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Themes of seminars

  1. Sociology as a social science. Subject of sociology. Its structure and functions.

  2. Various approaches to culture: Darvinism, Sociolobiology. Types of pre-modern societies. Culture in modern world. Modernization and concept of three worlds.

  3. Socialization and agencies of socialization. Theoretic approaches to socialization (G.H.Mead, J.Piaget, S.Freud).

  4. Social order: conformity and deviance. Biological, psychological and sociological explanations of a nature of crimes.

  5. Stratification and class structure. Theories of stratification in modern societies: theories of K.Marx, Max Weber, E.O.Wright, Frank Parkin.

  6. Sociological approach to ethnicity and race: concepts, theories and practice of interethnic relations.

  7. Theories on bureaucracy and influences on organization in the modern world.

  8. Sociological view on politics, government and the state.

  9. Main sociological concepts on kinship, marriage and family and its application to Kazakhstan.

  10. Sociology of economy: concepts and theories on economic life.

  11. Role of theories in Sociology: historical and contemporary perspectives.

  12. Sociological research: main stages, methods and methodology.

Themes for students independent work with instructors (siwi)

1. Developing a sociological outlook and ‘sociological imagination’

2. Colonialism and postcolonial world: cultural diversity. Multiculturalism.

3. Life cycles: from childhood to death

4. The concept of mental illness, incarceration and decarceration

5. Gender and stratification: feminism and gender studies

6. Ethnic antagonism and ethnic conflicts: sociological perspective

7. Democracy and a role of non-governmental organizations in modern societies

8. Social groups and political life: political activeness of individuals and groups

9. Changing patterns of family relations in industrial societies

10. Unemployment and disorientation in industrial societies

11. Revolutions and Social movements

12. Education, Communication and Mass media


  1. History of emerging and formation of Sociology as a distinct branch of social sciences. Main stages in the development of Sociology. Economic basis for the emergence of formation of Sociology as a social science in Europe. Founders of Sociology: A. Compte, E.Durkgeim, MWeber, K.Marx (economic determinism).

  2. Traditional societies: interactions between pastoral (nomadic) and agricultural (nomadic) societies

  3. Hidden curricula: role of educational institutions in socialization of children

  4. Urbanism and urbanization: main trends and theories

  5. Stratification of traditional Kazakh society

  6. Ethnic relations in Kazakhstan from sociological perspective

  7. The development of carceral organizations

  8. Traditional and nation-states: comparative perspective

  9. Changes in family patterns in Kazakhstan

  10. Religion and secularization of modern societies

  11. Sociology of Education

  12. Globalization and changing patterns of social life


Main literature:

Giddens Anthony. Sociology. Second edition. Fully Revised and updated. Polity Press: 2008, 819 pages.

Recommended literature:

Sociology. The Penguin Dictionary. By N. Abercrombie, S. Hill, B.S. Turner. 4th ed. 2000.

Chafets J.S. Feminist theory and sociology: underutilized contributors for mainstream theory. – Annu. Rev. Soc. 1997. 23: 97-120.

Ritzer G. The resent history and the emerging reality of American Sociological theory: a metatheoretical interpretation. – Sociological Forum, vol. 6, #2. 1991, pp. 269-287.

Hechter M. Agenda at the Start of the Twenty-First Century. – Annual Review of Sociology. 2000. Vol. 26, pp. 707-709.

Fuchs S. Theory after essentialism, in “Against Essentialism. A theory of culture and society”, Harvard University press. 2001. pp. 12-70.

Coleman J. Metatheory: Explanation in Social Science. In ‘Foundations of Social theory’. HarvardUniversityPress. 1990,pp.1-26.

Therborn G. At the birth of second century sociology: times of reflexivity, spaces of identity, and nodes of knowledge. – British Journal of Sociology. Vol. 51, #1. January-March, 2000. pp. 37-57.

Macionis J.J. Sociology. 9th ed. Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. 2003 (русское издание: Масионис Дж. Социология. Москва_СПб, 2004.

Аженов М.С., Бейсенбаев Д.Э. Социальная стратификация в Республике Казахстан. Алматы, 1997

Американская социология. Тесты. М., 1994

Аитов Н.А., Биекенов К.У. Социология. Алматы, 2003.

Артемов Г.П. Политическая социология. М. 2002

Арутюнян Ю.В., Дробижева Л.М., Сусоколов А.А. Этносоциолгия. Аспент пресс. М. 1998.

Булатова А.Н., Исмагамбетова З.Н. Курс лекций по социологии. Алматы, 2002.

Бергер П., Лукман .Т. Социальное конструирование реальности. М.,1995.

Бромлей Ю.В. Очерки теории этноса. М.,1983.

Бурдье П. Социология политики М. 1993

Вебер М. Избранное. М.,1991.

Вебер М. Харизматическое господство. Социс , №5. 1998

Гидденс Э. Социальная стратификация. М.,1995.

Гречихин В.Г. Лекции по методике и технике социологических исследований. М., 1988

Дюркгейм Э. Метод социологии. Разделение общественного труда. М., 1991.

Дюркгейм Э. Самоубийство. М.,1994

Зиммель Г . Избранное. М.,1996

Клещина И.С. Гендерная социализация. СПб 1999

Конкрен Ч. Метод выборочного исследования. М.,1976.

Ритцер. Современные социологические теории. 5 изд. М-СПб: Питер. 2002.

Солодовников В.В. Семья: социологическая и социально-психологическая парадигмы //Социс 1994 № 6

Социология межнациональных отношений. Учебное пособие. М., 1996

Степанов А.П. Методы контент - анализа и принципы исследования актуальных проблем современного общества. М., 199

Тощенко Ж.Т, Чаптыкова Г.Ш. Национальная диаспора как объект социологического исследования // Социс 1996, № 12.

Энциклопедический социологический словарь. М., 1995.

Этнические стереотипы поведения // под ред. Бабурина А.К. Л., 1985

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