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I. Отметьте следующие предложения как «верно» или «неверно» в соответствии с содержанием прочитанного текста.

1. On Christmas Eve 1971 Juliana Koepke, a seventeen year-old girl, left for Pucallpa by air with her mother to spend Christmas with her father.

2. Her flight lasted forty-five minutes in the storm.

3. Juliana looked for pieces of the plane and could find only her broken glasses.

4. She had a small plastic bag of sweets that’s why she didn’t get weaker and weaker.

5. She heard the helicopter and could recognize people in it.

6. No one survived in the crash except Juliana.

7. Some people survived in the crash and it took them ten days to get out of the jungle.

II. Закончите предложения в заданиях 1-5,выбрав один из предложенных вариантов ответов 1, 2, 3 или 4.

1. Juliana went to Pucallpa with her mother...

1. on Christmas day. 3. before Christmas day.

2. after Christmas day. 4. the night after Christmas.

2. The plane fell down...

1. in Lima airport after the take-off. 3. in the air after three quarters of an hour.

2. when it was landing in another town. 4. as soon as the storm began.

3. She got weaker and weaker because...

1. there was nothing to eat. 3. the insects did not let her eat her food.

2. she could not eat the food she had. 4. her arms were broken.

4. Juliana could not see unpleasant animals in the jungle because...

1. there were no animals in the forest. 3. she had deep cuts on her face.

2. she was weak and could not see anything 4. she was short-sighted and her glasses were around. ruined.

5. When she found three seats one day she saw that...

1. there were no people in them. 3. three other people were not killed in the crash

2. it was difficult to say who was in the

seats. 4. three people had already been taken to

a doctor in the next village.

III. Выберите правильный вариант перевода подчеркнутых частей предложений в заданиях 1-3.

  1. Juliana fell 3,000 metres fastened in her seat.

  1. пристегнутая к креслу.

  2. пристегнув себя к креслу.

  3. зажатая в кресле.

  4. прижавшись к креслу

  1. And as the days went by she got weaker and weaker.

  1. И так проходили дни ...

  2. И поскольку проходили дни ...

  3. И с каждым днем ...

  4. И пока проходили дни ...

  1. Juliana learned afterwards that there were at least three other people who were not killed in the crash.

1.... было, по крайней мере, три человека ...

2... было, наконец, три человека ...

3... последние три человека были ...

4... три человека были последними ...

Bingo, the Story of My Dog

It was early in November and the Canadian winter was already here. I sat in my chair, just after breakfast, and looked through the one window of our shanty, from which I could see the prairie and the end of our cowshed. Suddenly a large gray animal dashed across the prairie into the cowshed, and a smaller black and white animal ran after it.

"A wolf!" I cried, and seizing a gun, ran out to help the dog. But before I could get there, they were out of the cowshed and on the prairie again. The wolf turned to attack our dog, and the dog of our neighbour's collie, ran about, trying to bite the wolf. I fired a few shots, which did not hit the wolf, and both animals dashed off across the prairie again. Again the wolf turned, ready to fight. The dog seized the wolf by the leg, but retreated to avoid the wolf's teeth. This scene was repealed many times. The dog each time tried to get nearer to his master's house, while the wolf did all he could to run away toward the wood. I followed, and at last overtook them. The dog, now seeing that he had help, seized the wolf by the throat, and did not let go. It was now easy for me to come near them and shoot the wolf in the head.

When the dog saw that his enemy was dead, he at once set out for his master's house four miles across the snow. As he ran, he left a trail of blood on the snow from his many wounds, but he did not stop. I learned about this wonderful dog from his master, and wanted to buy him at any price, but the reply of his owner was: "Why don't you try to buy one of the children?" So I could do nothing. But he told me to wait until there was a puppy, the collie's son, and I had to be satisfied with that.