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УМКД МЕХ МАТ 2 курс Дюсенгалиева Каз.doc
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Xenophobia: A fear of foreigners, of persons from other countries or of things foreign generally. Xenophobia can lead to discrimination, racism, violence and even armed conflict against foreigners.

Human trafficking: the recruitment, transportation, harboring or receipt of people for the purposes of slavery, forced labor

Creed – A set of fundamental beliefs or guiding principles

Ex. 1. A) Speak about democracy. How do you understand it? Can you give explanation of it?


What does it mean to be fully human? How is that different from just "being alive" or "surviving"?

Based on this list, what do people need to live in dignity?

Are all human beings essentially equal? What is the value of human differences?

Can any of our "essential" human qualities be taken from us? For example, only human beings can communicate with complex language; are you human if you lose the power of speech?

What happens when a person or government attempts to deprive someone of something that is necessary to human dignity?

What would happen if you had to give up one of these human necessities?

B) Read aloud the story of Dr. Martin Luther King's life. Make notes of the main periods of his life. Say why he was called ‘CIVIL RIGHT LEADER’.

Ex. 2. Cut out each statement and glue under Right or Responsibility. Explain why your group decided it was a either

Be treated kindly To ask for help

To do my best To complete assignments

To a clean and attractive classroom To work in a quiet classroom

Use materials neatly and return to

correct place To be kind

To learn To tell the teacher what I am feeling

To be on time to school To follow the teachers


To use my time wisely To be listened to

Not to bully others To not bully others

To listen to others To complete assignments

Ex. 3. Match the columns:

1. someone who sells things a. alley

2. a general name for "cows" b. appetite

3. skinny; thin c. boast

4. huge, large, enormous d. cattle

5. without covering or clothing e. drudgery

6. on the whole f. dull

7. improve the quality of something g. entirely

8. wander, walk around without direction h. gigantic

9. desire to eat i. goofy

10. upset, very mad j. hatch

11. funny, silly k. naked

12. boring, not exciting; not bright or sharp l. outraged

13. have difficulty doing something; fight m. outskirts

14. break out of an egg n. peddler

15. brag; say great things about yourself o. portion

16. get bigger, enlarge p. roam

17. small part or section q. slim

18. the suburbs, area around a city r. struggle

19. a narrow passageway or street s. swell

20. hard, uninteresting labor t. upgrade

Ex. 4. Roleplay with your desk-mate any situation where you can demonstrate your rights.

Ex. 5. A) Watch the video on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTlrSYbCbHE.

B) Write essay about the right of the nations living in our country to learn and teach their native languages at schools and speak in them.

Ex. 6. A) Make a list of rights that women of the 19th century didn’t have but now they do. Discuss them with whole group.

B) Game ‘Guess’. On separate sheets of paper write some of those rights and fix them on the backs of students so that the owners of sheets not to see what is written there. Group can walk around the class to read each others sheets. Then students have to explain each other what right is on their backs.

Note: Students are not allowed to use words written on the sheets, they can do explonation with help of synonyms/ antonyms.

Grammar: Infinitive Constructions

Do exercises from Units 55,p.110-111 ex.:55.1-55.4 (Raymond Murphy “English Grammar in Use” A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students of English Third Edition. Cambridge)

БӨЖ тапсырмалар:

Making comparisons and describing features.

Read the text “Culture shock” and do ex.1-4 on pp.67. Give a short summary of it. (Clive Oxenden, Cristina Latham-Koenig, Paul Seligson New English File / Intermediate Level, 2010.)Read the text “Making the punishment fit the crime” and do ex.1-4 on pp.41. Give a short summary of it. (Schaefer R.T. Sociology, (12-оеиздание) – New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010 г.) Discussion: make comparison of the rights in our and foreign countries.

Follow the link and pass the test for grammar:


Unit 3

Theme: What is mathematics?