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English 1 Introduction (Icourse I term).docx
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6. Write as many sentences as you can about things David is not used to doing.

e.g.: David is not used to living away from home.

Interests, Hobbies and Sport Lesson 4

Read and remember the proverbs. What do they mean? Never trust the appearances.

First impressions are the most lasting.

  1. Which of the following adjectives are positive and which are negative?

сaring unreliable imaginative

self-confident bossy generous

outgoing, reserved stubborn

lazy responsible shy

determined decisive arrogant

  1. Read the text and underline the correct adjective. Which features are typical of you?

My older brother, Tom, is an engineerr. He is also my best friend.

To begin with, he is a(n) 1) active/caring/helpful brother. I remember him sitting with me all night once when I had a fever and could not sleep. Tom is very 2) generous/sensitive/decisive and often brings us presents back from the countries he visits. When he’s not working, Tom is a(n) 3) confident/lazy/active person who enjoys climbing, sailing and cycling. He also has a really 4) outgoing/loyal/ cooperative personality and loves meeting new people. Tom is a 5) reserved/determined/self-centered person and once he decides to do something, nothing can stop him. He is also very 6) ambitious/careful/responsible and works hard every day, because he wants to be a successful businessman.

However, he tends to be a bit 7) shy/stubborn/disorganised at times, refusing to admit that he may be wrong about something. Tom can also be rather 8) bossy/arrogant/selfish; he likes giving orders to others.

All in all, Tom is very special to me as he is always there when I need him.

  1. What about you? Are you responsible?

  2. Most people are lazy. Do you often lazy?

  3. Do you consider yourself a reserved or sociable person?

  4. Do you like shy people?

  5. Did you use to be a bossy child?

  1. Link the sentences using the words in brackets.

  1. She is friendly. She can be rude at times. (but) …………………………………………………………………………………….

  2. Our grandmother is caring. She is patient. (as well) ……………………………………………………………………………..

  3. Ann is decisive. She can be arrogant at times. (however) …………………………………………………………………….

  4. Mike is selfish. He is aggressive. (and) ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

  5. Ted is self-confident. He tends to be disorganized. (on the other hand) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

  6. Lisa likes classical music. She doesn’t like rock. (though) ………………………………………………………………………

  1. Put the verbs in the correct form of the past simple.

  1. They say I ………….. (be) a bossy child. 6. My parents …………. (meet) in Kyiv when

  2. Sally ……………. (watch) a great musical last night. they …………. (study).

  3. Last year my parents …………… (give) me a guitar 7. ………………………………….. (you/study) hard

for my birthday. when you were at university?

  1. I …………… (start) playing the piano when I was six. 8. Tom ……………… (come) home late, …………..

  2. It ……… (be) cold yesterday and we ……………………. (eat) a sandwich and …………………… (go) to

(go) anywhere. bed.

  1. Underline the correct form of the verb.

  1. He practised/was practising at 10 oclock this morning.

  2. We all went/were going out last night.

  3. I ate/was eating breakfast when the phone rang/was ringing.

  4. I took/was taking some really great photos when I was/was being in California.

  5. He met/was meeting Mary yesterday.

  6. We watched/were watching football on TV when my mother came/was coming back from work.

  7. While they were performing/performed ‘Moonlight’ sonata someone was coming/came in.

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