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Appendix 2: Hexagrams


















The Creative: Ch’ien (Heaven)

d20™: You gain a +2 insight bonus to your AC.




Furthering through perseverance the

7th Sea™: You add +5 to your TN to be hit.




superior man makes himself strong





and untiring.





Stagnation: Ch’ien (Heaven)/

d20™: You receive the Parry Feat for free.




K’un (Earth)

7th Sea™: If you fail an Active Defense Roll, you may spend




The standstill serves to help the great

one Drama Die to reroll.You may only reroll once per




man to attain success.

attempt, and the second roll is binding, even if it fails.




Innocence/Unexpected: Ch’ien

d20™: You gain a +2 luck bonus to all Disguise rolls.




(Heaven)/Chen (Thunder)

7th Sea™: You may roll one extra unkept die (+1k0) when




If someone is not as he should be,

making Disguise rolls.




he has misfortune.





Coming to Meet: Ch’ien (Heaven)/

d20™: You gain a +2 circumstance bonus when making




Sun (Wind)

Diplomacy checks.




Thus does the prince act when

7th Sea™: You may roll one extra unkept die (+1k0) when




disseminating his commands.

making Etiquette Rolls.




Conflict: Ch’ien (Heaven)/Kan (Water)

d20™: Once per game, you get a +2 circumstance bonus to




To contend before him brings supreme

any attack roll when engaged in a Boarding action.




good fortune.

7th Sea™: Once per game, you gain a Free Raise to any





Attack Roll when engaged in a Boarding situation.




Fellowship with Men: Ch’ien (Heaven)/

d20™: You gain a +2 circumstance bonus when making




Li (Fire)

a Sense Motive check.




Thus the superior man organizes the clans

7th Sea™: You gain a Free Raise to all Cold Read rolls.




and makes distinctions between things.





Retreat: Ch’ien (Heaven)/

d20™: You gain a +2 dodge bonus when being pursued.




Ken (Mountain)

7th Sea™: You gain a Free Raise to all Footwork rolls.




Voluntary retreat brings good fortune





to the superior man.





Treading: Ch’ien (Heaven)/Tui (Lake)

d20™: You gain a +2 insight bonus to all Animal Empathy rolls.




Treading upon the tail of the tiger, .

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise to all Animal Training rolls.




which does not bite the man





Peace: K’un (Earth)/Ch’ien (Heaven)

d20™: You get a +2 insight bonus to all Knowledge:




He furthers and regulates the gifts of

Religions skill checks.




heaven and earth, and so aids the people.

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise to all Theology rolls.



The Receptive: K’un (Earth)/K’un (Earth)

d20™: There is no direct equivalent for Backgrounds.




Following gives guidance.

This should be role-played at the GM’s discretion.





7th Sea™: You gain an Obligation (3) Background that reflects





promises made to your mentor.




Turning Point: K’un (Earth)/

d20™: You get a +2 competence bonus to all Profession:




Chen (Thunder)

Navigator skill checks.




Success going out and coming in

7th Sea™: You gain a Free Raise to all Navigation rolls.




without error.





Pushing Upward: K’un (Earth)/Sun

d20™: Every month, you gain an extra 1d10 qian (roll at the





beginning of each month).




The superior man heaps up small things in

7th Sea™: Every month, your gain an extra +2k1 qian of Income




order to achieve something high and great.

(roll at the beginning of each month).




The Army: K’un (Earth)/Kan (Water)

d20™: You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to all attack rolls




An army must set forth in proper order.

when engaged in a Mass Combat situation.





7th Sea™: You gain a Free Raise to any Attack Roll, as long as





you are engaged in a Mass Combat situation.



Ming I

Darkening of the Light: K’un (Earth)/

d20™: There is no direct equivalent for Backgrounds.




Li (Fire)

This should be role-played at the GM’s discretion.




He veils his light, yet still shines.

7th Sea™: You gain a True Identity (3) Background at no cost.




Modesty: K’un (Earth)/Ken (Mountain)

d20™: Once and only once during a character’s lifetime, he may




Moderation — reduce that which is too

subtract 2 points from any Ability (Str, Dex, Con, Int, Wis OR




much, augment that which is too little.

Cha) and add both of them to any other single Ability which





is lower than the one from which they were taken. (Adjust all





stats accordingly.)





7th Sea™: Once and only once during a character’s lifetime,





he may subtract 1 point from any Trait (Brawn, Finesse,





Wits, Resolve OR Panache) and add it to any other single





Trait which is lower than the one from which it was taken.





(Adjust all stats accordingly.)







Approach: K’un (Earth)/Tui (Lake)

d20™: You get a +2 insight bonus to all Diplomacy checks.



The superior man is without limits in

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise to all Diplomacy rolls.



his tolerance and protection of the people.




Power of the Great: Chen (Thunder)/

d20/7th Sea™: Once per story, you may lower the Feng Shui



Ch’ien (Heaven)

Rating of your current location by 1. It returns to normal



The superior man does not tread upon paths when you depart.



that do not accord with established order.




Enthusiasm: Chen (Thunder)/

d20™: If you have the Leadership Feat, you automatically gain 1



K’un (Earth)

additional cohort (servant only).



It furthers one to install helpers and set

7th Sea™: You get 3 points of the Servants Advantage for free.



armies marching.




Arousing: Chen (Thunder)/

d20™: You get a +2 circumstance bonus to all Intimidate checks.



Chen (Thunder)

7th Sea™: Something about your mannerism can shock your



Shock brings ruin and terrified

opponents. You get a Free Raise to all Intimidation rolls.



gazing around.




Duration: Chen (Thunder)/Sun (Wind)

d20™: There is no direct equivalent for Backgrounds.



Thus the superior man stands firm and

This should be role-played at the GM’s discretion.



does not change his direction.

7th Sea™:You get a Vow (3) Background.



Deliverance: Chen (Thunder)/

d20™: When attacking with any type of Bow, you gain a +2



Kan (Water)

competence bonus to your attack rolls.



One kills three foxes in the field and

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise to any Attack (Bow) rolls.



receives a yellow arrow.




Abundance: Chen (Thunder)/Li (Flame)

d20™: You get a +2 insight bonus to Sense Motive checks.



The superior man decides lawsuits and

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise to all Cold Read rolls.



carries out punishments




Preponderance of the Small:

d20™: You get a +2 competence bonus to all Move Silently



Chen (Thunder)/Ken (Mountain)

and Hide checks.



It is well to remain below.

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise to all Stealth rolls.



The Marrying Maiden: Chen (Thunder)/

d20™: You get a +2 competence bonus on all rolls on all



Tui (Lake)

Knowledge (arcana) rolls.



The superior man understands the

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise to all Omens rolls.



transitory in the light of the eternity




at the end.




Taming Power of the Small:

d20™: You get a +2 insight bonus to all Bluff rolls.



Sun (Wind)/Ch’ien (Heaven)

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise to all Charm rolls on



The rain comes, there is rest.

the Repartee system.



Contemplation (View): Sun (Wind)/

d20™: Once per game, you get one additional attack



K’un (Earth)

of opportunity.



Full of trust they look up to him.

7th Sea™: You get the Combat Reflexes Advantage for free.



Increase: Stillness (Mountain)/

d20™/7th Sea™: Once per game, you may clear any negative



Chen (Thunder)

modifiers from one roll.



If the superior man sees good, he imitates




it; if he has faults, he rids himself of them.




The Gentle: Sun (Gentle)/Sun (Gentle)

d20™: You get a +2 insight bonus to Gather Information checks.



In life, the penetrating clarity of judgment

7th Sea™: You gain a Free Raise to all Scheming rolls.



thwarts all dark hidden motives.




Dispersion/Dissolution: Sun (Wind)/

d20™: You get a +2 competence bonus to all Ride rolls.



Kan (Water)

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise on all Ride rolls.



He brings help with the strength of a horse.




Family (Clan): Sun (Wind)/Li (Fire)

d20™: You gain a +2 competence bonus to all Diplomacy rolls.



The superior man has substance in his

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise on all Oratory rolls.



words and duration in his way of life.




Gradual Progress: Sun (Wind/Wood)/

d20™: You gain a +2 insight bonus to all Knowledge:



Ken (Mountain)

(religion) rolls.



Thus the superior man abides in dignity

7th Sea™: You gain one Free Rank in your Theology knack.



and virtue, in order to improve the mores.




Inner Truth: Sun (Wind)/Tui (Lake)

d20™: You gain a +2 competence bonus to all Profession:



Thus the superior man discusses criminal

Lawyer or Profession: Advocate skill checks made to defend



cases in order to delay executions.

an accused person.




7th Sea™: You get one Free Raise to any Law roll when defending




an accused person.























Waiting: Kan (Water)/Ch’ien (Heaven)

d20™: You get a +2 competence bonus in the Profession:



It furthers one to cross the great water.

Sailor skill.




7th Sea™: You get the Sailor Skill for free.



Holding Together (Union):

d20™: There is no direct equivalent for Backgrounds.



Kan (Water)/ K’un (Earth)

This should be role-played at the GM’s discretion.



Those who are uncertain gradually join.

7th Sea™: You gain a Romance (3) Background for no cost.



Difficulty at the Beginning:

d20™: Once per game session, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus



Kan (Water)/Chen (Thunder)

to any attack or skill check.



Difficulty at the beginning works

7th Sea™: Once per story, on any one roll, you may call any



supreme success.

number of Raises; however, you receive no additional effects.




For every two Raises you earn a Chun Die. Chun Dice are used




exactly like Drama Dice, except they cannot be turned into




experience points.



The Well: Kan (Water)/

d20™/7th Sea™: Once per game, you may re-roll any roll.



Sun (Wind/Wood)




They come and go and draw from the well.




Abysmal: Kan (Water)/Kan (Water)

d20™: Deduct 1 from any Leadership score decreases;



The superior man walks in lasting virtue.

may not go below 1.




7th Sea™: Reduce all Reputation Losses by 1 (minimum 1).



After Completion: Kan (Water)/Li (Fire)

d20™: At the end of an adventure, you get a 5% experience bonus.



The superior man takes thought of

7th Sea™: At the end of each Story, you get 1 extra Experience



misfortune and arms himself against




it in advance.




Obstruction: Kan (Water)/

d20™: You get a +2 circumstance bonus to all Bluff checks.



Ken (Mountain)

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise to all Sincerity rolls.



It furthers one to see the great man.




The superior man turns his attention




to himself and molds his character.




Limitation: Kan (Water)/Tui (Lake)

d20™: You get a +2 circumstance bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy



The superior man creates number and

checks made in large social settings.



measure, and examines the nature of

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise to all Etiquette rolls.



virtue and correct conduct.



Ta Yu

Possession in Great Measure: Li (Fire)

d20™: Once per game session, you may shift the Feng Shui



/Ch’ien (Heaven)

Rating by +1 until you leave the region.



Fire in the heaven above, superior man

7th Sea™: Once per Story, you may spend a Drama Die to shift



curbs evil and furthers good.

the Feng Shui Rating by +1 until you leave the region.The GM




gets this Drama Die as if it had been used to modify a roll.



Progress: Li (Fire)/Kun (Earth)

d20™: You get a Steppes Pony that acts like a Druid’s animal



The powerful prince is honored with




horses in large numbers.

7th Sea™: You get the Steppes Pony Advantage for no extra cost.



Biting Through: Li (Fire)/

d20™: Whenever you have less than 75% of your total hit points,



Chen (Thunder)

you receive a +2 morale bonus to all damage rolls.



It furthers one to be mindful of

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise to damage on all attacks whenever



difficulties and to be persevering.

you have taken at least one Dramatic Wound in the current







Cauldron: Li (Fire)/Sun (Wood/Wind)

d20™: Once per game session, you may re-roll one failed roll.



Supreme good fortune.

7th Sea™: Once per Story, you may spend a Drama Die to re-roll




any one failed roll. The GM gains this Drama Die as if you




had used it to add to the roll.



Before Completion: Li (Fire)/Kan (Water)

d20™: You get a +2 competence bonus to Appraise checks.



The superior man is careful in the

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise to any Appraising rolls.



differentiation of things, so that each finds




its place.




Clinging: Li (Fire)/Li (Fire)

d20™: You get a +2 competence bonus to all Profession:



Thus the great man, by perpetuating this

(Artist) and Profession: (Performer) checks.



brightness, illumines the four quarters

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise to any one Artist or Performer



of the world.

Knack of your choice.



The Wanderer: Li (Fire)/Ken (Mountain)

d20™: You get a +2 competence bonus to all Profession:



Success through smallness; the superior

Lawyer and Profession: Advocate checks.



man is clear-minded and cautious in

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise to all Law rolls.



imposing penalties and protracts no








Opposition: Li (Fire)/Tui (Lake)

d20™: You get a +2 morale bonus to all Will saves to avoid being



Amid all fellowship, the superior man

taunted, becoming enraged, etc.



retains his individuality.

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise to all rolls to resist being Taunted.












Taming Power of the Great:

d20™: You get a +2 insight bonus to all skill checks used



Ken (Mountain)/Ch’ien (Heaven)

for seduction.



When there is a great store of energy,

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise to all Charm rolls.



everything depends upon the power of




the personality.




Splitting Apart: Ken (Mountain)/

d20™: There is no direct equivalent for Backgrounds.



K’un (Earth)

This should be role-played at the GM’s discretion.



The house of the inferior man is split apart.

7th Sea™: You gain a Lost Love (3) Background for no extra cost.



The Corners of the Mouth

d20™: You get a +2 circumstance bonus to all Profession:



(Providing Nourishment): Ken

Cook or Profession: Chef checks.



(Mountain)/Chen (Thunder)

7th Sea™: You gain a Free Raise to all Cooking rolls



Pay heed to the providing of nourishment.




Decay: Ken (Mountain)/Sun (Wind)

d20™: There is no direct equivalent for Backgrounds.



Work on what has been spoiled has

This should be role-played at the GM’s discretion.



supreme success.

7th Sea™: You have a broken family. You get the Lost Relative (3)




Background for no cost.



Youthful Folly: Ken (Mountain)/

d20™: Once per session, you receive a +2 luck bonus to



Kan (Water)

any one roll



Youthful folly has success.

7th Sea™: At the start of each Story, both you and the GM get




one extra Drama Die.



Grace: Ken (Mountain)/Li (Fire)

d20™: As long as you are not in a mass combat situation,



Grace has success in small matters,

you get a +2 insight bonus to all attack rolls.



but not in large ones.

7th Sea™: You gain a Free Raise to any Attack Roll,




as long as you are not engaged in a Mass Combat situation.



Keeping Still (Mountain):

d20™: You get a +2 competence bonus to all concentration



Ken (Mountain)/Ken (Mountain)




Thus the superior man does not permit

7th Sea™: You gain a Free Raise to Resolve checks when trying



his thoughts to go beyond his situation.

to maintain your concentration.



Decrease: Ken (Mountain)/Tui (Lake)

d20™: You get a +2 insight bonus to your leadership score.



The superior man spreads his commands

7th Sea™: You gain a Free Raise to any Leadership rolls.



abroad and carries out his undertakings.




Resolute: Tui (Lake)/Ch’ien (Heaven)

d20™: You start out with 90% of your starting wealth, but you



The superior man dispenses riches

get a +1 bonus to your leadership score.



downward and refrains from resting on

7th Sea™: You start the game with +1k1 points of Reputation



his virtue.

because you have been generous with your money. You start




the game with only 90% of your usual starting Wealth.



Gathering Together: Tui (Lake)/

d20™: You get a +2 circumstance bonus to all spot or listen



K’un (Earth)

checks to avoid being surprised or ambushed.



Thus the superior man renews his weapons

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise to any roll made to avoid being



to meet the unforeseen.

surprised or ambushed.



Following: Tui (Lake)/Chen (Thunder)

d20™: When healing naturally, you heal twice as many hit



The superior man at nightfall goes indoors

points as normal.



for rest and recuperation.

7th Sea™: After a full night’s sleep you may heal 1 Dramatic






Ta Kuo

Preponderance of the Great:

d20™: When you are outnumbered in a fight, you gain a +1



Tui (Lake)/Sun (Wind/Wood)

circumstance bonus to attack rolls and AC.



Thus the superior man, when he stands

7th Sea™: When you are outnumbered in a fight, you get



alone, is unconcerned.

a Free Raise to all Attack and Active Defense rolls.



Oppression (Exhaustion): Tui (Lake)/

d20™: You get the Iron Will Feat for free.



Kan (Water)

7th Sea™: You get the Indomitable Will Advantage



Thus the superior man stakes his life on

for no extra cost.



following his will.




Revolution (Molting): Tui (Lake)/

d20™: You get a +2 circumstance bonus to all rolls made to



Li (Fire)

anger or incite people to action or violence.



Changing the form of government

7th Sea™: You gain a Free Raise to all Incitation rolls.



brings good fortune.




Influence (Wooing): Tui (Lake)/

d20™: There is no direct equivalent for Backgrounds.



Ken (Mountain)

This should be role-played at the GM’s discretion.



To take a maiden to wife brings

7th Sea™: You gain a Betrothed (2) Background.



good fortune.




Joyous: Tui (Lake)/Tui (Lake)

d20™: You get a +2 circumstance bonus to all skill checks



The superior man joins with his friends

made in social situations.



for discussion and practice.

7th Sea™: You get a Free Raise to all Socialization rolls.

















The Open Game License

The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved.

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15.COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Open Game License v1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Rules Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Swashbuckling Adventures and Swashbuckling Arcana Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.

Open game content from Arms and Armor Copyright 2001, Bastion Press, Inc.

Open game content from Broadsides! Naval Adventuring Copyright 2002, Living Imagination, Inc. Open game content from Codex Arcanis Copyright 2001, Paradigm Concepts, Inc.

Open game content from Creatures of Rokugan Copyright 2001, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Open game content from Dragons Copyright 2001, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.

Open game content from Dungeons Copyright 2001, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Open game content from Explorer’s Society Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Open game content from Fading Suns: d20 Copyright 2001, Holistic Design

Open game content from Heroes, Villains, and Monsters, Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.

Open game content from Islands of Gold Copyright 2003, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Open game content from Magic of Rokugan Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Open game content from Mercenaries Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Open game content from Monsters Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.

Open game content from Seafarer’s Handbook Copyright 2001, Fantasy Flight, Inc.

Open game content from Seas of Blood Fantasy on the High Seas Copyright 2001, Mongoose Publishing

Open game content from Strongholds and Hideouts, Copyright 2003, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.

Open game content from Swashbuckling Arcana Copyright 2002, Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. Open game content from The Quintessential Fighter Copyright 2001, Mongoose Publishing

The Open Game Content

This printing of Cathay: Jewel of the East is done under version 1.0a of the Open Game License and the draft version of the d20 System Trademark License, d20 System Trademark Logo Guide and System Reference Document by permission of Wizards of the Coast. Subsequent printings of this book will incorporate final versions of the license, guide and document.

AEG’s intention is to open up as much of this adventure as possible to be used as Open Game Content (OGC), while maintaining Product Identity (PI) to all aspects of the Swashbuckling Adventures and 7th Sea intellectual property. Publishers who wish to use the OGC materials from this book are encouraged to contact jzinser@alderac.com if they have any questions or concerns about reproducing material from Théah in other OGL works. Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. would appreciate anyone using OGC material from Swashbuckling Adventures in other OGL works to kindly reference Swashbuckling Adventures as the source of that material within the text of their work. Open Game Content may only be used under and in accordance with the terms of the OGL as fully set forth on the previous page.

DESIGNATION OF PRODUCT IDENTITY: The following items are hereby designated as Product Identity in accordance with section 1(e) of the Open Game License, version 1.0a: Any and all Swashbuckling Adventures and 7th Sea logos and identifying marks and trade dress, including all Swashbuckling Adventures product and product line names including but not limited to Explorer's Society, Strongholds and Hideouts, Heroes, Villains, and Monsters, Swashbuckling Arcana, and Swashbuckling Adventures, and the Swashbuckling Adventures and 7th Sea logos; any elements of the Swashbuckling Adventures or Théah setting, including but not limited to capitalized names, Nation names, class names, names of artifacts, names of spells, names of magic and magician types (including but not limited to pure El Fuego Adentro, Fate Witches, Glamour, Lærdom, Porté, Pyeryem, Scrying, and Zerstörung), characters, countries and empires, creatures, races, spirits, Theus, geographic locations, cultural information, historic events, magic items, Syrneth Artifacts, the Reputation system, secret societies, guilds, and organizations; any and all material adapted from Swashbuckling Adventures, except material noted in that work as Open Game Content; any and all stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, documents within the game world (e.g. but not limited to Means to Ends, the Book of Prophets, and Birdcage Revolt), quotes from characters or documents, and dialogue; and all artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, illustrations, maps and cartography, likenesses, poses, nation or factional sigils, logos, symbols, or graphic designs, except such elements that already appear in the d20 System Reference Document (e.g. Melf or Mordenkainen) and are already OGC by virtue of appearing there. The above Product Identity is not open Game Content.

DESIGNATION OF OPEN CONTENT: Subject to the Product Identity designation above, the following portions of Cathay: Jewel of the East are designated as Open Game Content. All creature statistics blocks from the Size/Type line (e.g. Large, Outsider) down to the Advancement line. All feats or other information previously designated as PI. All sample character statistics and charts, except for names and other previously designated PI. All rules and mechanical elements laid out under a header containing a [d20] tag at the end of a header or in the header of a callout box.

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Cathay: Jewel of the East, Swashbuckling Adventures, Théah, and 7th Sea are trademarks of Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc.

All contents of this book, regardless of designation, are copyrighted year 2002 by Alderac Entertainment Group. All rights reserved. Reproduction or use without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the purposes of review or use consistent with the limited license above.



Beyond Cabora… Beyond the Wall of Fire…

Beyond Imagination…

At long last, the secrets of the mysterious East are revealed! Cathay — where family honor is paramount and beauty can be found in everything from a humble rice bowl to a carved jade talisman. Meet the inhabitants of the Seven Kingdoms, from the horsemen of Xian Bei to the fierce pirates of

Tiakhar. Charged with the tien ming — the Mandate of Heaven — the beautiful young Celestial Empress rules over the fabled nation as she battles forces that seek to topple the Dynasty and unleash terror throughout the land.

A complete history of the Seven Kingdoms.

Details about cities from the temporary encampments of the nomadic Xian Bei to the Imperial City of Jing Du.

New swordsman schools, new secret societies, new creatures, new inventions, new magic, and details about the newest sorcery in Théah.

The truth about the Wall of Fire and the Corridors of Flame.

Ideas for running complete campaigns with in Cathay.

Fully compatible with both d20 System™ rules and the classic 7th Sea system!

To use this companion, a Game Master also needs a copy of Swashbuckling Adventures,published by Alderac Entertainment Group, Inc. and the Dungeons & Dragons® Player’s Handbook,Third Edition and

DUNGEON MASTERS GUIDEpublished by Wizards of the Coast.® A player needs only Swashbuckling Adventuresand the Player’s Handbook.



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