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Psychoanalytic therapy session

C.: I really don't have much to talk about to today. Nothing much has happened in the last 24 hours. Work today was boring. So I really don't have much of interest to talk about.

P.: When you left here today you seemed kind of ___1___ about the date you have last night.

C.: Oh, yes. Oh, I don't know why I forgot about that? The whole reason I came to analysis is to figure out what ____2___ every time I start dating a woman. Anyway, the date last night was pretty much a bust. I feel ___3___ and inapt. I took her to a move, but I couldn't enjoy the movie because the whole time I was wondering whether or not she found me interesting. She didn't say anything to me so I kept thinking she didn't wanna have anything to do with me. Anyway an hour into the movie she asked if we could go because she was feeling sick. So I took her home. I felt like a complete failure. Oh, that ____4___ me the dream I had last night. I was sitting in a moving theatre and for some reason it was all lit up instead of dark. The name of the film was crimes of the heart which I haven't really seen in real life. A woman sitting behind me was kidding so I turned around and looked at her. She kind of ___5___ with me, so I turned back immediately. Then I noticed as man sitting about for or five seats away from me. In my row. He looked like a real slob (неряха). He was horrible and anxious. I noticed he was eating buttered popcorn – a domestic disgusting manner. I handed him a napkin. I don't know where I got a napkin from. But anyway, the man completely ___6___ me. And he just kept on eating. Then he noticed a woman sitting behind me and they began to exchange flirtatious glances with each other. Finally, the man got out of his seat and then he sat next to the woman behind me. They were giggling and on carrying on and made it hard for me to hear the movie. Then an usher came up and told me that I was making too ____7___ and I should leave. I explained to him that it was the couple sitting behind me that was making all the noise and not me. He didn't seem to believe me. He still told me to leave. I did nothing but he kind of kissing me and threatened. It looked like he was going to bash me one moment. Then I woke up.

P.: Well, as you think about the dream, what ____8____?

C.: Well, the first thing that comes to mind is pretty obvious, I guess. I think about the movie I went to last night. In both situations I felt really ___9___. But my date really looked nothing like the woman in the dream. I can't really say the woman reminded me of anybody. I know she was wearing glasses. Oh, I just remembered something. She was holding a white rose in her hand. I know that sounds pretty bizarre to be sitting in a full alert movie theatre carrying a white rose. Ha-ha.

P.: Does the white rose ___10__ anything particular to mind?

C.: Oh, of course, the woman I took out last night was named Rose. But like I said she really looked nothing like the woman in the dream. Besides, the woman in the dream was sitting behind me. Wait a minute. I know what you gonna say. You're going to say that you were sitting behind me and therefore, the woman in the dream must ___11__ you. I really don't think so because like I said she really looked nothing like you. Besides, you don't wear glasses. The only other association I have the roses go back to my childhood. I remember my mother had a rose garden in the back yard. And she looked at it constantly. A ___12___ just popped into my mind. I must have been only five or six years old...

Key: 1. anxious; 2. goes wrong; 3. awkward; 4. reminds; 5. flirted; 6. ignored; 7. much noise; 8. comes to mind; 9. uncomfortable; 10. bring; 11. represent; 12. memory.

Task 22. Use the information from this unit and find additional information on Internet to prepare a presentation on the following problems:

  • Active listening

  • Gestalt techniques

  • Systematic desensitization

  • Cognitive therapy

  • Behavior therapy

  • Biological approaches in psychotherapy.

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