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ustnye_temy_1_kurs (1).doc
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tobroadcast– передавать по радио

household -хозяйство

satellite dish – спутниковая антенна

media– средство информации

issue– выпуск, издание

tocope– справляться, бороться

featurefilm– художественный фильм

entertainment- развлечение

topical- злободневный

screen- экран

deny - отрицать


Answer the questions:

  1. When did television come into existence?

  2. What is television for people around the world?

  3. What are the advantages of TV?

  4. What TV programs are especially popular?

  5. Are you for or against TV?

  6. What harm does TV do?

  7. Do you watch TV for hours?

  8. What’s your favorite TV program?

  9. Why does television attract millions of people to the screens?

10.What is the origin of the name ‘Television’?


Comment on the following;

- television as the source of news; - television as an entertainment;

- television as the best possibility for educdtion.


Give the English for:

  • основной источник новостей

  • смотрят телевизор часами

- значительное количество телепрограмм


Sport is probably as old as the humanity itself. It is an exciting creative sphere of hard work and competition. Everyone seeks in it answers to his own problems. Whether as a player or merely as a spectator, just about everyone likes sports today.

Sport is not only a perfect pastime but it is a special world of its own. A lot of peo­ple are fond of sports and games. Sport makes us healthy, keeps fit and more organized. It unites people of different classes and nationalities.

Many people all over the world go in for sports . People of all ages practice skiing, cycling, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, body-building, etc. They have all necessary facilities for going in for sport: sta­diums, sport grounds, swimming pools, etc. Sport is paid much attention to in our edu­cational establishments. Gymnastics is a part of children's daily activity in the kinder­gartens. Physical culture is a compulsory subject at schools, colleges and higher educa­tional establishments.

In the last years Belarusian sportsmen take an active part in the world sports movement and in the Olympic Games. International competitions are often held in Belarus. They attract a large number of fans. There is a lot of live broadcasting of matches in our country.

But it is not necessary to go in for sport for enjoying it. Millions of people all over the world spend hours watching sport events on television, or at stadiums. They enjoy be­ing "fans" of this or that sport team, Many professional sportsmen are now very popular and famous, for example: Michael Jordan, Pele, Ronaldo, etc.

Sport is an essential part of my daily life. It helps me to be active and to overcome difficulties, because it trains not only my body but my will. I go in for swimming. It needs mobility and energy. It keeps a person in a good form. I have been practicing swimming for six years, but the more I do the more I like it. I get a real joy taking part in different competitions. Three days a week I go to the swimming pool. Certainly, it's a great distance between me and professionals, but I do my training with great pleasure and hope it will help me to be healthy and fit.

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