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1 Dorian Grey was angry with Sibyl because….

A she did not love him anymore.

B she gave a bad performance on stage

C his friends were not impressed with her acting.

D she became ill.

2. Dorian came into the greenroom to tell Sibyl that…

A he loves her because she is intelligent.

B she means the world to him when she is not acting.

C she should not perform when she is ill.

D he was no longer in love with her.

3. As soon as Dorian walked into his bedroom he…

A jumped in disbelief.

B saw his face in a mirror.

C remembered the wish he had made.

D admired Basil Hallward’s beautiful artwork

4. Dorian believes that…

A his portrait will remain the same as he grows old.

B his beauty will fade as he grows old

C the portrait shows his soul.

D the portrait will teach him not to sin

ІІ. Speaking

Sometimes disasters and accidents happen. Tell your friend a story about an accident (imaginary or real).

Голова предметної комісії ______________________________О.А.Бондаренко

Екзаменатори ________________________О.А. Бондаренко

________________________ С.В.Барцева

________________________ Л.В. Замула

________________________ І.М. Плєшкова

________________________ В.І. Бова

________________________ Л.М. Клант

________________________ Л.В. Магаляс

Міністерство освіти і науки, молоді та спорту України

Державний вищий навчальний заклад

«Дніпропетровський транспортно-економічний коледж»

Іноземна мова

Examination Card #23

I. Reading

Read the text given below. Choose the most suitable heading from the list (A–l) for each part (1–6) of the article. There are three extra headings which you do not need to use.


(1) .....

Only 80 kilometres to the south of Jerusalem, the Negev desert begins. It covers nearly half of Israel, yet it is largely ignored by the country’s visitors, who see it as nothing but endless dust and rock. Traditionally, tourism has only affected the outskirts of the desert: the Red Sea in the south and the Dead Sea in the north.

(2) .....

With temperatures reaching 45°C, this dried-up landscape of dwarfed bushes and threatening mountains will always terrify some travellers. In the total silence it is common for people to believe they hear dogs barking, phones ringing and buses stopping. But these hallucinations soon wear off, and many people who visit the desert discover its wonders.

(3) .....

The Negev is a predominantly rocky desert, with an amazing variety of landscapes: flat, stony plains, canyons, plantless mountains and salt marshes. Steep cliffs rise above dry riverbeds. Here and there are deep holes, the remains of copper mines made by the Egyptians 6,000 years ago. The overall impression is of a prehistoric landscape.

(4) .....

Nowadays, camels, the traditional desert transport, are being replaced by the less stubborn four-wheel-drive vehicle. Desert safaris, whether by car or camel, are now a growing industry. Treks range from an hour on a camel to seven-night journeys on foot or by jeep, with a mattress at night under the stars. How far you travel into the Negev and away from civilisation is your decision.

(5) .....

Despite its potential for tourist development, Israel has always been a little worried by the desert. David BenGurion, Israel’s first prime minister, said, “If the State does not put an end to the desert, the desert may put an end to the State.”

(6) .....

Ben-Gurion’s dream was to turn the desert into agricultural land, using a system of underground water points. Kilometre by kilometre, the green squares of land, worked by Kibbutzim (co-operative farms) are turning dry rock into plantations of fruit. But the survival of the project is heavily dependent on the annual rainfall. Water has always been the most important survival factor for all life in the Negev.

A Viewing the desert as a threat.

B Illusions and marvels.

C Travelling into the wilderness.

D Dangers beneath the desert.

E The many faces of the desert.

F A changing way of life.

G Land of the Bible.

H Bringing life to the desert.

I An undiscovered land.

ІІ. Speaking

Zoos are very popular in many countries. But sometimes animals are suffering there. Speak about new trends in policy of zoos.

Голова предметної комісії ______________________________О.А.Бондаренко

Екзаменатори ________________________О.А. Бондаренко

________________________ С.В.Барцева

________________________ Л.В. Замула

________________________ І.М. Плєшкова

________________________ В.І. Бова

________________________ Л.М. Клант

________________________ Л.В. Магаляс

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