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based on your own experience. As for the Internet, there is a lot of good stuff out there for free; it just takes some time and effort to discover it and adapt it to your needs.


Don't be too idealistic and think that the English classroom is an peaceful and intellectual paradise where English proficiency is the highest goal of all students. It's not. It's often a war zone, with students playing the role of brain-damaged rebels keen to undermine all the efforts of the reviled officer in charge, i.e. you. Don't give up too quickly and try to see the bigger picture. Even if your materials are substandard or virtually non-existent and your students all but willing participants in the classroom, there must be something you can achieve. Instead of having them memorize Obama speeches or challenge James Joyce's writing skills, set achievable goals. For example, make sure they can at least introduce themselves intelligibly, write a short email without scores of mistakes or count to ten properly.


Patience is really an invaluable virtue. You will often need to explain something over and over again. Try your best to find different ways to explain something. Don't just explain (or lecture), but demonstrate, get feedback, let students explain to each other if necessary and give them plenty of non-threatening opportunities to practise. Learning by doing is one of my mottoes. Practice makes perfect is another.

Finally, as an ideal teacher, you realize that no human being in the world possesses all the above-mentioned qualities. Therefore, you understand that nobody's perfect and, as a result of this convoluted logic, you don't exist.

Vocabulary work

A.Match the words with their definitions

1. Brain-storming (part 1)

a. At the very beginning

2. Empathetic (part 2)

b. A feeling of understanding

3. Rub off on someone

someone’s weaknesses

(part 3)

c. Twisted, snaky, winding

4. From scratch (part 4)

d. Sharing someone’s feelings


5. To undermine (part 5)

e. A process of generating ideas

6. Patience (part 6)

f. Disrupt, blast, break some

7. Convoluted (part 7)


g.Be shared by others, be transmitted to others

B.Sentence patterns drill. Make up as many sentences as you can, using the sentence patterns given below. Some are done to use them as examples.

1.I’d like to take this one step further. He’d like to take this one step further. We’d like to take this one step further.

2.I prefer to list qualities in random order. He prefers to have lunch at 12 o’clock. We prefer to play football on weekend.

3.I prefer to list qualities in random order. He prefers to list flowers in random order.

They prefer to list names of pupils in random order.

4.Learning by doing is one of my mottoes. Learning by listening is one of my mottoes. Learning by practicing is one of my mottoes.

5.Never take the use of a photocopier for granted. Never take rumor for granted.

Never take the opinions of other for granted.

C.Make up a dialogue in a pair to use these sentence patterns.

D.Find synonyms in the text for these words:

1.Period of time to learn something (part 1) 2. Large significant

serious study (part 2) 3. Worries (part 2) 4. Sad thoughts (part 3) 5. Enchantment, fascination, attractiveness (part 3).


E. Fill in blanks with the following words: a. lecturers b. successful c. whiteboard d. well-qualified e. reflect f. to switch on g. get h. opportunity i. experience j. tape recorder.

A good teacher is not necessarily 1 … and a well-qualified teacher is not necessarily good. However, qualifications are important and in my 2… teachers with formal training and a relevant degree are often in a much better position to be 3 … at teaching English.

Limit your teacher talk time as much as possible. Give students the 4 …. to practise the language, to digest (the material, not their lunch), to ask questions, to discuss and 5 … . Never just sit at your desk and read literally what's in the course book. I had my fair share of 6 … in my school days and I always thought 'Do these guys think we can't read?'. By the way, the same goes for PowerPoint presentations (with or without handouts).

You should at least be able to 7… a computer and operate common classrooms appliances such as overhead projector, 8 … , CD-player and DVD-player. Knowing your way around the Internet, being able to use an interactive 9 … , setting up a blog or website and coordinating classrooms projects online might 10 … you a step ahead of your colleagues.


Understanding questions:

1.What resources did the author use while writing the article?

2.How can this article be used?

3.What does it mean to be empathetic for a teacher?

4.How can you motivate your students?

5.What should a really pragmatic teacher do at his classes?

6.Why is patience an invaluable value?

7.Does this ideal teacher described in the article exist in reality?

Critical thinking questions

1.Compare yourself with the characteristics of an ideal teacher in the article? Tell about similarities and differences.

2.Make up a list of the most important and least important characteristics of a good teacher.


3.What characteristics do you consider important for a teacher but they weren’t mentioned in the article?

4.What do you think about the role of a teacher’s personality in the process of teaching?

5.Share your stories about good teachers you can remember from your school years.

Writing based on the text

1.Write a brief summary of this text.

2.Describe the character of your favorite school/university teacher in writing.

3.Write down at least five useful recommendations for future primary school teachers how to be an ideal teacher.

Speaking practice. Simulation.

Word combinations given in Appendix can be used for this activity. Pair work.

Practice in pairs/couples to call your pupils to come out to the blackboard and return to his/her place back.

Use the dialogue as an example.

Teacher: Kate, will you please come out to the blackboard and write down the words “desk”, “room”, “chalk”, and “blackboard”.

Pupil: I don’t know how to spell the word “chalk”. Teacher: “C” “H” “A” “L” “K”.

Pupil: Thank you. Teacher: You are welcome.

Teacher: You made mistake in the word “blackboard.” You’ve missed letter “c” that comes before letter “k.” Fine. Everything is correct on the blackboard now. You may return to your place.

Group work.

Practice speaking in a group. In a group choose a teacher and students. The teacher should give students a task to draw a classroom of the future. Using 10 pieces of equipment and furniture. After the students have finished drawing, the teacher asks questions to the students about the classroom they have drawn.


Teacher: What pieces of furniture are there in your classroom, Inna? Inna: There are five chairs and five small desks in the classroom. Teacher:What pieces of equipment are there in your classroom, Irina? Irina: There are five computers, a large plasma TV, a video projector,

and a camera in my classroom.

Teacher: What kind of blackboard do you have in you classroom, Peter?

Peter: There is a multimedia board in my classroom.

The teacher should make comments like this: “That’s great. It’s interesting. Very good.”

Case study

As an English learner, you attend English courses weekly and use English regularly at work. In you free time you read English language material, or occasionally watch movies in the original English language version. You understand most of the conversations and texts, and can communicate at a reasonable level. Still, you feel like you’ve running in place. “How can I improve my English?” you ask yourself.

Authors and experts in the field of learning and teaching English offer practical advice and key strategies that have been proven most effective for their students.

A.In your group decide which strategy is the best and give proves of it.

1.Vicki Hollett’s tip: “Make a plan and stay committed. To make and maintain progress, it’s important to make changes in your daily habits”.

2.Mark Powell’s tip: “Prepare yourself. To some extent, you can preformulate what to say in classes, meetings, and in social situations. Predicting the areas of language you may be drawn into can really help.”

3.Paul Emmerson’s tip: “If I had to choose just one thing that would help learners to improve their English, it would be regular revision.”

4.Steve Flinders’tip: “Concentrate on your objectives when you communicate. You achieve results by focusing on the context and


the process of communication as well as on the outcomes. The language alone is not enough.”

B.Make a short presentation of your chosen strategy proving its effectiveness in front of other groups.

C.In your group work out your own strategy which can be effective and helpful for you as future primary school English teachers. Make a short presentation of your strategy proving its effectiveness in front of other groups.


1.Write a small passage about one of four strategies which can be effective for you.

2.Write another passage telling about your own approach how to boost the process of learning and improving your level of proficiency in English.

Just for Fun!


Professor – “You can’t sleep in my class.” Student – “If you didn’t talk so loud, I could.”


“Now, then, Johnny,” said the teacher, “if your father gave you seven cents and your mother gave you six and your uncle gave you four more, what could you have?”

Johnny wrinkled up his forehead and went into silence for several minutes.

“Come on,” said the teacher impatiently. “Surely you can solve a simple problem like that.”

“It ain’t a simple problem at all,” replied the boy, “I can’t make up my mind whether I’d have an ice-cream soda or go to the movies.”


A teacher called for sentences using the words “beans.” “My father grows beans,” said the bright boy of the class. “My mother cooks beans,” said another pupil. Then a third popped up, “We are all human beans”


Progress Test 1.

1.Find synonyms

1) Recruiter a. officer b. clerk c. personnel manager d. head 2) reputable a. important b. significant c. leading d. respectful 3) virtually a. at the end b. finally c. aftermath d. at the final stage 4) memorize a. recite b. recall c. remember d. learn 5) convoluted a. dubious b. meaningful

c.polysemantic d. complicated.

2.Fill in blanks with proper expressions: forever and a day; rubbing her ideas on; to some extent, is running in place, to separate the wheat from the chaff; I wouldn’t care less; takes for granted.

1) She has a charismatic personality …… her friends and groupmates. 2) He is writing his English essay…… 3) …..if you want to listen to me or not. 4) ……he is empathetic to his pupils. 5) My mother never …. my inclinations to start anew …. 6) His teacher thinks he doesn’t work hard enough that’s why he ……. so far. 7) While seeking some information in the Internet, it happens to be hard ……. and to find a really reliable source.

3.Read the text and be ready to do the tasks based on it.

Most of us can learn how to do something simple on our own with just a set of instructions. However, to learn about something more complex, it’s always best to have a teacher.

Teacher bring with them varied and useful backgrounds. They’ve been trained to teach individuals in different ways depending on their style. For instance, some students learn better by discussing a topic. Others learn more by writing about it. Teachers can help students learn in the way that best for each student. A textbook or a manual can only give you one way of learning something. Plus they’re only as helpful as your ability to understand them. a)…

Teachers help you focus on what you’re learning. If you‘re learning something by yourself, it’s easy to become distracted and go on to other activities. Teachers keep your attention on the subject.They also approach a subject logically, taking it one step at a time. On your own, it’s tempting to skip parts of learning process you think you don’t need. b)…

Learning a subject on your own is a very narrow way of learning. You can only use information you get from the textbook. With a teacher, you get


the information in the written materials as well as the teacher’s own knowledge of the topic. c) ….

There’s nothing wrong with studying on your own, and a learner can always benefit from some quiet study. For the best possible learning, though, a good teacher is the biggest help you can have.

4. Answer these questions using information from the text.

1) When can we learn any skill without a teacher? 2) What are the disadvantages of learning anything on your own? 3) What are the advantages of learning anything with a teacher? 4) Why is learning a subject on your own called “a very narrow way of learning”? 5) Who/what is the largest help in learning ? Why?

5. There are titles for each paragraph of the text. Arrange these titles according to the order they go in it. Remember there are two extra ones.

a) Individual versus group work b) concentration and logic c) the best possible way of learning d) learning simple things e) widening horizons

f)learning in different ways g) power of knowledge.

6.These sentences were taken from the text. Fill in blanks with a sentence that match the content of a passage. Remember there are two extra sentences.

1. To become a teacher, a person has to graduate from university. 2. That can hinder your ability to really understand the subject. 3. You can’t organize a group learning without a teacher. 4. Teachers can also provide extra materials to broaden the scope of what you‘re learning. 5. A good teacher can adapt her teaching to your needs.

7. Write down a passage to express your personal attitude towards learning on your own and with a teacher. State which is better for you. Give reasons why.




Look before your leap. British proverb.

Warm up discussion. Share your opinion about ideas given below.

Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery, today is a gift.

Building monuments celebrates what is now; building young minds creates the future.

Keep your eyes on the future, you mind in the present, and stay in touch with the past.

Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least. Goethe.


Read the abstract “Begin with the end in mind” from S. R. Covey “The 7 habits of Highly Effective People” and be ready to do the tasks based on it.

To “Begin with the End in Mind” means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you're going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.

It's incredibly easy to get caught up in an activity trap, in the busyness of life, to work harder and harder at climbing the ladder of success only to discover it's leaning against the wrong wall. It is possible to be busy – very busy – without being very effective.

If the ladder is not leaning against the right wall, every step we take just gets us to the wrong place faster. We may be very busy, we may be very efficient, but we will also be truly effective only when we Begin with the End in Mind.

Take the construction of a home, for example. You create it in every detail before you ever hammer the first nail into place. You try to get a very


clear sense of what kind of house you want. If you want a family-centered home, you plan a family room where it would be a natural gathering place. You plan sliding doors and a patio for children to play outside. You work with ideas. You work with your mind until you get a clear image of what you want to build.

The same is true with parenting. If you want to raise responsible, selfdisciplined children, you have to keep that end clearly in mind as you interact with your children on a daily basis. You can't behave toward them in ways that undermine their self-discipline or self-esteem.

Vocabulary work

A.Find synonyms in the text for these words:

a)To begin

b)To realize

c)A point of arrival




g)For instance

h)To construct



B.Match words and expressions with their definitions.



3.On a daily basis




a)An outside playground


c)A way to evaluate oneself

d)A personal approach to line up oneself