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Метод.вказ.до СР, 3 сп., 2-3 к.doc
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Read and translate the text « Beginning of Motor Vehicle Travel»

It was not the "Man and Red Flag Act" of 1864 had been repealed in 1896 that the development of the motor vehicle really began. With the rapid increase of motor traffic that took place in the following years, that of dust raised by fast-moving vehicles, proved a new source of annoyance to both travelers and roadside dwellers.

Efforts had therefore to be made to strengthen the road construction and also reduce the dust nuisance, and the cost of this work had to be born by the ratepayers who begrudged this extra payment and pressed the Government to provide some measure of relief.

Eventually this pressure led to the Development and Road Improvement Funds Act of 1909, which created the Road Board, the first national road authority in the country, and placed at its disposal the bulk of the proceeds of motor vehicle license duties and a 3.2 per gallon petrol tax. It was intended that this money should be used in connection with certain classes of road improvement work such as widening, leveling, and treatment to reduce dust, but not for routine maintenance.

Answer the questions

  1. When did the development of the motor vehicle begin?

  2. What influenced the disintegrating and breaking up the road surfaces?

  3. Did the Government strengthen the road construction?

  4. What did the ratepayers do?

  5. What did this pressure lead to?

  6. What did the first national road authority placed at its disposal?

  7. On what did they intend to use this money?

Translate into English

  1. Motor traffic

  2. Road surface

  3. Vehicle

  4. Dweller

  5. Road construction

  6. Dust nuisance

  7. At its disposal

  8. The bulk of the proceeds

  9. Widening

  10. Leveling

  11. Routine maintenance

Read and memorize the new words and expressions to the text «Designing of the Roads»

  1. designing method [ ] метод проектування

  2. longitudinal [ ]довгота

  3. cross section [ ]поперечний відрізок

  4. to undertake ]починати, забовязуватися

  5. sight [ ]вигляд, поле зору

  6. distance [ ]віддаленість, дистанція

  7. ahead [ ]попереду

  8. road user [ ]користувач доріг

  9. appreciation [ ]оцінювати,ураховувати

  10. angle [ ]кут, точка зору, рухатися під кутом

  11. unaware [ ]необізнаний, не проінформований

  12. limitation [ ]обмежений

  13. overcome [ ]подолати, перемогти

  14. destine [ ]призначений

  15. dimensional structure [ ] розмірна (просторова) структура

  16. aesthetically pleasing [ ]естетично привабливий

  17. road feature [ ]ознака(характерна риса) дороги

  18. length of road [ ]довжина дороги

  19. fleeting [ ]швидкий,швидкоплинний

  20. divided [ ]розділені(відділені)дороги

  21. matched [ ]відповідні( схожі) криві

  22. variation [ ]розростання

  23. vision [ ]зір, далекоглядність, вид,огляд,уява

  24. alignment [ ]траса,вирівнювання

  25. earthwork [ ]земляні(ґрунтові)роботи

  26. topography [ ]поверхня, рельєф

  27. countryside [ ]сільська місцевість, провінція