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Контрол и методич указ по англ языку (3).doc
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It’s a crime

Thieves have been around for centuries, probably for as long as humans, but armed robbery is a more recent phenomenon. Unfortunately women have always been the victims of rape and domestic violence. Forgery has been around ever since printing has been used to make money or produce documents. Rich people or their children are sometimes kidnapped and are not set free until a ransom has been paid. The twentieth century has seen the appearance of many organized crimes such as hijacking and drug-smuggling or drug-trafficking. Statistics show an alarming rise in the rate of violent crimes and crimes to do with the illegal sale of arms across the world. Perhaps the most recent crime of all is hacking in to computers to access information that helps competitors in industry. This increase in international crime makes one wonder whether it is still true to say “Crime doesn’t pay”.

Факультет психологии

Smells that work

It takes two seconds for a smell to enter your nose and travel to a part of the brain which controls memory end emotions. You probably do not realize what is making you hungry or suddenly quite calm.

Smells nice! Banks and hotels pulp fruit fragrances into reception areas. Supermarkets use smells such as bread to make you want to buy. Travel agencies use coconut oil fragrances to persuade customers to travel to places where sunshine is the main attraction. Fragrances are calming. A New York clinic that used the smell of vanilla found that patients who attended regularly reported a reduction in stress of 65%. Airlines put lavender smells in planes to calm people who are nervous.

Benefits for employees. Japanese companies use lemon smells to increase energy during the working day and flower scents to improve concentration before and after lunch.

Факультет Журналистики

Media hype

The mass media refers to the people and organizations that provide news and information for the public. Until recently these were mainly newspapers< television and radio. Today? Computers play a very big part. The internet is a computer system that allows millions of people around the world to receive and exchange information about almost anything. Ordinary post has been taken over by e-mail which stands for electronic mail because it is sent and received via a computer. It's a system that allows people to send messages to each other quickly and cheaply. Ordinary post is now referred to as "snail mail" and one wonders if the postman is a job in danger of extinction.

Контрольная работа № 2 (летняя сессия)

А. Перепишите предложения. Определите видовременную форму глаголов. Переведите.

1. He hadn’t worked with a company for a year when it collapsed.

  1. Julia was listening to loud music, so she didn’t hear the doorbell.

  2. Have you ever used English for business?

  3. We had been smoking in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again.

  4. We will have finished our work by the time the bell rings.

  5. There is somebody behind us. I think we are being followed.

  6. I was mugged on my way home a few nights ago.

  7. Although the fire spread quickly, everybody was able to escape.

  8. What was wrong with you? Why did you have to go to hospital?

  9. A man was slightly injured in the accident but he didn’t have to go to hospital.

  10. Smoking isn’t allowed in the house.

  11. The accounts have been paid.

  12. Our company has been growing constantly since we offered this market.

  13. I was tired. I had been working all day long.

  14. He will be working on a new project during this summer.

B. Перепишите предложения, поставив глаголы в скобках в нужную временную форму.

  1. The company management tried to convince the Minister that the energy crisis (be) real.

  2. He said he just (return) from the business trip.

  3. The delegates were said that the director just (go out) and (be back) in 10 minutes.

  4. She believed that a man who (dress) well always (get on) well in business.

  5. He asked whether the problem (be) solved in the near future.

C. Перепишите предложения, поставив глаголы в скобках в форму Past Perfect Simple или Past Indefinite.

    1. When we ____ talking I realized that we ____ before. (to start, to meet)

    2. When I ____ at my suitcase I could see that somebody ____ to open it. (to look, to try)

    3. The doctor ____ him and found that he ____ his arm. (to examine, to break)

    4. We were a few minutes late, so the film ____ when we ____ to the cinema. (already to start, to get)

    5. He ____ her for a long time since the day we said goodbye. (not to see)

    6. She ____ me he ____ the few years working in a hospital in Brazil. (to tell, to spend)

    7. We ____ hungry. We ____ (to be, just to have lunch)

    1. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

  1. Вы пришли вовремя. Этот вопрос как раз сейчас обсуждают.

  2. Думаю, мне надо приготовить салат на ужин.

  3. Она сказала, что ей пришлось идти пешком, потому что она не смогла сесть в автобус.

  4. Когда мы вернулись, вещи уже были уложены.

  5. Боюсь, ей не разрешат купаться. Она ещё слишком слаба.

  6. Он сказал, что может одолжить мне книгу на несколько дней.

  7. Раньше он готовился к урокам более серьёзно.

E. Перепишите предложения, поставив глаголы в скобках в форму пассивного залога.

  1. Certain modifications and improvements (make) in the product at the moment.

  2. The telegram informed that the goods (lose) in transit.

  3. Last month a new type of saving account (design) to attract small investors.

  4. The money (post) to your account as soon as we receive your letter.

5. Good profits (make) by the company before it (head) by a new director.

F. Поставьте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.

1. Our headquarters are being relocated in Malaysia.

2. The Marketing Manager reported that 30 per cent of their production had been exported.

3. The investment was made in the last quarter.

4. A new sales campaign is being started next week.

5. Too many private calls have been made by the secretary recently.

6. Employees must be trained to operate modern machines.

G. Перепишите и переведите текст.

Факультет Экономики и управления

Fairs and Exhibitions.

Every year a lot of international, national and specialized exhibitions and fairs take place in different countries of the world. The number of countries and companies which take part in them is growing from year to year and the scope of fairs and exhibitions is becoming larger. A wide range of exhibitions shows the latest achievements in different fields of industry, science and agriculture of many countries.

The participants in the fairs and exhibitions negotiate the sale and the purchase of different goods at special commercial centers. Every exhibition or fair is a demonstration of experience and also a method to advertise products. International fairs and exhibitions pare the way for consolidation of friendship among countries and nations.

Факультет Юриспруденции

An innocent man.

Last night, Joe Bloggs was arrested on suspicion of robbery. The police had no proof that he had committed the crime and Joe denied the charge saying he had a good alibi. When he was put on trial, the police called several witnesses to the stand but Joe’s lawyer defended his client well and tried to prove that Joe had not done anything illegal. However, the jury found Joe guilty and he was sentenced to six months in prison. As Joe had never committed a crime before this was a very heavy punishment. Most people were convinced of Joe’s innocence and his lawyer appealed against the verdict.

Факультет психологии

Culture shock

Penny, a friend of mine, has just got back from a trip to Japan. She had a very enjoyable time but there were occasions, she says, when the rather formal behavior of her hosts led to moments of cultural confusion, and at times she even felt embarrassed by some of the mistakes she made. For example, it is usual for Europeans to call each other by their first names, but this is not the typical way of addressing people in Japan. Now, because Penny was anxious to show everyone how friendly she was, she called everyone by there first name. Most people were sympathetic because she was obviously a foreigner but some became quite bad-tempered and showed little sympathy. At first, Penny found bowing to people quite amusing – she is, after all, an actress but after a while it became a bit tiresome having to bow to everyone you met. Penny is not at all shy – she loves meeting new people – but after the first few misunderstandings she was afraid to open her mouth in case she offended someone.

Факультет Журналистики

The Info-Revolution

We have all seen an enormous increase in the role of the mass media in people’s lives. First of all, the growth of the press, of both serious and popular newspapers, has been tremendous. Public opinion is influenced by powerful editors who not only own our newspapers which often have a circulation of millions, but who also own television and radio networks in many different countries. The huge quantity of information that people have to deal with has rocketed with the advent of satellite and cable television. At the same time, more and more people have access to personal computers. Information available at home via the Internet is infinite.