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It is necessary that the device should be turned off when leaving the laboratory.

Необходимо, чтобы прибор был выключен, когда уходишь из лаборатории.

Pattern 5.

The operation of the motor is different than that of a generator.

Работа мотора отличается от работы генератора.

l.Lightriing is an atmospheric phenomenon that greatly interested some scientists of the past; 2. Atomic energy can serve people, but one should remember that that energy can destroy the world. 3.The climate in Russia is better than that in the Antarctics. 4.When an object looses its energy that energy is turned into kinetic energy. 5.That the Earth turns round the Sun is a well known fact. 6 It is necessary that the results of the experiment should be discussed immediately. 7.The device that turns heat into work is called heat engine. 8.Among a great number of scientific problems that Lomonosov studied was that of atmospheric electricity. 9.That Benjamin Franklin invented the lightning conductor protected a lot of buildings from lightning strokes.

Revision exercises

Exercise I. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

A. Tenses and Voices of the Predicate.

l.The magnetic state induced in certain materials by bringing them into neighbourhood of a magnet. 2. When we are dealing with the subject of heat, we deal with rates of change in temperature. 3.By the age of twenty seven Newton had already been appointed Professor of Mathematics. 4 Newton quickly solved a number of difficult problems that had puzzled the best minds in London. 5.A comparison of the results that had been got in the laboratory and those received during the test was made. 6.The law of the conservation and transformation of energy was discovered in the middle of the 19th century. 7.Mechanical energy is measured in the same units as work. 8.Today nuclear energy is used in many branches of science and engineering. 9.The students have been studying Maxwell's equations for some lectures. lO.The professor said he thought it was important to make the connection between what we had learnt earlier and what we were learning during the last semester. 11.Work on the problem was being carried out by some specialists for a year, at last the first results have recently been published. 12.Experiments made on the particles confirmed that they carried a negative charge and the name "electron" was given to them. 13.Before 1831 when the first locomotive to be used in America was put into use, trains were drawn by horses. 14.Semiconductors are influenced by falling light as well as by radiation. I5.Lomonosov's works were often referred to in the past and are being referred to at present. 16. Such difficulties are often met with. 17.the problem was not given due attention.

B. Modality.

1. If this system is to serve as a voltmeter, a resistor has to be added in series. 2.!t should be noted that this analysis differs considerably from a recently published explanation. З.Оnе might expect the temperature to rise if no precautions were taken. 4.Newton had to base his gravitational studies on the facts that were known at that time. 5.While working at his Periodic Table of Elements Mendeleyev had to study the properties of a great number of elements. 6.Sophia Kovalevskaya was able to prove that mathematics could be taught not only by men but by women as well. 7.The students were to test the new device under laboratory conditions.

C. Should - Would functions:

1.If there were no atmosphere, the sky would be absolutely black at all times. 2.If this could be made, we should know the density distributions of cosmic rays. 3.lf you had not seen a power station boiler with your own eyes, you would have hardly imagine its size. 4.Volta's first attempts to get an electric source were a failure, he tried again and again, but the experiments would end in nothing. 5.One should be careful while operating the driller. 6.The engineer suggested that the test should be repeated. 7.The astronomers supposed that they would use a radio-telescope for the observation of Venus. 8.They were told the investigation would be proceeded. 9.Had the motor been examined, no overheating would occur. 1O.One should overcome difficulties in work if he wants to become a real researcher. 11.Had the designer come in time, the machine-tool would have been brought into operation the week before.

Exercise II. Non-Finite Forms of the Verb (toVo; Ving; Ved3) and Constructions with them.

1.Being heated up a sufficient temperature a semiconductor begins to conduct electricity. 2.Atornic power stations being built in different countries are of various sizes. Semiconductor lasers being small in size, engineers find them suitable for use in computers. 4.To convert the energy of sun rays into electric energy the solar power stations are built in the countries with much sun. 5.The programming-engineer is said to be processing the new data now. 6.Scientists are sure to find new ways for getting electricity. 7.To obtain the desirable characteristics in metals is possible by mixing them with other substances. 8.To form a solution one should dissolve solids in liquids. 9.To form a solution for the experiment was the task of a labworker. 10.At very low temperatures some metals prove to be insulators. 11.Isotopes are known to possess identical chemical properties. 12.The first metals used by man were gold, silver, copper, these metals being found in nature in metallic itate. 13.The formula of a compound being known, we can calculate its molecular weight. 14.There are two kinds of energy in mechanics, namely kinetic and potential, the latter being the energy of position. 15.Electrones moving through a wire, electrical energy is generated. 16 Rubber being used in cables, electrical industry needs it in great quantities. 17.The conductivity of the material being tested was high. 18.When increased, the temperature 'influenced the activity of the electrons. 19.The degree of purity of the product depended on the method used. 20.Two atoms of hydrogen combined with ethylene formed the compound ethane.

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