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3. Complete each sentence with a word or compound word formed from the word given.

a) Jack built his own boat in a .............. in his garden. work

b) I don’t have a job, so I’m living on .............. benefit. employ

c) We can’t .............. with these low prices. competition

d) Many pupils at ..... school have already chosen a career. second

e) This used to be a rural area but it has become .............. industry

f) ........ in our factories is falling because of absenteeism. produce

g) You won’t be paid much as a/an ............... worker. skill

h) The government is encouraging ........ in heavy industry. invest

i) Jim is very disorganised and not very ................ business

j) We would like details of your ............... on this form. qualify

4. Translate the following sentences:

1) Когда я вошла в офис агентства, секретарь, встречающий посетителей, спросил меня, назначена ли у меня встреча. 2) У меня назначена встреча с Мисс Харрис на 10:15. 3) Я проходил мимо вашего агентства и решил зайти и поговорить с одним из ваших сотрудников. 4) Он не пришел в назначенное время на встречу с Мистером Брауном, это, конечно, произвело крайне отрицательное впечатление. 5) Анкета для поступления на работу заполняется печатными буквами. 6) Вам придется начать работу с самой маленькой должности, чтобы приобрести необходимый опыт. 7) Вы должны пойти на курсы, чтобы приобрести знания, необходимые для этой работы. 8) Агентство поможет вам подобрать работу согласно вашей квалификации. 9) Агентство "Manpower" специализируется именно в этой области. 10) Ему предложили две разные должности, но он не мог решить, какую выбрать.

5. Complete each sentence a) - j) with one of the endings 1) - 10). Use each ending once only.


a) If you work hard, the company will give you ……4)……....... .

b) In a different job I could get a higher ........................................ .

c) The best way to find new staff is to put a/an ............................. .

d) Because he had stolen the money, we decided that ................... .

e) She has a pleasant personality but hasn’t got the right ……….. .

f) In the meeting we are going to discuss the ................................. .

g) As he has three young children he doesn’t want ……............... .

h) I think it would be a good idea to send in your .......................... .

i) I’m afraid that in this job there aren’t very good ……...……..... .

j) We cannot give you the job without .......................................... .

1) ............................................. qualifications for a job of this kind.

2) ………........……...... advertisement in the local press on Friday.

3) .........………...…...... application for the job as soon as possible.

4) ................................ Promotion to a more responsible position.

5) .......................................... full-time employment at the moment.

6) ……………...……..... references from your previous employer.

7) ....... dismissing him was the only possible action we could take.

8) ....................................... prospects for the future at the moment.

9) ....……………....... salary and better conditions of employment.

10) ............................... appointment of a new sales representative.


a) Workers in the mining industry have decided to come out in ... .

b) Union representatives pointed ................................................... .

c) The employers claim that working ............................................. .

d) Mr. Johnson added that the decision .......................................... .

e) It is claimed that government privatisation plans mean that at

least ........................................ .

f) The two sides have now reached ................................................ .

g) The minister said that the dispute .............................................. .

h) The meeting agreed that a vote .................................................. .

i) Nobody is yet certain whether or not .......................................... .

j) The arbitration service recommended that ................................. .

1) ................................... to go on strike had not been taken lightly.

2) ................................ a thousand workers will become redundant.

3) ......................... shift workers should receive an increase of 6 %.

4) ..................... out that industrial action was inevitable unless

the management agreed.

5) ......... the train-drivers’ go-slow will disrupt commuter services.

6) ......................... agreement that there will be no more stoppages.

7) ....................... was not between the unions and the government.

8) ......................... sympathy with the train-drivers from tomorrow.

9) ........... should be taken on whether to stop picketing the factory.

10) .................... conditions have improved over the last two years.

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