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14. Check your knowledge about the immune system? Do you know the answers to these questions?

1) Is a monocyte a red or white blood cell?

2) What is the largest lymphoid structure?

3) What common allergic disorder was named for the illness first described in those exposed to the farmlands of England?

4) What is a substance that can cause a person to become sensitive to, and produce antibodies against it?

5) What type of immunity is developed through exposure to a disease?

6) Which part of the body does NOT contain lymph nodes?

7) Which organ is NOT part of the immune system?

8) What is a specialist in immunology called?

If there are problems in answering this, you can find the solutions in the end of this unit.

15. Speak on the new facts you found. What wondered you or what information was new for you? Can you add some other information about the history of immunology or some interesting immunological facts?

16. Read the text. A useful vitamin

You'd have to eat a couple dozen oranges to get the same effect as one Vitamin C tablet that contains 500 mg of Vitamin C. Perhaps everyone knows that vitamin C and immune system of humans are interconnected principles. Ascorbic acid is a nutrient that

has been shown to have a strong jolt on human health. Researchers originally intended

that considerable doses of Vitamin C can reduce the severity and the rate of the common cold due to its using in oxidation-reduction in the human body.

Vitamin C is on the top of immune boosters list and there are many reasons for that. Perhaps, the greatest number of nutrient investigations was devoted to vitamin C and immune system. Ascorbic acid addendums are inexpensive to make, and it is very good that vitamin C is available naturally in many vegetables and fruits. There is another

possibility to get Ascorbic acid - you can buy at any chemist's shop vitamin-C-fortified version. Now let's take a brief review of vitamin C and immune system benefit of it.

Ascorbic acid increases the infection-fighting production antibodies and white blood cells and increases interferon levels, the antibody that covers surface of cells, which are favorable for the viruses` entry. Vitamin C diminished the cardiovascular disease risk with the help of raising HDL levels cholesterol while decreasing blood pressure and importunate with the proceeding during which fat is transformed to plaque in the human arteries. It is also interesting about vitamin C and immune system that people who have diets with higher vitamin C concentration have lower rates of prostate, colon and even breast cancer.

17. Study this text and express it in your words not using any plan.

18. Creative composition.

You are one of the white blood cells. Some antigen has infiltrated your master’s body. What are your actions?


Grammar: Introduce and practice the prepositions.


What are viruses AID and HIV? Do you know if there is any difference? Do these viruses influence on our immune system? Do you know how? What are the main symptoms of AIDS?

1. Read the following text and translate.

Basic things about AIDS and HIV

In 1985, scientists discovered the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is a virus that is transmitted from person to person through the exchange of body fluids such as blood, semen, breast milk and vaginal secretions. Sexual contact is the most common way to spread HIV, but it can also be transmitted by sharing needles when injecting drugs, or during childbirth and breastfeeding. As HIV reproduces, it damages the body's immune system and the body becomes susceptible to illness and infection. There is no known cure for HIV infection nowadays.

Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, or AIDS, is a condition that describes an advanced state of HIV infection. With AIDS, the virus has progressed, causing significant loss of white blood cells or any of the cancers or infections that result from immune system damage.

Once inside the body the virus attacks specialized immune system cells known as CD4 cells. The virus attaches to these cells and infects them by injecting HIV nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) into the cell. New HIV virus then infects other CD4 cells as the cycle repeats itself.

Is HIV and AIDS the same thing? HIV is the virus, which damages the body's immune system. While AIDS defining infections means a person is diagnosed with AIDS. A person can be infected for years without having AIDS. Having HIV infection does not mean you have AIDS. Simply put, HIV and AIDS are not the same thing, but they are related to one another.

Before HIV infection became widespread in the human population, AIDS defining infections were rare, and almost exclusively in individuals with immune suppression, such as chemotherapy and certain types of cancers. AIDS was first recognized in the early 1980s in healthy homosexual men. Adding to the oddity, these men had no recognized cause for immune suppression. An infectious cause of AIDS was suggested by geographic clustering of cases, links among cases by sexual contact, mother-to-infant Later, isolation of HIV from patients with AIDS strongly suggested that this virus was the cause of AIDS.

Medications can successfully treat many of the symptoms of early symptomatic HIV infection. Antiretroviral therapy slows the growth of the HIV virus in the body. It works very well in reducing the number of HIV particles in the bloodstream. Although people have suppressed levels of HIV, they can still spread the virus to others through sex or sharing needles. Antiretroviral therapy is not a cure for HIV, but the treatment slows disease progression and may strengthen the immune system.

People should never forget that HIV/AIDS is more than a physical ailment; it affects the whole person, emotional and physical. Often our treatments focus on the physical only but the emotional needs addressed as well.

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