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Text marts life at the university

Mary has just graduated from the University. She studied foreign languages for four years and now she looks back on those happy days with nostalgia.

In the first year of her studies Mary lived in a Hall of residence. She had a room to herself with a sink. The showers were at the end of the corridor. It was very easy to make friends: cause everyone was new and no one knew anyone else. The first few days were fun but scary as she met new people and found her way around the town and University. It didn't take long to settle in though, and by the end of the first term Mary was getting along fine. She had twelve hours of classes a week - six in Russian and six in Czech. Czech was a new language r her, so more time was devoted to grammar than to literature. However, Russian she had already learnt for four years in school, so much time was spent reading Russian literature and analyzing it. Mary enjoyed her studies but sometimes she became discouraged when her irks in Czech were poor. She found it difficult to learn as she was always confusing it with Russian!

Outside her studies, Mary was an active member of the ball-room dancing club and the windsurfing club. She found many friends in these societies, some of whom she chose to rent a flat: h in her second year. Two boys and two girls along with Mary lived in an old house. There were some flats in it. They had mice in their flat and a leaky roof when it rained heavily, but: they enjoyed their year together. Often they would invite friends over to dinner and during exams they helped each other to revise.

Mary spent the third year of her study abroad. As part of her course Mary had to spend ne months in Prague, thé Czech Republic and some months in Voronezh, Russia. These were very exciting for her, even though she had occasional moments of homesickness. She: learnt a lot and made some interesting friends. At the end of the year she was reluctant to go home. But the final year of University beckoned. It was the most stressful year of her course because the whole year she was preparing for her final exams. These contributed in a large way to the grade she received in her degree. Nonetheless, she still found time to enjoy herself and when the exams were over everyone held a big party.

Mary’s University education ended with her graduation ceremony. A month after the exams she returned to her University to shake hands with the Vice-chancellor and be declared a graduate. It was also a good opportunity to meet up with friends and find out what they would be doing in the future.

Culture context

  1. Halls of residence are blocks of rooms or flats, usually built by Universities or colleges, in which students live during term time.

  2. The Vice-chancellor of a British University is the person who is in charge of its aca­demic and administrative policies and activities.

Reading and speaking activity

1. Read and translate the text. Answer the following questions.

  1. How long did Mary study foreign languages? 2. Where did Mary live in the first year of her studies? 3. Why was it easy to make friends? 4. Why were the first few days at the University scary? 5. What was a new language for Mary? 6. How long did she learn Russian? 7. Why did Mary become discouraged? 8. What did the girl go in for outside her studies? 9. Where did Mary spend her second and third academic year? 10. What was the most stressful year of her course? Why? 11. What did Mary's University education end with? 12. Why did she return to her University a month after the exams?

  2. Confirm or deity the statements:

  1. Mary studied foreign languages for five years. 2. In the first year of her studies Mary rented a flat. 3. It was hard to make friends with her neighbours. 4. Russian was a new lan­guage for Mary. 5. Mary spent three years abroad. 6. The trips to the Czech Republic and Russia were very exciting for Mary.

  1. Compare Mary’s and your studies, lessons.

  2. Make short conversations in the following situation:

  1. Mary is speaking to her mother/friend about her Russian lessons. She thinks much of them. Her mother/friend asks her what they usually do at their lessons.

  1. Minitalks:

  1. Learning a foreign language takes a lot of effort. 2. Our University. 3. Our Classroom. 4. At an English lesson.