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Тарасевич Т.В. Практикум по грамматике.doc
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III. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в соответствующей форме активного или пассивного залога:

  1. A personal file (keep) on every member of staff from the moment they are taken on.

  2. The employees should constantly (encourage) to display initiative.

  3. A small increase in our company’s profits (report) last year.

  4. After a sharp decline in annual income they (take) over by a major competitive.

  5. The press release (issue) to all advertising agencies after the product (launch).

  6. An effective advertising campaign (need) to launch a new product line.

  7. The central office of this joint-stock company (locate) in Minsk.

  8. At the moment his claims (examine) by the Chief Executive.

  9. By next year, everybody in the company (give) a pay-rise.

  10. Credit cards (accept) in your shop?

  11. The flight (delay) by two hours due to accident threat.

  12. Delivering the goods by air is rather costly, but they (require) urgently.

  13. She (inform) about the results of the research as soon as it (finish) next month.

  14. Some manufacturers (accuse) of dumping – selling goods abroad at a lower price than they (sell) domestically.

  15. What Belarus (export)?

  16. The Board of Directors usually (elect) by stockholders.

  17. Their share price (rise) steadily before the merger (announce).

  18. We (spend) a lot of money on advertising campaign.

  19. Yesterday Mr. Higgins (tell) to come at two o’clock on the dot.

  20. The office worker (dismiss) as he (steal) company property ever since he (appoint).

  21. He (work) as a consultant for three different companies in the same field of activity, but (fire) from the first two.

  22. Although strategic decision-making generally (entrust) to senior officials, the board members are responsible to the shareholders for any errors that might (make).

  23. It (report) yesterday that the sides (reach) an agreement on the terms of the contract.

  24. Our performance (help) by the failure of our main rivals that wound up their business in May.

  25. The division of a market into identifiable groups (describe) as market segmentation.

7. Согласование времён. Косвенная речь

I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

  1. The secretary asked her boss what time (would he leave / he was leaving) for the airport.

  2. He wondered what (he should do / should he do) to set the situation right.

  3. Melvin promised (to pay / paying) back the money as soon as possible.

  4. Mr. Ferrow suggested (talking / that he would talk) to the CEO in person.

  5. The company’s executive director informed the staffers that they (will be given / would be given) a few days off.

  6. The Marketing Director inquired when the launch campaign of the new product (is going / was going) to take place.

  7. Mr. Martin denied that she (had taken / took) any money from the company.

  8. The teacher explained that the elements of the marketing mix (focused / focus) on the consumer.

  9. We found out that the new trainee (was promoted / had been promoted) over the heads of several of his seniors.

  10. The shop assistant told us (do not touch / not to touch) any of the items on display.