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2.2 Specifics of a Terminological Field in Oil and Gas Branch (on English and Kazakh languages' material)

A number of the researchers (V. M. Leychik, N.V.Podolskaya, A.V.Superanskaya, G.P.Nemets, N. V. Vasilyev, Accusative of Danilenko, etc.) who have devoted their work to studying of terminology was designated for the last decades in modern linguistics. Famous researcher V. M. Leychik defines a science of terminology as independent scientific discipline [1, page 14]. According to modern researchers, present terminology ─ is artificially formed layer, where each unit has certain restrictions for the use and optimum conditions for existence and development. The special line distinguishing the term from other nomination types is communication with scientific concepts. Therefore, the term language status is subject to influence of that branch of knowledge in which it is determined. Definition of the concept "term" and the requirement to it still remain disputable because many linguists depending on object of research give various definitions to this concept. Despite it, there are standard provisions, put forward to D. S. Lotta concerning the term: the term is considered as the member of national terminological system; the terminological element is the minimum unit having terminological meaning and participating in a term formation; naturally developed terminology possess certain "shortcomings"; differ "absolute" and "relative" unambiguity of terms; partitioning of the massif of concepts on "own" and "attracted" (only own concepts terms are ordered) is necessary; originally it is necessary to give the status of the terminological recommendation to the ordered terms in order to experts can understand new terms; first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the correct creation of terms' knots being manufacturing terms because all structure of own branch terminology depends on their structure; the formed term has to be a subject or concept proper name, without having synonyms and without representing a homonym in the field; existing and again created term has to cause a certain association ─ "private" (semantic) or "nodal" (modular) [2, page 56 – 58].

From a set of concept definitions "term" which are available in modern linguistics, we are inclined to adhere to the definition offered by V. M. Leychik: "The term is a lexical unit of a certain language for the special purposes, designating the general ─ concrete or abstract ─ concept of the theory of a certain special knowledge and activity field" [3, page 16-17].

There is actual research problem in borders of a scientific discourse for a science of terminology. There are two main approaches are known in modern linguistics in term studying. They are standard and descriptive. In standard approach, the term is considered as the lexical unit of a certain type possessing special semantic and grammatical structure which distinguishes it from words of common-literary language. Standard approach supporters developed requirements to the term which essence is that such term has to be unambiguous, exact, systematic, short and not have synonyms and antonyms. Supporters of this approach are D. S. Lotta, A. A. Reformatsky, V. I. Siforov, T. L. Kandelaki in which researches the term is submitted not as dynamic, functioning in live speech, and, therefore, an element subjected to changes and as a static element of the fixing sphere. Such term received definition "the ideal term" in the linguist.

During the study of term in the functioning sphere, descriptive approach supporters called in question legitimacy of presentation to requirement terms as to a statistical element of the fixing sphere (G. O. Vinokur, B. N. Golovin, R. Yu. Kobrin, Accusative of Danilenko, A. I. Krylov). Term specific at descriptive approach consists that the term isn't the special word, but just the word in special function, i.e. any word can become a term, and any term can be transfered to the sphere of common lexicon. Therefore, the term can be polysemantic, existence of synonyms and antonyms is inherent in it. Modern researches confirm correctness of descriptive approach supporters which point of view we completely share.

It is known that formation of terminology depends on the science which has moved forward in the development on new positions that in turn occurs in connection with changes in public life. There are the point of term creation is raised, the change of tendencies in a term creation reveals, a new approach to "term" problems concept through a neology prism appears in 60th - 70th of the XX century in science. In the course of term formation the attention is focused to possibilities of construction, establishments of communications between a form and meaning of the term are defined by structural features of language. There is a search of necessary sign information on the basis of available language experience, its fixing in special "the information and terminological sphere of language" at formation of the new term. At the beginning of the XXI century an idea about the term as a new unit of language considerably changes because general level of definition abstractness designated by again generated terms, becomes higher, and the semantic structure appears more flexible in comparison with the terms serving requirements of previous knowledge [4, page 21]. The term becomes tool of scientific communication, being characterized by diversity and multifunctionality of representation aspects.

In research oil and gas terminology is presented as term field. For the first time the concept "term field" was developed by A. A. Reformatsky in 1931 but still reconsidered by many linguists who try to find in it a niche for new terminological researches. We hold the point of view of the researchers considering term field as a set of scientific and technical and special knowledge, forming a certain system. Being a whole, oil and gas term field includes terminological system, terminological row (block) and the term being in the mutual relations. Oil and gas term field definition was carried out by the complex analysis of English and Kazakh languages terminological units and their main characteristics are syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations.

Oil and gas terminology as system of names develops in the result of man's conscious purposeful activity and is formed together and at the same time with economy.

Term system becomes in the center of attention of many domestic linguists and is considered as a set of interconnected concepts of a certain area of the knowledge at linguistic level which is forming under the influence of common-literary language lexicon where the term becomes the member of lexical system carrying out special function, thus each of term system has characteristic features for it. They are language, structural and semantic.

In research term system is presented as the model describing human activity in the oil and gas field. Combination of oil and gas terms in uniform object of research is explained that elements of given term system represent terminological units which are communicatively correlated and structurally connected among themselves. The comparative analysis of terms is carried out at different language levels; methods of the comparative analysis at considered levels allow to raise and solve many theoretical problems of terminology science, and also applied problems of selection and standardization of terms.

Existence of general lexical theme groups and also a community of logical, structural and semantic properties of terms are characterized for English and Kazakh languages term systems (area ─ аудан, surface ─ бет, drilling ─ бұрғылау) including: the conceptual part of terms semantics, word formation and the the formation of a new terms establishing a semantic connection between them which influence on term system formation and their relations. The uniform principle of term system formation occurs at the expense of international terms in the specified languages and following lexemes can be examples for it: absorbent, absorption, agglomerate, barrel; borrowed English-language oil and gas terms massif in similar term system of Kazakh language: vacuum, inhibitor, injector, corrosion.

In English terminology the following chronological framework conditionally is defined:

1 "Old English" period; covers – V-XI century,

2 "Middle English" period; it is looked through from the middle – XII and – to the XVI centuries,

3 "New English" period; from the end – XVI – the XIX century,

4 "modern" – XX - XXI centuries.

Formation of oil and gas terminology in the Kazakh language took place in four stages, began in the XIX century when discoveries of prominent educators of the Kazakh people made the significant contribution to development of the Kazakh linguistics, including terminology. The beginning of the XX century became the special period for development of the Kazakh terminology (A. Baytursynov, Sh. Kudayberdiyev, H. Dosmukhamedov, M. Dulatov, J. Aymauytov, S. Kozhanov and other's works).

During the postrevolutionary period which deals on four period, the strong practical and theoretical base for creation developed term system of Kazakh language was put. In the 20-30th years of the XX century terminology creation made for the first time: since thirties first dictionaries on technical terminology had made, in forties sharp lifting of science in connection with needs of military and post-war time was outlined, in 50-60th years terminology of oil and gas branch replenished with the whole series of works in the lexicography sphere. In the late nineties of the XX century and at the beginning of the XXI century the Kazakh language changes are caused by changes in political and economic society organization that caused lexical "breakthrough" which was reflected in many layers of language. Oil and gas terminology, being dynamic education, quickly reacted to occurring changes in language emergence of new terms and term systems. Their formation began and was based on experience of the developed states in the oil and gas sphere, on verbal expression of human thought fundamental achievements, social and economic activity.

Now much attention is paid to development of the Kazakh terminology because there is an active terminologization of the Kazakh lexicon in all branches of science and technicians.

The whole group of linguists-terminologists, academician A. Kaydarov, U. Aytbayev, B. Kaliyev, Sh. Kurmanbayuly, Sh. Bilyalov, R. Shoybekov and etc., devoted the researches to a term formation that gave strong base for development of this area of linguistics in Kazakhstan.

Modern scientific terminology of English and Kazakh languages is a result of long process of historical development of language. Foreign economic relations arising in the sphere of the international communication that promotes emergence of foreign-language terms plays the special role in propagation and creation of new oil and gas terms.

"Oil and gas" term field formation in English was originally carried out by borrowed words from Latin, Greek, Old French, and rare ─ German languages: crude (lat. ) ─ шикізат, ointment (Old French) - май, octane number (Greek okto – eight) ─ октан саны. Now formation of new terms in English because of oil and gas branch development takes place in the language on the basis of primordial lexicon.

Since the second half of the XX century there are actively start taking root internatsionalizm, terms from English, Russian languages frequently by syntactic tracing of the corresponding multicomponent terms, development of international lexical fund from English through Russian which as it is already told, became intermediate language between these two languages, and also by lexical and semantic borrowed words into the Kazakh language with development of oil and gas sector. In the last decade the mass translation of oil and gas terms borrowed equivalents from primordial language is observed in the Kazakh language.

Among the oil and gas terms in English and Kazakh languages the following term fields are revealed: "oil production", "petrochemistry", "oil-processing industry", "gas production", "design" that testifies to systemacity of the terminological units' semantic relations connected among themselves by thematic concepts and concepts on the basis of the subsumption relation. For example, term system oil − мұнай (нефть): oil pool ─ мұнай шоғыры (залежь нефтяная); oil show ─ мұнайдың көрінуі (проявление нефти), etc. For example, term system oil − мұнай (нефть): oil pool ─ мұнай шоғыры (залежь нефтяная); oil show ─ мұнайдың көрінуі (проявление нефти), etc. Inside term field "oil production" among terms are revealed volume blocks with "drilling" and "well" meanings: drilling − бұрғылау (бурение): structural drilling ─ құрымдылық бұрғылау (бурение структурное); drilling speed ─ бұрғылау жылдамдығы (скорость бурения); etc.; well, hole − ұңғыма (скважина): well depth ─ ұңғыманың тереңдігі (глубина скважины), well hole ─ ұңғыманың оқпаны (ствол скважины), etc.

Specific features of "oil and gas" term field in English and Kazakh languages which make one segment including terminological units with identical or similar structural-semantic characteristics are considered. On internal structure terms are composed of unicomponent and multicomponent terms, for example: English – sedimentation ─ седиментация, orifice ─ тесік (отверстие); Kazakh - кенорны ─ field, жоба ─ draft (unicomponent); English – abrasiveness of rocks ─ тау жынысының жемірлігі (абразивность пород), capacity drum ─ сыйымдылық (емкость); Kazakh – кәделеуіш қазандық ─ exhaust heat boiler (котел утилизатор), өнеркәсіптік кенорны ─ industry field (месторождение промышленное) (multicomponent). For the chart example in oil and gas term systems of compared languages the tendency is observed to prevalence of multicomponent terms over the unicomponent.

Figure 1 – a quantitative ratio of multicomponent and unicomponent units of "oil and gas" term system in English and Kazakh languages (%)

Polilexical terminological combinations divides in two-component, three-component, four-component where the two-component combinations formed on models "noun + noun" are the most widespread: English – compressor oil - компрессорлық май (компрессорное масло), paraffine wax - созымды балшық (пластичная глина); Kazakh – көмірлі балама ─ coal equivalent (эквивалент угольный), газ абсорбциясы - gas absorption (абсорбция газов). 62% in English term lexicon and 57% in Kazakh from total number of two-component combinations belong to this model.

Figure 2 – a quantitative ratio of polilexical two-component, three-component, four-component units "oil and gas" term field in English and Kazakh languages (%)

To structural type "adjective + noun" belongs a small amount of word-combinations that represents 18% from number of two-component combinations: English – analytical balance - аналитикалық таразы (аналитические весы), spherical bearing - сфералық мойынтірек (сферический подшипник); Kazakh – мұнайлы аймақ - oil-bearing area (область нефтеносная), қаттық мұнай ─ live oil (нефть пластовая). During research among Kazakh terms structural types of two-component combinations containing prepositions or conjunctions weren't found.

Three-component and four-component terminological combinations in considered languages make a small amount of polilexical combinations: English – ash of petroleum product - мұнай өнімінің қалдығы (зольность нефтепродукта), combustibility of petroleum product - мұнай өнімінің жанғыштығы (горючесть нефтепродукта); Kazakh – газдың мұнайда ерігіштігі - gas solubility in oil (растворимость газов в нефти), ауырлатқан бұрғылау құбыр - drill collar(утяжеленная буровая труба). Among three-component terminological combinations are structures on "noun + noun + noun" type. Formation of difficult compound concepts in terminological lexicon is explained by inability of brief terminological unit to satisfy need for the nomination. The appeal to word-combinations is connected with a term formation in modern oil and gas branch in which the syntactic way of concept designations takes a leading place and is the essential characteristic of English, Kazakh languages both in contents and expression.

The terminological word-combination consists of rod and dependent components where a rod component is major importance, and the dependent component supplements major importance. Depending on a rod component terminological word-combinations are subdivided on substantive (nominal) where noun is a rod component; adjectival (the rod word - an adjective, a participle, a numeral); verbal and adverbial.

Brief terms in considered languages are quite diverse and divided into three main structural types: simple, affixal and complex terms among which affixal terms prevail:

– the simple: English – area - аймақ (область), field - алап (поле); Kazakh – алап (field), мұнай (oil);

– the affixal: English – migration - орын ауысу (миграция), saturation - қанықтыру (насыщение); Kazakh – айырғыш - separator (сепаратор), ауытқы - anomaly (аномалия);

– the complex: English – framework - қаңқа (каркас), hydrocarbons - мұнай және газ шикізаты (сырье нефтегазовое); Kazakh – жерасты - underground (подземный), кенорны - oil field (месторождение).

In the second section ways of oil and gas terms are considered on its material: syntactic (formation of terminological word-combinations), lexical (borrowed terms from English and formation of cripples), morphological (formation of terms by affix addition); semantic (reconsideration of the word in the Kazakh language to an English cognitive basis). Research of term semantic differs from studying of word semantic because first of all problems of term study are questions of term compliance and concepts correlated to it including adequacy of term meanings and corresponding concepts. Terminological semantics differs that it remains semantics of the closed type, it is coded from perception of ordinary consciousness.

The same ways and word-formation facilities are used for term formation, as well as for new words formation. It can be explained that the maximum number of terms and their derivatives are produced by the basic words, that is possessing basic and structural-semantic characteristics. At the same time, unlike the word, "it is required also verbal disclosure of the maintenance of the terminological nomination, that is a concept definition, and it is included into the word formation act of again created term because without a definition, without delimitation of this concept content, without allocation of those signs which would separate this concept from another, the term can't be considered full" for term formation [5, page 94].

The specific characteristic of the term which is showing in the course of term formation, consists in use of international elements which promotes expansion of word-formation base at emergence of oil and gas terms in language. The international lexicon in the form of terminological units "oil production", "gas production", "petrochemistry", "oil processing" in term field becomes the general both for English and Kazakh languages. At this stage of language development in term formation are realized many potential opportunities put in features of common-literary word formation. It more concerns semantic structure of term. In one cases there is its expansion (metaforization), and in others a peculiar semantic shift (conversion, a semantic compression) is observed. "As a whole the system of a term formation represents very difficult organism which has taken shape during existence of science and technology language which consists of formal components (ways of a term formation and term formation facilities), and semantic where various meanings of the term formation facilities closely connected with semantic structure of making bases" [6, page 30].

Quantitative ratios of terminological units serving similar term systeems of English and Kazakh languages were used any method of term formation in research as arguments in favor of efficiency. According to our data, over a half of terminological units in considered languages are formed by syntactic way, on the second place is lexical, on the third – morphological, on the fourth – a semantic way. It should be noted a peculiar connection of two term formation ways – lexical and syntactic – at formation of new oil and gas term in Kazakh language when there are borrowed term of English brief terminological unit and the multicomponent term together with concept.

Complex internal correlation of modern science and technology puts forward in English and Kazakh languages a traditional way of term formation by formation of various types word-combinations, that is the syntactic way promoting formation of compound terms, terms and word-combinations. Analysis of such oil and gas terms in compared languages allowed to distribute them as follows:

1 Two-component combinations of English and Kazakh languages are formed on models:

– N+N (noun + noun): English – compressor oil ─ компрессорлық май (компрессорное масло), turbine fuel ─ газтурбинді жанармай (газотурбинное топливо); Kazakh – бұрғы қондырғысы ─ drilling rig system (установка буровая), бұрғы шламы ─ drilling slurry (шлам буровой);

– Adj+N (adjective + noun ): English – hydraulic fluid ─ гидравликалық сұйықтық (гидравлическая жидкость), industrial oil ─ өнеркәсіптік май (индустриальное масло); Kazakh – мұнайлы балама ─ oil equivalent (эквивалент нефтяной), жеңіл мұнай ─ light oil (нефть легкая).

Terminological combinations formed on "numeral + noun" models are revealed in Kazakh language: біріншілік мұнай ─ mother oil (нефть первичная), екіншілік мұнай ─ secondary oil (нефть вторичная). Such combinations aren't found in English. The term біріншілік мұнай (нефть первичная) in English consists of two nouns. They are mother oil where mother – біріншілік (мать).

The syntactic link between components of terminological word-combinations in Kazakh language is expressed usually by I postpositional attributive group: иілу беріктік, II postpositional attributive group: мұнай өндірісі, III postpositional attributive group: өндірістің өнімдігі, and by management: дешифровка жасау, бұрғылауды бастау. Such structure of wosd-combinations is generally peculiar to two-component word-combinations.

2 Three-component word-combinations, in a quantitative ratio conceding two-component, are formed on the following model:

– N+N+N (noun + noun + noun): English – gas turbine oil ─ газотурбиналық май (газотурбинное масло), liquid oil fuel ─ сұйық мұнай жанармайы (жидкое нефтяное топливо); Kazakh – газдың мұнайда ерігіштігі ─ gas solubility in oil (растворимость газов в нефти), тау жынысының жемірлігі ─ abrasiveness of rocks (абразивность пород).

In English terminological word-combinations of this type are constructed with a preposition of: corrosiveness of petroleum product - мұнай өнімінің коррозиялық ерекшелігі (коррозийное свойство нефтепродукта), evaporation of petroleum product - мұнай өнімініің буланғыштығы (испаряемость нефтепродукта).

Discrepancies in structure are revealed in comparing of oil and gas terminology in considered languages, namely: in English model Adj+N+N (adjective + noun + noun): conditioned petroleum product - сапа шартына сай мұнай өнімі (кондиционный нефтепродукт), used petroleum product - өңделген мұнай өнімдері (отработанные нефтепродукты) whereas in Kazakh language model forms "noun + adjective + noun": беттік активті зат - surface-active material (вещество поверхностно-активное), жер қойнауыны ң геометриясы - geometry of formation (геометрия залежи). The model (noun + verb + noun) is also widespread terminological design in the Kazakh language: мұнай өндеу зауыты - petroleum refinery (нефтеперерабатывающий завод), мұнай сақтайтын қойма bulk storage petroleum(нефтехранилище). In English this type of oil and gas terms isn't revealed.

3 Four-component combinations in compared languages represent unequal quantity. A small amount of the polilexical combinations, relating to different models on structure is revealed in Kazakh language: мұнай кен орнының ауданы - oil field area (площадь нефтяного месторождения), екіншілік қайта айдау қондырғысын құрастыру - rerun unit (установка вторичной перегонки), термиялық әсер ету аймағы - heat-affected zone (зона термического влияния). In English four-component word-combinations are divided by the following models:

– N + N + Prep + N (noun + noun + preposition + noun + noun): antifriction property of petroleum product - мұнай өнімінің үйкелмеге қарсы ерекшелігі (антифрикционное свойство нефтепродукта), oxidation stability of petroleum product мұнай өнімінің қызу арқылы қышқылдануы (термоокисляемость нефтепродукта);

– Adj + N + Prep + N + N (adjective + noun + preposition + noun + noun): dynamic viscosity of petroleum product - мұнай өнімінің серпінді тұтқырлығы (динамическая вязкость нефтепродукта), functional compatibility of petroleum product мұнай өнімінің функционалды үйлесімділігі (функциональная совместимость нефтепродукта), etc.

On degree of a semantic dissolubility terms-word-combinations are divided into two types: indecomposable and decomposable terms-word-combinations. Indecomposable term formations represent actually terminological phraseological units in which term combinations among themselves unite because of inability of every of them to designate systems of certain separate terminological concepts. In terms of this type only some external signs of called subjects and concepts are reflected. It is the least widespread type of terms-word-combinations: drill head ─ бұрғы basses (головка бура), drill hose ─ бұрғылау жеңі (рукав буровой), gas cap ─ газды тақия (шапка газовая), etc.

Components are expressed by terms or words which separately aren't terms in indecomposable terminological word-combinations. They are:

a) terminological word-combinations are one of which components is term, and another - the usual word which doesn't have terminological meaning, but used in figurative sense: free phase – еркін фаза (фаза свободная), light oil – жеңіл мұнай (нефть легкая), acid oil – қышқыл мұнай (нефть кислая), fuel oil – отынды мұнай (нефть топливная), live oil – тірі мұнай (нефть живая);

b) the terminological word formations, which both components are terms: drill cuttings – бұрғы шламы (шлам буровой), drill bit – бұрғылау қашау (долото буровое), etc. Both types of terminological word-combinations are divided into simple and complex and can consist of two and more components. The simple terminological combination is primary option, in the case of one components absence it is word – term. For example, if in the terminological word-combination мұнай битумы - oil bitumen (нефтяной битум) to omit the word мұнай, then remained component bitumen becomes the independent term.

Numerous terminological designs belong to the second type (decomposable word-combinations), being characterized a formal components subsetability: roller drilling ─ шарқашаулы бұрғылау (бурение шарошечное), oil separation ─ мұнайды айыру (сепарация нефти).

On language accessory terminological word-combinations of English and Kazakh languages are divided inti the following groups:

a) the terminological word-combinations, which first part consists of aboriginals, and the second part consists of borrowed: English – gear oil - трансмиссиялық май (трансмиссионное масло); Kazakh – бұрғы станогы (станок буровой);

b) the terminological word-combinations, which both parts consist of borrowed words, but thus the second word is issued by an affix: English – instrument oil (instrument oil), industrial oil - аспапты май (приборное масло); Kazakh – газ каротажы - mud logging (каротаж газовый), домна газы - blast furnace gas (газ доменный);

c) the terminological word-combinations, which first part consists of borrowed words, and the second part consists of primordial words: English – cetane number - цетандық сан (цетановое число), turbine fuel - газды турбиналық май (газотурбинное масло); Kazakh – деломиттенген әктас - dolomitic limestone (известняк доломитизированный), газ ұңғыма - gas-well (скважина газовая);

d) the terminological phrases, all words in which consist of aboriginals: English – soap grease - сабын майы (мыльная смазка), petroleum engineering мұнай мен газ өндіру технологиясы (технология нефтегазодобычи); Kazakh – барлама аудан - exploration target (площадь разведочная), бұрғы білте - drill pipe string (свеча бурильная).

The carried-out analysis of oil and gas terms allowed to draw the following conclusions: in English among oil and gas terms the smallest group is represented by terminological combinations in which the first part consists of aboriginal word, and the second part consists of borrowed word, in Kazakh language – both parts of terms consist of borrowed words.

  1. Analysis for the Translated Texts

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

Crude oils that are light (higher degrees of API gravity, or lower density) and sweet (low sulfur content) are usually priced higher than heavy, sour crude oils.

Жеңіл (API көрсеткішінің жоғары дәрежесі, немесе тығыздығы төмен) және құрамында күкірті жоқ мұнай ауыр және құрамында күкірті бар мұнайға қарағанда жоғары бағаланады.

Translating “sweet oil” and “sour oil” as “тәтті мұнай” and “ащы мұнай” is not approachable in appendix № 1. Because words “sweet” and “sour” in Kazakh are used for taste of food. These phrases are also used in literary, for example “sweet” is used to express good feelings and “sour” is used to express bad feelings or something bad. However if to translate “sweet oil” and “sour oil” as “тәтті мұнай” and “ащы мұнай” it gives feeling that “sweet oil” and “sour oil” are edible. Therefore it is more approachable to translate “sweet oil” and “sour oil” as “күкіртті мұнай” and “күкіртсіз мұнай”. Thus there is used explanatory method of translation. We explain the meaning according to its content.

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

There are some crude oils both below and above the API gravity range shown in the chart.

Кейбір шикі мұнайдың түрі кестеде API (American Petroleum Institute – Америка Мұнай Институты) көрсеткішк диапазонының астында және үстінде көрсетілген.

“API gravity” is translated as “API көрсеткіші” because API is international term. There are also some translations to this term according to multitran, electronic dictionary of terms. For example, “плотность сырой нефти в градусах АНИ” in Kazakh “АМИ (Америкалық Мұнай Институты) бойынша шикі мұнайдың градустағы тығыздығы”, or “относительный удельный вес” in Kazakh “салыстырмалы меншікті салмақ”. These variants can also be used.

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

The light sweet grades are desirable because they can be processed with far less sophisticated and energy-intensive processes/refineries.

Мұнайдың жеңіл әрі күкіртсіз сұрыпы үлкен сұранысқа ие, өйткені оны күрделі емес және энергосыйымды үдерістермен/мұнай айдау зауытымен өңдеуге болады.

There is a part of sentence “The light sweet grades are desirable...” which translation is “Мұнайдың жеңіл әрі күкіртсіз сұрыпы үлкен сұранысқа ие...”. The word “desirable” is usually translated as “қалаулы” but in this case we translate it as “үлкен сұранысқа ие” which means that the light sweet oil has a big demand. If to translate the word “desirable” as “қалаулы” it is not met to official style and scientific style. Because the word “қалаулы” is used to express only man’s desire. It can not be used to express the desire of something else.

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

Brent Crude is typically priced at about $2 dollars over the WTI Spot price, which is typically priced $5 to $6 dollars above the EIA's Imported Refiner Acquisition Cost (IRAC) and OPEC Basket prices.

Брент шикізат өнімі, дағдыда, EIA (Electronic Industries Association - электронды жабдықтарды өндірушілердің ассоциациясы) бойынша мұнай өнімдерін иеленуге импорт бағасымен және мұнайды экспорттаушы мемлекеттер ұйымының (OPEC - The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries) орта бағасымен 5-тен 6 долларға дейін бағаланады.

There is a phrase “basket price”. According to multitran dictionary it means “средняя мировая цена на сырую нефть”, in Kazakh “шикі мұнайдың орта әлемдік бағасы”. According to QFinance Dictionary this phrase means a group of prices used as benchmark. According to Hughes Company the abridgement F.O.B. means - (free on board) points are specified in purchase orders. The U.S. domestic FOB point is either origin or destination. The FOB point specifies where the supplier is obligated to have the material packaged and ready for shipment (FOB origin) or where the supplier obligation for safe and timely transit ends (FOB Destination). However, it is not approachable in this text. It is more approachable to use other meaning of this abridgement. There is FOB - Forward operating base. According to definition from answers.com FOB means An airfield used to support tactical operations without establishing full support facilities. The base may be used for an extended time period. Support by a main operating base will be required to provide backup support for a forward operating base.

We have translated the term “migration of oil” as “мұнайдың көшіп-қонуы” in appendix № 2. There are some translated variants for the term “oil migration”. The word “migration” can be translated as “көші-қон” or can be translated “миграция” because of it is international term. We have chosen the 1st variant. According to multitran, electronic dictionary, the term “oil migration” means миграция нефти, перемещение нефти, in Kazakh – мұнайдың миграциясы, мұнайдың көшіп-қонуы and мұнайдың орын алмасуы.

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

In the subsurface, the path of least resistance is along a reservoir rock layer.

Жер қойнауындағы ең аз кедергінің ағысы тау жынысы қабатына жағалай орналасқан.

The term “reservoir rock” is translated into Russian according to drilling themes as “пористая порода пласта-коллектора”, in Kazakh “коллектор қабатының қатпарлы жынысы”; according to geological themes – “горная порода, обладающая способностью накапливать нефть; пористая порода; порода-резервуар; коллектор”, in Kazakh “мұнай жинауға қабілетті тау жынысы; қатпарлы жыныс; резервуар жынысы, коллектор”; according to geophysics themes - “коллекторная порода”, in Kazakh “коллектор жынысы”; according to oil themes – “коллекторская порода (порода, обладающая коллекторскими свойствами); порода-коллектор; пластовая порода”, in Kazakh “коллектор жынысы, (коллекторлық қасиеті бар жыныс); қыртыс жынысы”; according to oil and gas technology themes – “горная порода залежи”, in Kazakh “кеннің тау жынысы”; according to cement themes – “пористая горная порода”, in Kazakh “қатпарлы тау жынысы”. We have chosen “тау жынысы” because of the context.

The term “pore space” has only one meaning according to geological themes – “пустоты в породе; пористое пространство”, in Kazakh it can be translated as “жыныстағы бос орын, қуыс; қатпарлы кеңістік”.

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

This is because most of the pore spaces interconnect, and the fluid can flow from pore to pore to pore up the angle of the rock layer toward the surface.

Мұның себебі көптеген жалғайтын сымның қатпар кеңістігі және сұйықтық қатпардан қатпарға қарай қатпарлы жыныстың жағасынан жер бетіне ағады.

The term “rock layer” or “rocks” has a “породно-слоистый” translation which Kazakh meaning is “жынысты қатпарлы”.

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

As the gas and oil migrates up along the reservoir rock, it can encounter a trap.

Газ бен мұнай қатпарлы жыныстың бойымен көшіп-қонатындықтан бұл қақпанға жолықтыруы мүмкін.

The word “trap” is translated according to oil themes as “захват; газонефтяной сепаратор; дренажная труба; затвор; конденсационный горшок; ловушка (для отделения газа от жидкости или нефти от воды); сброс, складка или моноклиналь, служащая ловушкой для нефти; мелкозернистая изверженная порода тёмного цвета; захватывать; спускать нижний слой жидкости”, in Kazakh “қармау; газ бен мұнайды айырғыш; сусіңгіш құбырлары; қақпақ; конденсациялық құмыра; қақпан (газды сұйықтықтан немесе мұнайды судан бөлуге арналған); мұнайды қақпанға түсіруге арналған лықсыма, қатпар немесе моноклиналь; ұсақ түйіршікті күңгірт түстес жер жарып шыққан жыныс; ұстау; сұйықтықтың төменгі қабатын түсіру”.

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

One type of trap is a natural arch in the reservoir rock called a dome or anticline.

Қақпанның бір түрі - бұл қатпарлы жыныстағы күмбез немесе антиклиналь деп аталатын табиғи қақпа.

The term “natural arch” is translated according to Makarov terminology themes as “естественная арка (1. Природный мост, образовавшийся в результате эрозии; 2. Форма рельефа, похожая на природный мост, но образовавшаяся без участия агентов эрозии)”, in Kazakh “табиғи қақпа (1. Эрозия салдарынан пайда болған табиғи көпір; 2. Табиғи көпірге ұқсас бедердің пішіні, бірақ эрозия көмегінсіз қалыптасқан)”; according to geological themes “естественный свод обрушений”, in Kazakh “қираудың табиғи бірігуі”, according to mining themes “свод естественного равновесия”, in Kazakh “тепе-теңдіктің табиғи бірігуі”.

The term “dome” is translated according to oil themes as “колпак (железнодорожной цистерны); купол (резервуара); куполовидное поднятие; шлем (перегонного куба); обтекатель гидролокатора; расширительный колпак; расширительный колпак цистерны; расширительный колпак (цистерны)”, in Kazakh “теміржол цистернасының қалпағы; резервуар күмбезі; купол пішіндес көтеру; сұйық затты қайнататын ыдыстың дулығасы; гидролокатордың айналып ақтыратын құрылғысы; цистернаның кеңейткіш қалпақ”; according to oil and gas themes and geological themes - “куполообразная складка”, in Kazakh “купол пішіндес қабат”; according to oil and gas technology themes – “сухопарник котла; днище (баллона)”, in Kazakh “қазанның құрғақ буландырғышы; баллонның түбі”.

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

One type of trap is a natural arch in the reservoir rock called a dome or anticline.

Қақпанның бір түрі - бұл қатпарлы жыныстағы күмбез немесе антиклиналь деп аталатын табиғи қақпа.

The term “anticline” is translated according to geological themes as “антиклинальная складка; седло; седловина; свод; двусторонне-наклонная складка; антиклинальное поднятие; антиклиналь”, in Kazakh “антиклинальді қабат; ер-тоқым; аңғар; бірігу; екіжақты көлбеу қабат; антиклинальді көтеру; антиклиналь”.

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

The gas is the lightest and goes to the top of the trap to form the free gas cap.

Газ ең жеңіл болып келеді және еркін газ қалпағын жасау үшін қақпанның ең төбесіне жиналады.

The term “gas cap” is translated according to mining themes as “ореол пламени (при определении содержания метана в рудничной атмосфере предохранительной бензиновой лампой)”, in Kazakh “от сәулелері (кен атмосферасында қауіпсіздендіретін жанармай шамымен метанның болуын анықтаған кезде)”; according to oil themes – “газовая шапка; газовая шапка (в коллекторе нефти)”, in Kazakh “газ қалпағы, мұнай коллекторындағы газ қалпағы”; according to oil and gas themes – “газовый купол”, in Kazakh “газ куполы”; according to oil industry themes – “шапка газовая”, in Kazakh “газ шапкасы”.

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

To complete the trap, a caprock must overlie the reservoir rock.

Қақпанды толықтыру үшін тоқтататын жыныс қатпарлы жыныстың үстінде жабуы керек.

The term “caprock” is translated according to geophysics themes as “экранирующая порода”, in Kazakh “қалқалау жынысы”; according to oil themes – “покрывающая порода; покров продуктивной свиты; вскрыша; наносы”, in Kazakh “жабатын жыныс; өнімді кен қабаттары жамылғысы; үйінділер”, according to oil and gas themes – “покрышка; покрышка залежи; покров продуктивного пласта”, in Kazakh “қақпақ; кен қақпағы; өнімді қабаттың жамылғысы”, according to oil and gas technology themes – “перекрывающая порода”, in Kazakh “жабатын жыныс”.

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

Sedimentary rocks are the source and reservoir rocks for gas and oil.

Шөгінді жыныстар бұл газ бен мұнайға арналған қайнар мен қатпарлы жыныстар.

The term “sedimentary rock” is translated according to geological themes as “осадочная порода; слоистая порода водного происхождения”, in Kazakh “шөгінді жыныс; су тектес қатпарлы жыныс”, according to drilling themes – “осадочные породы”, in Kazakh “шөгінді жыныстар”.

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

In order to have a commercial deposit of gas or oil, three geological conditions must have been met.

Газ бен мұнайдың өндірісітік кенорны болуы үшін үш геологиялық шарт қадағалануы тиіс.

The term “commercial deposit” is translated according to geological themes as “пригодное для разработки месторождение; полезное ископаемое” inappendix № 3, in Kazakh “өңдеуге жарамды кен орны; пайдалы кен”; according to oil themes – “месторождение промышленного значения”, in Kazakh “өндірістік маңызы бар кен орны”.

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

Sediments are 1) particles such as sand grains that were formed by the breakdown of pre-existing rocks and transported, 2) seashells, or 3) salt that precipitated from of water.

Шөгінділер: 1) жыныстардың қирауының салдарынан қалыптасқан және тасымалданған құм түйіршіктерінің бөлшектері, 2) теңіз бақалшықтары, немесе 3) судан шөгілген тұз.

The term “sand grain” is translated according to mining themes as “частица песка; зерно песчаника”, in Kazakh “құм бөлшегі, құм түйіршігі”; according to oil industry themes – “песчинка”, in Kazakh “ұм қиыршығы; құм ұнтағы”; according to geological themes – “песчаные зерна”, in Kazakh “құм түйіршіктері”.

The term “sediment” is translated according to drilling themes as “взвешенная частица”, in Kazakh “өлшелген бөлшек”; according to geological themes – “отложение”, in Kazakh “қабаттану, шөгінділер, қыртыстану”; according to mining themes – “осадочное отложение”, in Kazakh “шөгінді қабаттану”; according to oil themes – “вода и грязь из нефти; гуща на дне; нефтяная эмульсия; осадочные отложения; основной осадок”, in Kazakh “мұнай мен газдың суы; түптегі қоюлық; мұнай эмульсиясы; шөгінді қабаттар; негізгі шөгінді”; according to oil industry themes – “осадок”, in Kazakh “шөгінді”.

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

In areas where oil is found in shallow reservoirs, seeps of crude oil or gas may naturally develop, and some oil could simply be collected from seepage or tar ponds.

Мұнай орналасқан ұсақ қатпарлар аймағында шикі мұнай мен газ табиғи жолмен өндіріле алады және кейбір мұнай түрлері ағыстан немесе шайыр бөгеттерінен оңай жинауға болар еді.

The term “seepage” is translated according to geological themes as “выход нефти; боковой подток воды; водосток; впитывание; выход источника; приток воды; пропитывание” in appendix № 4, in Kazakh “мұнай шығару; бүйір жақтағы су ағысы; суағар (жиналған суды ағызып жіберетін арық, құбыр т. б.); сіңіру; қайнар басы; судың құйылуы; сіңдіру, шылқыту”; according to mining themes – “выход (источника, нефти); капёж; приток”, in Kazakh “мұнайдың шығуы, қайнар түсімі; капёж; құйылым”; according to oil themes – “выход на дневную поверхность (газа, нефти); поверхностные признаки нефтепроявления”, in Kazakh “газ немесе мұнайдың күндізгі беткейге шығуы; мұнайдың көрінуінің үстіңгі белгілері”; according to oil and gas technique themes – “водопроявление”, in Kazakh “судың көрінуі”; according to oil industry themes – “подтекание (капельное); просачивание с; выход на дневную поверхность газа, нефти”, in Kazakh “тамшылап ағу; ағып жиналу, сарқылу, іркілу; газ немесе мұнайдың күндізгі беткейге шығуы”.

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

In areas where oil is found in shallow reservoirs, seeps of crude oil or gas may naturally develop, and some oil could simply be collected from seepage or tar ponds.

Мұнай орналасқан ұсақ қатпарлар аймағында шикі мұнай мен газ табиғи жолмен өндіріле алады және кейбір мұнай түрлері ағыстан немесе шайыр бөгеттерінен оңай жинауға болар еді.

The term “tar” is translated according to mining themes as “всякие густые вязкие нефтяные продукты; жидкие продукты перегонки (древесины, угля)”, in Kazakh “әр түрлі қою және жабысқақ мұнай өнімдері; ағаш, көмірді айырудың сұйық өнімдері”; according to oil themes – “адаптер; битум; вязкий остаточный нефтепродукт; гудрон (нефтяной); держатель; зажим; колодка; переходная втулка; переходная деталь; переходной ниппель; переходной патрон; переходной фитинг; смола (образующаяся при переработке нефти); соединительная муфта”, in Kazakh “адаптер; битум; қалдық жабысқақ мұнай өнімі; қара май, гудрон, (мұнай қалдықтарынан жасалатын қара май); тұтқыш, ұстағыш, ұстауыш; қысқыш; қалып, негіз (жабдықтар негізі); жалғастырғыш төлке, тығын; жалғастырғыш бөлшек; жалғастырғыш бұрандалы түтік; жалғастырғыш патрон; переходной фитинг; мұнай өндіргенде пайда болатын шайыр; жалғастырғыш муфта (бөлшектерді қосып тұратын қысқа металл түтік)”; according to oil and gas and geological themes – “сланцевая нефть; сланцевая смола”, in Kazakh “қатпарлы тасты мұнай; қатпарлы тасты шайыр”; according to oil refineries themes – “капремонт; капитальный ремонт; капремонтный”, in Kazakh “күрделі жөндеу”.

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

But it was not until 1859 that "Colonel" Edwin Drake drilled the first successful oil well, for the sole purpose of finding oil.

Дегенмен, Эдвин Дрэйк полковнигі 1859 жылы алғашқы сәтті мұнай ұңғымасын тек мұнай табу мақсатымен бұрғылады.

The term “well” is translated according to mining themes as “скважина; зумпф”, in Kazakh “ұңғыма; зумпф (шахта түбіндегі су жиналатын шұңқыр)”; according to oil themes – “резервуар; компенсационный колодец; замер зенитного и азимутального углов отклонения скважины”, in Kazakh “сұйыққойма; су сақтайтын орын (сұйық заттар, газдар сақтайтын ыдыс); өтемелі құдық; ұңғыманың ауытқу бұрышының зенитті және азимутты өлшемі”. The term “well” is translated according to geological themes as “смесь углеводородов (термин свободного пользования. Под ним могут пониматься только нефть, сумма нефти и газоконденсатных жидкостей или сумма нефти, газа и газоконденсатных жидкостей)”, in Kazakh “көмірсутектер қоспасы (еркін қолданылатын термин. Тек мұнай, тағы мұнай, газ және конденсация тәсілімен алынған газ сұйықтығы жиынтығына пайдаланылады)”; according to mining themes – “каменное масло; петролеум”, in Kazakh “тас майы; петролеум”; according to oil themes – “нефтепродукт; нефть the natural compound of liquid hydrocarbons and organic compounds of oxygen, sulfur and nytrogen; нефтепродукт; углеводороды”, in Kazakh “мұнай өнімі; мұнай (сұйық көмірсутек пен оттегі, күкірт және азоттың органикалық қосындысы); көмірсутектер”.

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

For example, the Phillips well was flowing initially at 4000 barrels per day in October 1861, and the Woodford well came in at 1500 barrels per day in July, 1862.

Мысалы, Филлипс ұңғымасы бастапқыда 1861 жылдың қазан айында күніне 4000 баррель өндірді, ал Вудфорд ұңғымасы 1862 жылдың шілде айында күніне 1500 баррель өндірді.

The term “barrel” is translated according to gas turbine themes as “баррель (мера жидкости)”, in Kazakh “баррель (сұйықтық өлшемі)”; according to geological themes – “тубус (микроскопа)”, in Kazakh “тубус (оптикалық жабдықтардың мойыны)”; according to mining themes – “баррел; сосуд для водоотлива”, in Kazakh “баррел; суды ағызуға арналған түтік”; according to oil themes – “баррель (0, 159 м3); втулка (насоса); камера (гидравлического домкрата, механизма гидравлической подачи); колонковая труба; барабан лебёдки; керноприёмник; баррель; баррели; характеристика продуктивности нефтяного месторождения в баррелях суточной добычи; барр”, in Kazakh “баррель (0, 159 м3); төлке, тығын; гидравликалық домкрат, көтергіш (ауыр нәрсені азғана биікке көтеру үшін қолданылатын механизм); гидравликалық беру механизмінің камерасы; құбыр шүмегі; жүкарба барабаны; мұнай кенорнының тәуліктік өнімдегі өндірістік сипаттамсы”.

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The oil was collected in the wooden tank.

Мұнай ағаш ыдысқа жиналатын еді.

The term “tank” is translated according to geological themes as “водоём”, in Kazakh “су; су қоймасы; суайдын; суат (су тоқтайтын, жиналатын жер)”; according to oil themes – “сборник с коническим днищем; хранилище”, in Kazakh “конус түпті жинақ; қойма; сақтау орны”; according to oil and gas themes – “резервуар (ёмкость); резервуар для хранения нефти или нефтепродуктов; резервуар для хранения топлива; топливный танк; танк”, in Kazakh “сұйыққойма; су сақтайтын орын (сұйық заттар, газдар сақтайтын ыдыс), сыйымдылық; мұнай және мұнай өнімдерін сақтауға арналған қойма; жанармай сақтауға арналған қойма; жанармай сауыты; сауыт”.

The sentence from the text for translation and translated version:

Even now gas production is gaining market share as LNG provides an economical way of transporting the gas from even the remotest sites.

Тіпті қазірдің өзінде газ өндірісі нарықта өз үлесін алады, себебі, сұйытылған табиғи газ тіпті ең алыс жердерден газды тасымалдау үшін экономикалық тәсілмен қамтамасыз етеді.

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