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Кейс_Английский язык Борискина.doc
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Вариант - 2

1.Закончите предложения, используя приведенные ниже глаголы в форме Present Indefinite.

buy, like, speak, play, win, rain.

Например: It often rains in autumn.

  1. In summer John usually …. tennis once or twice a week.

  2. They always … lottery tickets, but they never … anything.

  3. He usually … so quickly that I do not understand him.

  4. I …summer very much.

2. Закончите предложения, используя приведенные ниже глаголы в форме Present Continuous.

knock, play, build, read.

Например: Where is Tom? – He is taking a bath.

  1. Peter can’t read the newspaper now because his aunt … it.

  2. Listen! Someone … at the door.

  3. Where is Mike? He … football now.

  4. Some friends of mine … their own house. They hope it will be finished next summer.

3.Преобразуйте предложения в Past Indefinite.

Например: Ann meets her friends every day. Yesterday … .

Ann meets her friends every day. Yesterday she met her friends.

  1. We usually play volleyball on Saturdays. Last Saturday …. .

  2. They listen to music every day. They … yesterday.

  3. Tim often plays with the dog. He … yesterday.

4.Поставьте данные в скобках глаголы в форму Past Continuous

Например:Tom burnt his hand while he … the dinner.(cook)

Tom burnt his hand while he was cooking the dinner.

  1. We saw an accident while we … the street.(cross)

  2. I … (cycle) home when suddenly a man stepped out into the road in front of me. I … (go) quite fast, but luckily I managed to stop in time and didn’t hit him.

5.Прочитайте текст.

Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 in Edinburgh, Scotland. His father was an expert in phonetics, the study of the sounds of languages. As a boy, Alexander became interested in sounds and speech. In 1870 the Bells decided to immigrate to America. They lived in Boston, where Alexander taught in school for the deaf. There he began experimenting with a machine to help the deaf hear. While experimenting with this machine, Bell had an idea. Why not use electricity to send the human voice from one place to another? Bell began to work on a new invention.

For years Bell and his assistant, Thomas Watson, worked day and night. They rented rooms in a boardinghouse. Bell was on one floor, and Watson was on another. They tried to send speech through a wire. Finally, on March 19, 1876, Watson heard these words very clearly: “Mr. Watson, come here.” Watson rushed upstairs, ran into Bell’s room, and shouted, ‘I heard you!”

That year was the centennial or 100th birthday, of the United States. There was a large fair in Philadelphia, called the Centennial Exposition; one of the main attractions at the exposition was Bell’s “talking machine”. Thousands of visitors, including Don Pedro, the emperor of Brazil, were surprised when they saw – and heard – this invention. But they still thought it was just an interesting toy. They didn’t know that one day this talking machine would become the telephone and would change people’s lives.

а. Choose the sentences which are true.

1) Alexander taught at school in Boston.

2) Bell and Watson worked together for years.

3) Bell and Watson were on the same floor in the boardinghouse on Boston. 4) Bell rushed upstairs and shouted, “I heard you!”

5) Don Pedro, the emperor of Brazil, was surprised when he saw the thousand of visitors. 6) Alexander Graham Bell came to America in 1870

6.Расскажите о себе и своей семье.

7.Ответьте на вопросы о себе и своей семье.

8.Расскажите о своей работе и ответьте на вопросы о своей работе.