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Master_Student_Works_NurmaganbetAksholpan 2.doc
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Ағылшын тілі кафедрасы

4 Ғылыми-зерттеу жұмысы _7__кредит саны

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1 Семестр Dönem


Магистрлік диссертация тақырыбы бойынша әдебиеттермен жұмыс жасау, мәліметтер жинақтау, ғылыми семинарларға қатысу.

2 Семестр Dönem


Шетел мен Қазақстан мемлекеттерінің көптілділік ерекшеліктеріне теориялық тұрғыда шолу жасау. Ғылыми семинарларда баяндама жасау. Ғылыми мақалалар жариялау.

3 Семестр Dönem


Теориялық жұмыстарды практика жүзінде тексеріп, оларға салыстырмалар жасау арқылы диссертацияға енгізу. Тәжірибе жүзінде сараптамадан өткізу. Ғылыми конференцияларды жариялау.

4 Семестр Dönem


Ғылыми зерттеу жұмысы нәтижелерінің негізінде магистрлік диссертация жазу, жетекші ғалымдардан сын пікірлер алу, диссертацияны қорғауға ұсыну.

5 Магистрлік диссертация/yüksek lisans tezi/master’s thesis




Peculiarities of polylingualism in the English-speaking countries.

Ғылыми жетекшісі

Tez Danışmanı


Ф.ғ.к. доцент Қуанышбек Баимбетович Уразбаев

(Аты-жөні, ғылыми дәреже, ғылыми атақ/Adı-Soyadı, Akademik Ünvanı (Derecesi)/ Full name, Academic Degree, Academic Title)

Диссертация жазылатын тіл

Tez Yazım Dili

Thesis Writing Language

Ағылшын тілі




The actuality of work consists in that in conditions of globalization the language sphere of a social life appears the most subject to significant changes, it is shown more brightly in the polycultural countries to which Kazakhstan also concerns. All changes of political, economic and cultural life depend in many respects from language, ethno-cultural, social and other concrete historical conditions which are specific for each separately taken country. Formation of the polycultural person is composed of acquaintance with different cultures and knowledge of several languages: the native language which fixes comprehension of an accessory to the ethnos; Kazakh language is as the state, possession of it promotes successful civil integration, Russian language is as language of interethnic dialog and source of scientific and technical information, foreign languages which develops person’s ability to self-identification in the world community. Object of study is a polylinguism in primary school of Kazakhstan. Subject of study is a using and teaching a polylinguism in primary school of Kazakhstan.




The purpose of work is a research of polylinguism sphere in school of Europe and primary school of Kazakhstan and ways of formation of the polycultural person with a using new effective and innovative model of education.

Негізгі міндеттер

Temel Görevleri

Main Tasks

1. To study a polylinguism in Kazakhstan and Europe countries. 2. To reveal a new model of teaching polylinguism in primary school of Kazakhsan. 3. To work out and implement traditional and non- traditional standards of Kazakhstan education and to produce new effective model of teaching polylinguism.

Теориялық маңыздылығы

Teorik Önemi

Theoretical Significance

The uniquely human capacity of using arbitrary signs to transfer concept and experience over great distances in time and place is what we call language. We use language with a purpose, and we use whatever features are at our disposal to achieve our ends, regardless of the fact that some speakers think that certain features should be held together and not used in combination with certain other features. The phenomenon of language is not necessarily a construction, and while all individual languages are constructed, it is not possible to clearly delimit them from each other. The crucial phenomenon is language, not any specific language. While some speakers think languages should be kept apart, others combine three, four, or more different sets of features (i.e. so-called ‘languages’) in their linguistic production. This is characteristic of polylingualism (where multilingualism is characterised by the knowledge of several separate languages). These speakers do not choose their features randomly. Particularly in late-modern urban youth groups the simultaneous use of features from many different sources is frequent.

Ғылым жаңалығы

İlmi Yeniliği

Scientific Novelty

Polylingual children have the capacity to develop new language more naturally than adults do. Children who learn more than one language before adolescence will acquire these languages easily and possess “native-like" ability than they would try to study these languages as adults. Linguistic creativity: e) Polylingual children understand from the early age that there is more than one way to label or discuss something and realize that different labels for the same object or idea in different languages can have different connotations moreover they are more likely to see creative possibilities of language and explore. Moreover they are more likely to see creative possibilities of language. f) Polylingual children know from the beginning that different people do things differently. It's not better, it's not worse, it's just different! g) Polylingual children build bridges to new relationships because they have a capability: they can talk diversely, they build different sorts of relationships and they can be like a communicating contact between two kids who can't talk to each other - they can actually translate and help. h) Another advantage is the most flexible and diverse thinking. Researches actually show that kids who master several languages think differently. They realize that there could be more than one word to one concept therefore their mind stays more flexible. The fact is polylingual children do at least well in school as their monolingual peers. i) The self-identity of polylingual child will be affected as well that means that polylingualism actually affects the child. It’s not just about communication; it's not just about functional benefits. It's actually about the personality about who a child will be so as a result it increases self-esteem and self-confidence .

Практикалық маңыздылығы

Pratik Önemi

Practical Significance

The aim of education at the present stage are not just knowledge, but also the formation of core competencies that should equip young people for life in society. Five core competencies, required for any specialist today are identified by Council of Europe. Among them – the ability to communicate orally and in writing, that naturally implies the mastering several languages. The main aim in teaching foreign languages to the citizens of European Council is multilingualism: possession of every person in Europe at least two foreign languages, one of them – actively. We can designate the hierarchy of the most studied foreign languages in the Old World, which determine the language policy for the new millennium: the French – Russian – Spanish (Italian – Portuguese). A study, conducted in Germany, showed that for 80 percent of European countries requires knowledge of at least two foreign languages, especially English and French (in conjunction 25:1), and 45 percent – at least three languages (Spanish, Italian, Russian). Not only the exporting firms need knowledge of language, but also importing firms need. In determining the language policy, all three hypostasis are taken into account: the history, present and future. Isolation of only one of them, according to experts, violates the essence of language, preserving a history that enables to live in the present and opening the way to the future.

Зерттеу әдістемесі

Araştırma Metodu

Research Methods

According to the thesis’s purposes and tasks to make comparation between languages and to draw the significance of polylingualism.

Күтілетін нәтижелер

Beklenen Sonuçlar

Expected Results

Polylingualism and polylingual teaching to foreign languages are an absolute necessity, the imperative of our time, because the whole world is poly ethical, polylingual. And in solving the main problems of the modern world – harmony and understanding between people, overcome the difficulties of interethnic communication, intercultural communication, the maintenance and promotion of situation of polylingualism in each country and between countries can contribute in a greater extent. In my opinion polylingualism – it is not only the development of the country but also the development of itself, as a man of the XXI century. If you want to know the culture of the country you have to learn its language.

Жарияланатын мақалалары

Yayınlanacak Makaleleri

To be publishing Articles

Scientific conferences, scientific magazines

Жоспарланған апробация

Planlanan Denemeler

Planned Testing

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