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Simple English Grammar(Кашкарев-методичка).doc
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Exercise 65. Find attributes in the following sentences and say what they are expressed by. Translate the sentences into Russian / Ukrainian.

1. It was a small cosy room. 2. It happened on a December night. 3. I like Jessica’s earrings. 4. Did you see his new scooter? 5. Have you got any new ideas? 6. It’s miserable weather today, isn’t it? 7. The streets of Moscow have become very beautiful lately.8. I saw a girl dancing in the hall and I fell in love with her. 9. The rising sun made everything look beautiful. 10. The house built by my grandfather is made of wood. 11. The scared child couldn’t say a word. 12. On the second day of our trip there was a strange incident. 13. She has a talent to tell people’s future. 14. I hope he will have a chance of traveling around the world one day. 15. He has a bright post card of a London double-decker. 16. The photo which is standing on the piano was taken some twenty years ago. 17. A busker is a person who sings in the streets for money. 18. Tina was wearing a dress that was too tight on her. 19. Ansell gave an angry sigh. 20. I hear Mary's voice in the next room. 21. I looked at her smiling face. 22. He is a walking grammar book. 23. Toby is a good clever boy. 24. The cover of this book is blue. 25. It was a cold winter night. 26. The streets of Kiev are wide. 27. I like all Moscow theatres. 28. Tell me some­thing interesting. 29. I don't see anything difficult in it. 30. Give me a better pencil, please.

Exercise 66. Say what the attributes are expressed by in the following sentences.

A. 1. It was a gorgeous morning, much too gorgeous to waste it. 2. After lunch at the zoo cafe, the children went to the reptile house. 3. The zoo director himself made a cup of strong sweet tea for Aunt Petunia. 4. He was the first to make a first step. 5. This old woman has the power to see the past and the future. 6. Old people have a habit of forgetting things. 7. The police warned the tourists that there were pickpockets operating in the area. 8. There were no rooms to be had anywhere. 9. Harry had never in all his life had such a Christmas dinner. 10. The room looked like an unused classroom. 11. Some herbs have astonishing powers. 12. The idea of visiting Scotland was wonderful. 13. This is my file; your files are on the upper shelf. 14. The professor looked at them very seriously over the top of his half-moon glasses. 15. Merry Christmas! What a glorious season!

B. 1. Have I done anything to annoy your mother? 2. She lay down on the sofa in the living-room and pressed her thin hand against her dull brown hair. 3. Some men cannot pass a book-shop. 4. My friend here and myself merely happened to wonder what other measures would be taken. 5. It is the second time it happens this week. 6. The large white mon­key with its brown haunting eyes impressed her at once. 7. The people upstairs are moving. 8. It is not a question of taking money from him. 9. I had to take a three months' leave and go to a nursing home. 10. What's the sense of waiting I'm asking you. 11. No, Miss, she's not a girl for you to play with. 12. Have you anything to add? 13. You were the last to see him alive.

Exercise 67. Read the following sentences and translate them into Russian / Ukrainian. Pay special attention to the attributes in bold type.

1. Before Christmas a lot of people go shopping for last-minute gifts. 2. Whenever I feel depressed, I take an "away-from-it-all" holiday and head for my century-old house. 3. This play has become a "once-a-year" treat. 4. You always were a regular old mother hen, even when you were little. 5. Santa Barbara is a must-see city on California's Riviera. 6. This is an easy-to-make soup: for a hot day. 7. She made an excuse-me face. 8. Maxim was not a nine-to-five man. 9. He behaved in an I-don't-care attitude. 10. Sue Townsend's marvellous novels are not-to-be-missed books which have become English classic literature. 11. A pay-as-you-go system is practised here. 12. You are my true-blue friend. 13. It was a life-changing event. 14. Most drugs have a five-year shelf life. 14. She gave me a bored, nothing-to-do-with-me shrug. 15. Theirs was a cat-and-dog life.

Exercise 68. Point out the attributes, state their kinds. Translate into Russian / Ukrainian.

1. On the third day there was sudden excitement down at the bend. 2. The landscape class, with stools and easels and sketch-boxes, tramped off twice a week to some vantage point to indulge in plein-air painting. 3. Those were golden days in my life; it was more than twenty years ago. 4. The evening beauty of the river with a soft mist rising from its glassy surface stirred her out of her state of suspended animation. 5. Their next season's crop was threatened too, for the pump­ing plant could not operate. 6. Beyond the half-drawn cur­tains at the French windows the summer sun beat down upon the green lawn. 7. A gaunt woman in a black dress, long apron and sun-bonnet came out, and rather grudgingly filled her can with three-penn'orth of milk. 8. Oh, that never-to-be-forgotten summer in the Golden Valley! 9. The only piece of furniture worthy of note was a large grandfather chair standing in front of the fireplace. 10. We have many ques­tions to discuss before we part, my friends. 11. A few more objections of the same sort were raised, but all of them were overruled as irrelevant. 12. All the people present were deep­ly shocked by the nature of the crime the defendant was charged with. 13. Everything imaginable had been done for the cap­ture of the fugitives, but with no avail. 14. Samuel Chealy, the then President of the firm, was definitely against the dubious deal. 15. Is there any purpose in trying to by-pass these problems? 16. The final decision, in accord with the unshakable law of the family, rested with Aunt Agatha. 17. I doubt whether Major Bell will approve of the plan, so casually outlined. 18. The letter from the Carstaire Publish­ers lay unsealed on the desk. 19. The second plane, a huge Boeing, was about to touch the concrete runway brightly lit by spotlights. 20. I'm afraid there is nothing to safely rely on in his account of the case.

Exercise 69. Change the following sentences into the corresponding noun-phrases with attributes.

Model: 1. The answer was prepared. → A prepared answer.

2. The water is for drinking. → Drinking water.

3. The room had a low ceiling. → A room with a low ceiling.

1. The day was rainy. 2. The remark is very clever. 3. Her heart was kind. 4. The bowl is for sugar. 5. The mountains were covered with snow. 6. The noises were muffled. 7. The catch is abundant. 8. The desk is for writing. 9. The room is for reception. 10. The train was approaching. 11. The coat was made of wool. 12. The country house is in good taste. 13. The place is for hiding. 14. The girl was like a butterfly. 15. His nose resembled a button. 16. The problem had a difficulty. 17. The man was in trouble. 18. The school is for flying. 19. The machine is for calculating. 20. The planning is effi­cient. 21. The Pedagogical Institute is in Moscow. 22. The novel is of adventure. 23. The story is gripping. 24. The birds are singing. 25. The trees rustled. 26. The woman smiled. 27. The waves were thundering. 28. The snow was falling. 29. The doctor arrived. 30. The scholar has a famous name.

Exercise 70. Consider the pairs of noun-phrases with attributes. Explain the difference in meaning between the members of each pair. Translate into Russian / Ukrainian.

1. A dancing girl — a dancing hall. 2. A catching tune — a catching net. 3. Boiling water — a boiling kettle. 4. A flying bird — flying weather. 5. A calculating mind — a calculating machine. 6. A waiting patient — a waiting room. 7. A climbing plant — a climbing rocket. 8. A box­ing match — a boxing glove. 9. Racing sportsmen — racing tracks. 10. A mixing device — mixing substances. 11. A drinking horse — drinking water. 12. A smoking chimney — a smoking carriage. 13. A swimming dolphin — a swimming pool. 14. A walking man — a walking stick. 15. A bathing girl — a bathing suit. 16. An examining look — an examining machine. 17. Skating children — skating shoes. 18. Skiing sportsmen — skiing sticks. 19. A working man — a working day. 20. A painting art­ist — painting mastery. 21. A running dog — running water. 22. A sleeping child — a sleeping powder.

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