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IX. Переведите текст на русcкий язык письменно. Everything about law

Every society tends to have rules and regulations to help people live together and to keep them in order. In every country in the world nowadays, these rules are written down as laws decided by the government or by religious leaders.

In many societies, there is no written law. Everyone knows that they should not commit certain deeds. In case of disputes, or if a punishment is needed, decision may be made by a leader, or a group of elders (older people).

The 166 countries of the United Nations have agreed a code of international laws to control how they behave to each other. Disputes may be settled by the 15 judges of the International Court of Justice in the Hague in the Netherlands.

In English-speaking countries, many laws have their roots in com­mon law. This is a group of laws passed down from medieval times, based on customs common everywhere rather than just locally.

In common-law countries trials are adversarial. This means that there are lawyers on each side to persuade the judge that they are right. The lawyer who is most persuasive wins the case. More serious crimes are tried by a jury, a group of 12 or so ordinary people who decide whether the accused is guilty. Then the judge passes sentence.

In most European countries, however, the law has its roots in the system of laws created by the Ancient Romans. So these countries are said to have Roman law systems.

In Roman-law countries, trials are inquisitorial. Here the judge asks all the questions to get at the truth before coming to a decision. In many Moslem countries, laws are based on the Koran.

Контрольная работа (вариант 3).

  1. Переведите текст на русcкий язык письменно.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation.

The FBI, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is considered by many to be the finest investigative body in the world. American policemen hold it in such esteem that it is often referred to as “The Bureau”. The FBI is responsible for the investigation of all Federal laws not assigned to other agencies and for the violations committed on Government property and Indian reservations. Thefts of Government property are also investigated by the FBI. In addition the FBI’s jurisdiction includes matters of internal security (espionage, sabotage, treason); bank robbery; kidnapping; extortion; interstate transportation of stolen autos, aircrafts, cattle or property; interstate transportation or transmission of wagering information, gambling devices and paraphernalia; interstate travel in aid of racketeering; fraud against government; violations of election law; civil rights violation; and assaulting or killing a Federal officer or the President of the USA.

The FBI also operates a national crime laboratory for its use and for use of by police departments at all levels of government? And publishes the monthly Law Enforcement Bulletin. The FBI collects crime statistics and publishes them in the Uniform Crime Report, and maintains a central fingerprint repository.

The Bureau engages in the training of local police officers through the National Academy and through schools conducted by travelling teams of agents. FBI agents often possess law degrees or degrees in accounting; however, applicants with baccalaureate degrees and various amounts of police and military experience are occasionally considered for appointment.

  1. Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту:

1) What is the FBI responsible for?

2) What kind of matters does the FBI’s jurisdiction include?

3) How would you define the crimes like espionage, sabotage and treason?

4) What kind of laboratory does the FBI operate?

5) What kind of document is the Uniform Crime Report?

6) What sort of education should the FBI agents possess?

  1. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим словам и выражениям:

нарушения, измена, быть ответственным за что-либо, вдобавок, вымогательство, однако, гражданские права, нападение, азартные игры, опыт работы, отпечатки пальцев, рогатый скот, хранилище, расследование, мошенничество.