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Lexical minimum for English practical course

comfortable adj

1. making you feel physically relaxed: a comfortable chair, room, bed, house: comfortable shoes

2. feeling physically relaxed: I'm sure you'll be very comfortable there.

3. comforting - making you feel less worried, unhappy or upset: comfortable words

4. having enough money to buy all the things you need or want, without having to worry about how much they cost: comfortable life/ retirement/ existence

Ant. uncomfortable

to make oneself comfortable - to make oneself feel physically relaxed: Sit down and make yourself comfortable.

comfort n

        1. someone or sth that helps feel calmer, happier or more hopeful after you have been worried or unhappy: The news brought comfort to all of us. He was a great comfort to his parents.

  1. a feeling of being physically relaxed and satisfied: to be fond of comfort, to live in comfort

Ant. discomfort

comfort v, t- to cause to feel less worried, unhappy or upset: Within hours of the news. Helen

arrived to comfort her heartbroken friend.

Note: convenient adj means suitable, handy, serving to avoid trouble or difficulty convenient time, method, toot, place, etc. Will this bus be convenient to/for you? Let's arrange a convenient time and place for the conference

Ant. inconvenient

convenience n

1.the quality of being convenient or suitable :at your earliest convenience, for convenience

2.(pi) useful or helpful devices: The house has all modern conveniences (central heating, hot water supply, gas)

Ant. inconvenience

bare adj

1.not clothed or covered (usu. about some part of the body), as bare feet/ legs/ shoulders, etc. She felt the sun warm on her bare arms.

Syn. naked - having no clothes on: Victorine was shocked when she learned she would have to sit for the painter quite naked.

barefoot adj predict, adv - with bare feet, without shoes and stockings: Children like to run barefoot.

bare-legged / armed adj - with bare legs (arms): She had a bare-legged baby in her arms

bare-headed adj - without a hat: It 's already too cold to go bare-headed.

2.empty, without the appropriate or usual covering or contents, e.g. a bare room (with little or no furniture), bare walls (without pictures or wallpaper), bare trees (without leaves), bare facts (only facts: nothing but facts): She looked round her tiny bare room.

a bare room (no furniture)

an empty room (no people)

a vacant room (a room in which either no one is living at present or no one is working: a room which can be occupied): After the piano was taken out. the room seemed quite bare. I thought I heard voices in the next room, but it was empty. "Won't you look for a vacant room in which we could have a consultation'.''"- "I'm told that all the rooms are occupied".

the bare bones - the most important parts or facts of sth without any detail: We have outlined only the bare bones of the method

to lay sth bare - to make known sth that was secret: historical writings which laid bare the true nature of the event

to refuse v. t/i- to say or show that one is unwilling to do or accept sth: She refused my offer.

Syn. to reject - to say firmly that one will not accept an offer, a suggestion, someone's friendship etc.: They have until December 19 to accept or reject the proposal.

to turn down (informal) - to reject: You'd be stupid to turn down such a good job offer.

to decline - to say politely that one cannot or will not accept sth: I'm sorry, but I'll have to decline the invitation.

Note: In the meaning of sacrificing sth., parting with sth., the English verb to give up is used: He gave up the idea of going there. Roger promised to give up smoking, but he didn't keep his promise.

refusal n - an act of saying or showing that one will not do, accept, or allow sth: He answered her invitation with a cold refusal.

like adj - similar in some way: They are as like as two peas.

like prep adv

  1. similar in some way to sth or sb else: I can't do it like you


  1. typical of a particular person or thing: It's not like Dad to be late.

What is sb/sth like? used when asking someone to describe sth or to give one's opinion:

What is he like? (= What sort of person is he?)

What does he look like? (= What kind of appearance has he got?)

to look like - to have the appearance of sb/sth: It looks like gold

Note: to act like means to do sth in the same way or in the manner of other people, e.g. She can play like a real pianist: to act as means acting in the capacity of sb. e.g. Some of our students work as guides during the summer:

there's nothing like - used to say that a particular thing is very enjoyable: There's nothing like a nice cup of teal

alike adj predic - almost exactly the same; similar: The houses in this street are alike. (=The houses in this street are like those in the next street.)

likeness n - resemblance: I cannot see much likeness between the twins

unlike adj - dissimilar or different from each other: She was unlike all other girls.

unlike prep

1.completely different from another person or thing: Unlike other girls she was not at all talkative.

2.not typical of someone: It's unlike Judy to leave us without telling us.

serve v, t/i

1.to perform duties or services for: He serves as gardener (no article!).

2.to be of use in fulfilling (a purpose): The sofa had to serve as a bed.

3.to present food or drink to; to work as a waiter: The waiter served the soup. Dinner is served.

4.to attend to (a customer in a shop): There was no one in the shop to serve me.

5.to be employed as a member of the armed forces: He served three years in the navy.

to serve sb right - to be someone's deserved punishment or misfortune: 'She kicked me!' 'Serves you right, teasing her like that.'

to serve one's/no purpose - to be (not) useful: A large cardboard box will serve the purpose

to serve with the same source - to return like for like (відплатити тією ж монетою): He will understand he is mistaken the day he is served with the same source.

No man can serve two masters - proverb

service n

1.a period of employment with the organization: He retired after 25 years of service to the company.

2.the organized supply of sth needed: The service was terrible, and so was the food

3.an act of assistance: I did her a service by telling her the truth

4.(pi!) work done for money: Why don't you offer your services as a tennis coach?7

5.duty, as jury/military/community etc service Her attacker was sentenced to 120 hours community service

6.a religious ceremony, as the Sunday/marriage/funeral/christening etc service: The service was held in the chapel.

to be at someone's service - to be at one's disposal: My room is at your service.

to be of service - to be of help/use: Can I be of any service?

to be in/out of service - (not) available for use: The escalator is still out of service.

to take sb into one's service = to take sb on - to hire sb: Think twice before you take him into your service.

serviceman / woman n - a person serving in the armed forces

obey v t/i

1.to submit to the authority of: Children must obey grown-ups.

But: слухатися поради- to follow one's advice

2.to carry out (an order / a command / the law / rules) Soldiers must obey orders.

Ant. to disobey

obedience n - when someone does what they are told to do. or what the law, rule etc says they must do: Parents demand obedience from their children Ant. Disobedience

in obedience to sth - He lived in obedience to the church's teachings.

blind / unquestioning / complete obedience - obedience without any thought

obedient adj- willing to obey an order or submit to another's authority: He is an obedient boy.

Ant. disobedient, naughty (of a child)

do( did,done) v,t/i

1.to perform or carry out (an action) as to do one's work, duty, shopping, morning exercises, etc.

to do a sum She was good at doing sums.

to do one's best: I must do my best to help him.

2.to have a specified result or effect: The scandal will do serious damage to his reputation

to do good: his medicine won't do you any good.

to do harm: It will do you more harm than good


3.to work on (sth) to bring it to a required state, as to do one's hair (room, bed, etc.) .

4.to visit a particular place, especially as a tourist: We often see foreigners in Kyiv doing the sights

5..to be suitable or acceptable: The room will do us quite well. that will (won't) do!

6.to succeed: He did well in the Bureau.

7.to work at for a living or take as one's subject of study: What do you want to do after school? I did French at school.

to do away with sth - to get rid of sth or stop using it: Smoking should be done away with.

to do down - to criticize someone, especially in an unfair way: I know you don't like him, but there is no need to keep doing him down in front of the boss.

to do out (BE) / over (AmE) - to make a place look attractive by decorating: The room was beautifully done out in pastel colours.

to do oneself up - to make oneself look attractive: She spent ages near the mirror doing herself up.

to be done up - to be dressed elaborately: She was done up as if she were invited to the President.

to have to do with sb (sth) - to deal with sb (sth): He has to do with all sorts of people.

Do or die - persist, even if death is the result

Dos and Don'ts - rules of behaviour: The booklet lists the dos and don'ts of caring for dogs.

That'll do! - enough

That does it! - used to say angrily that you will not accept a situation any more: Right that does it! I'm not going to listen to any more of this!

Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well. - proverb

What we do willingly we do easy. – proverb