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(A) Exercise 1. Answer the following questions. Give your reasons.

1. Why is it fashionable today to speak about youth’s problems?

2. What are the major problems related to young people?

3. What social consequences and health problems are the results of alcohol and drug abuse?

4. What specific programs and strategies to struggle against anti-social habits and behavior of youth should be implemented in your opinion?

5. Why smoking among teenagers is another critical problem aside from alcohol and drug abuse?

6. Why do young people commit crimes?

7. What can be done to solve the youth’s problems today?

(B) Exercise 2. Say if these statements are true or false. Correct the false ones. Give your reasons.

1. Some centuries ago young people did not have any problems.

2. Only some teenagers try drugs and alcohol under the age of 16.

3. Drugs abuse has no consequences for the teenagers taking them.

4. In some countries there are special problems for the teenagers having problems with studying at school.

5. Smoking is a less critical problem than drugs abuse.

6. The Government surveys show that the rate of crime among teens is reducing.

7. It is useless to solve youth’s problems.

(B), (C) Exercise 3. Suppose you are at the students’ conference. Speak on:

1. The role of family relationships and neighborhood conditions in forming the personality of a teenager?

2. The social, behavioral and other consequences of alcohol and drugs abuse among teenagers.

(B), (C) Exercise 4. Suppose you will have to make a report. Speak on:

1. The main factors contributing to the growth of juvenile delinquency, and the rate of smoking, drugs and alcohol abuse among teenagers.

2. The measures which should be taken in order to reduce the scale of teens subjected to different social problems.

2. Задания к усрс по теме социокультурный портрет молодежи

Методические рекомендации

Студентам необходимо перевести предложенный текст на русский язык и выполнить задания к тексту. Уровень текста (A, B, C) определяется сложностью текста.

Образцы УСРС



There are many young people in our country. Each of them has one's own view point on their life and their future. There are many problems which are common for all young people.

People of almost every age are susceptible to this pernicious disease but it hits the youth the hardest. Its name is unemployment. The present-age of unemployed youth in the total number of the jobless is high. In many developing countries the situation is more serious. Many young people commit suicide. Unless the economic situation in the world changes, youth unemployment will increase. This predictions refer to all categories of workers – with high and low skills, living both in cities and in the country. Young people are deprived the possibility of creating; the majority of young people feels their uselessness, with time they loose their ideals and become disillusioned. Unemployment greatly influences the tendency among the youth towards drug and alcohol education, frustration and crime. This is a time bomb and is a heavy accusation of any social economic system.

Task 1. Why is youth unemployment a serious problem?

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