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Metodichka - topics final, 20.06.2009 final.doc
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V. Imagine that you are being interviewed. Here are the questions the interviewer may ask. Try to answer them.

1. Which subjects did you enjoy most at the University? (Think of reasons why you enjoyed these subjects. Explain why your qualifications will be important for the job) 2. What work experience do you have? (Describe any full-time, part-time work or voluntary work you have done).

  1. Why do you want this job? (Think of reasons why the job is important to you).

  2. Why do you think you would be good at this job or What makes you feel that you are the best candidate for this position? (Speak about your qualifications, work experience and interests. Also, what kind of person you are and what your good points are).

  3. What do you do in your free time? (Any sports or other interests).

  4. What is your greatest strength?

  5. What are you looking for in a job?

  6. What kind of person would you refuse to work with?

  7. What is more important to you: the money or the work?

  8. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure.

  9. Do your skills match this job or another job more closely?

  10. What motivates you to do your best on the job?

  11. Describe your management style.

  12. How do you propose to compensate for your lack of experience?

  13. Describe your work ethic.

Key words: CV, work experience, interview, training, job requirements (degree or diploma in an appropriate discipline, ability to think creatively and to look at things in a practical way, ability to enjoy problem solving and work long-hours, good teamworker, a co-operative and friendly attitude, good organizational skills).


1.Study the cv. It is based on the European cv format. Write your own cv.

Personal information

Name, Address, Phone, e-mail, Nationality, Date of birth

Work experience

Dates September 2003 to present

Employer Name and address of the company

Position held Computing Support Officer

Main activities Providing support in the field to a wide range of companies

and responsibilities

Education & training

Dates September 2000 to August 2003

Organization Simpson College, Glasgow, UK

Qualification Higher National Diploma

Main subjects/ Computing (Technical support), Operating systems,

skills covered Hardware installation & maintenance, Network building & maintenance

Personal skills & competence

Mother tongue English – excellent communicator

Other languages Good spoken French, some German

Social skills My work involves communicating with lots of clients with computing problems who often need help urgently. I work well under pressure.

Organizational skills At college I organized a class visit to France Telecom

Technical skills & Familiar with most current operating systems, and

competence Windows networks

II. Read the talk about writing cVs. Say briefly, what makes a bad cv.

M: I read hundreds of CVs every week. Most of them are good. A few are excellent. And about 5 per cent of them are terrible.

I: Really? What makes a bad CV?

M:There are a number of things. A CV should be short. No more than two pages long. I recently read a CV that was twenty pages long.

I: Unbelievable.

M: But usually the problems are quite simple.

I: What types of things?

M: Spelling mistakes. People who write their CVs with a pen, not on computer. But the worst thing is that 25 per cent of CVs are not true.

I: What do you mean?

M: People tell lies. They say they have certain qualifications and we find that they do not have them.

I: So what advice can you give about writing a CV?

M: Read the advert carefully. Learn as much as possible about the job. Then write a new CV especially for this job. Write it on a computer and only write what is important for this job.

I: Are there any imaginative or interesting ideas that work?

M: There was a woman from Denmark who applied for a job in an office.

She sent some Danish food with her CV to remind us that she was from Denmark. And she got the job.

MANUFACTURING (Everyday Technical English)

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