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Unit 12. Communicating The Business of Management – Program 4 Test on the video film

A. Previewing task.

Task I. Before watching the film, make sure you know the following words and word combinations:

  • absenteeism

  • ambiguity

  • distortion

  • ideation

  • comprehension

  • interchange

  • obstacle

  • perception

  • setting (context)

  • wordiness

  • a big shot

  • attrition rate

  • long-winded explanations

  • preconceived notions

  • “red-flag” words

  • obscure

  • inappropriate and misleading

  • precise / imprecise

  • to clarify

  • to convey

  • to detect

  • to be susceptible to human error

  • to communicate an idea

  • to downplay authority

  • to elicit an instant response

  • to expose a coded message

  • to foster open communication

  • to impair understanding

  • to impede communication

  • to reach out to smb

  • to retain information

  • to take for granted

  • to transfer / transmit ideas

  • to wield power

B. While watching.

Task II. State whether the following sentences are true or false. Make the false expressions sound true:

  1. Most people spend about 80% of their waking hours communicating.

  2. Communication is a fairly simple and instinctive process that comes to people naturally.

  3. Tests indicate that an average person retains 70% of what’s said and within 24 hours that figure declines to about 25%.

  4. The process of transferring meaning sets in with the formulation of an idea.

  5. People should constantly exploit “red flag” words to elicit an instant emotional response in the recipient.

  6. Making use of metaphors helps managers to evade ambiguity and confusion in communication.

  7. When the transmitter attempts to clarify confused ideas, he or she should take advantage of long-winded explanations.

  8. Listening skills don’t need either improving or upgrading.

  9. Preconceived notions impair understanding.

  10. Since the majority of human beings have their own world outlook, they tend to interpret the words of others according to their views and interests.

  11. Managers should speak the same language with various people in the company.

  12. If we are unable to put into words some of the most important parts of communication, we should convey them by gestures or movements.

  13. There is a single meaning for every gesture and movement.

  14. Most people feel more ideas in their own offices than in the superior’s.

  15. Power and authority create barriers to communication.

Task III. Rearrange the steps of a communication process in the correct order:

        1. Encoding the message.

        2. Ideating.

        3. Transmitting the message.

        4. The medium for the communication.

        5. Decoding the message.

        6. The context of the communication.

        7. Receiver of the message.

        8. Sender of the message.

        9. Comprehending the message.

Task IV. It is known that the process of communication is susceptible to human error. There exist several factors that affect communication and can cause ambiguity. Specify their influence on understanding:

Task V. Translate the sentences into Russian:

  1. Communication is the process of transferring ideas, thoughts and feelings and making them understood. It’s the process that dominates our lives and virtually every aspect of human behaviour.

  2. Modern managers are beginning to recognize that communication is an extremely subtle and surprisingly complex activity.

  3. For the modern manager, as an individual who must work with others to achieve organizational objectives, the ability to communicate is crucial.

  4. More often than not, people don’t use metaphors precisely, thus increasing the potential for ambiguity and confusion.

  5. It’s a good idea not to focus on the manner of delivery but concentrate instead on what is being said and part of this is listening for the main idea rather than isolated facts.

  6. Beyond the problem of preconceived notions are the physical obstacles of noise, interruption and the proper audibility or visibility of communication.

  7. Most words have several meanings; therefore, they have a built-in ambiguity.

  8. If you understand how you see the world, then you are also able to make assumptions about the other party that you are dealing with and from there then the communication process takes place.

  9. Questioning and paraphrasing are integral components of the feedback process which is vital to effective communication.

  10. If the executive wants to reach out to the subordinate, to enlist support or show encouragement, the meeting should be held in the subordinate’s office. If the executive wants to emphasize his or her position of supremacy, the meeting should be held in the executive’s office.

  11. Effective interpersonal communication is a vital part of quality management and is based on a number of interrelated skills that can be improved through diligent practice.

  12. A manager should be sensitive not only to words, but to gestures, facial expressions, location, personal and professional relationships, preconceived notions and even furniture arrangement.

C. Follow-up activity.

Task VI. Give a brief summary of the film using this plan:

  1. communication as a complicated activity;

  2. the conveying of the message;

  3. probable obstacles in the communication process;

  4. distortion of meaning and ambiguity;

  5. ways of improving communication skills;

  6. keys to effective interpersonal communication.