. Paraphrase and translate.



am sure that the ideal engineer has technical


The ideal engineer is certain to have technical competence.

1. The ideal engineer has technical competence. 2. The ideal engineer possesses social skills, such as cooperativeness. 3. The ideal

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engineer doesn’t do what interests him most without regard to the needs of the organization. 4. The ideal engineer doesn’t approach his job with unrealistically high expectations. 5. The ideal engineer is interested in some kind of promotion. 6. The ideal engineer doesn’t expect work privileges, without having to prove that he is worth it. 7. The ideal engineer is practical and realistic. 8. The ideal engineer has initiative. 9. The ideal engineer won’t learn the organizational system slowly. 10. The ideal engineer knows how to report results orally and in writing. 11. The ideal engineer has some scientific abilities. 12. The ideal engineer keeps up with technological progress and grows professionally.

Exercise 2. Translate into Ukrainian.

A. 1. He is thought to live in London. 2. The engineer is said to have invented a new machine. 3. This mine is considered to be the best in the whole district. 4. She is believed to be one of the best dancers in this city. 5. The expedition was thought to have reached the place of destination. 6. The representatives of this state are expected to arrive in a few hours. 7. The airship was reported (to be) missing. 8. The new regulations are announced to take effect on October 15. 9. Water was considered to be an element. 10. This substance is believed not to exhibit radiation. 11. There are believed to exist thousands of compounds of nitrogen. 12. Dr. Innes was expected to report about his new discoveries. 13. Many substances are known to dissolve in hot water. 14. The radius of our orbit is believed to be increasing very slowly.

B. 1. This news is pleasant to hear. 2. This thing is difficult to imagine. 3. This stone is hard to polish. 4. This equation is easy to solve. 5. This explanation happens to be true. 6. My friend seemed to be laughing. 7. No one appeared to notice me and my last difficulty seemed to be overcome. 8. He seemed to have been chosen the leader of this party by mutual consent. 9. Money just doesn’t happen to interest me. 10. The apparatus seemed to be in excellent condition. 11. You appear to have found in him something that I have missed.

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12. This work seems to take much time. 13. The new methods of work appear to be very effective. 14. The percentage of carbon in this steel turned out to be low. 15. Hydrogen does not appear to combine with chlorine with appreciable velocity in the dark. 16. This method does not seem to offer any advantages over that discussed above. 17. There does not appear to be an agreement between these results. 18. Ordinary objects are not likely to move with a velocity approaching the velocity of light. 19. All circumstances are likely to affect the accuracy of the measurements. 20. There appears to be direct evidence of the existence of negative electrons in matter. 21. Don’t worry: everything is sure to turn out all right. 22. If we go on arguing, we are sure to quarrel. 23. Most of us want good many things that we are not likely to get. 24. This article is likely to appear in the next issue of the journal.

Exercise 3. Paraphrase the sentences using Complex Subject.

A.E.g. We heard that a car stopped outside the door. A car was heard to stop outside the door.

1.People consider the climate there to be very healthful. 2. It was announced that the new cars were arriving next week. 3. It is believed that the poem was written by Byron. 4. It is said that the book is popular with both old and young. 5. It is expected that the performance will be a success. 6. It has been found that this mineral water is very good for health. 7. Scientists consider that electricity exists throughout space. 8. It is said that the weather in Europe was exceedingly hot last summer.

B.E.g. It appeared that they had lost the way.

They appeared to have lost the way.

1. It appeared that he was losing patience.2. It happened that he was present at the opening session. 3. It appeared that she had not heard what had been said. 4. It so happened that I overheard their conversation. 5. It turned out that my prediction was correct. 6. It turned out that the language of the article was quite easy. 7. It seems they know all about it. 8. It seemed that the discussion was coming to

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