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англиский - topics final, 20.06.2009 final.doc
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II. Danny’s day.

Interviewer: – Danny, tell us about your routine.

Danny: – OK. Well, I get up at about half past 7. I wash at quarter to 8 and then I have breakfast with the family.

Int.: – When do you start work?

Danny: - I start work at 9.

Int. – What do you do in the morning?

Danny: I talk to my secretary and then I read my e-mails and faxes.

Int. – Do you meet people?

Danny: Yes, I meet holiday reps at about half past 10. We have coffee at 11 o’clock in the office and talk about the guests. Then I check the hotel rooms and the swimming pool.

Int. – Do you eat in the hotel?

Danny: - Yes, I do. In the hotel restaurant.

Int. – What do you do after lunch?

Danny: - I go to the bank. Then I meet the hotel clients.

Int. – Do you work in the office?

Danny: - Yes, I write e-mails and letters and I meet the accountant at 5 o’clock.

Int. – When do you go home?

Danny: - I leave work at half past 6.

Int. – What do you do in the evening?

Danny: - Well, I have dinner with my wife and children and at 10 o’clock I watch the news on TV.

Choose the right sentence:

  1. When do you start work? b) When you start work?

  1. What do you do in the morning? b) What are you doing in the morning?

  1. Do you have coffee at 11 o’clock in the office?

  2. Have you coffee at 11 o’clock in the office?

a) I go to the bank and I meet the hotel clients.

  1. I go to the bank. Then I meet the hotel clients.

  1. Do you work in the office? b) Do you work in office?

  1. At 10 o’clock I watch news on TV. b) At 10 o’clock I watch movies on TV.

III. Read what Luke says about a typical day in his life.

On a typical day I get up at 7 o'clock. I leave home about half an hour later and then I drive to work. The journey takes about 45 minutes, and to fill the time I listen to the news on the radio. I stop in a bar near the office before I get to work and I always have a large black coffee, but I don't have anything to eat. I don't like to eat in the morning. I always go to the same bar so the waiter knows me well and we talk about football or the weather. I start work at about half past eight and in the mornings I look at my e-mail, make phone calls and try to help my team with their problems. I have lunch in a restaurant near the office, and then in the afternoon I meet clients and talk to them about our products. I usually finish at about 6 o'clock, but if I have a lot of work, I don't leave until later - sometimes much later.

What do I do in the evenings? Well, every Monday I play football with some friends. On Wednesdays I have a three-hour Italian class. It's very difficult because I'm a beginner in Italian. The other days I always go running. It helps me relax. I don't watch TV; I think the programs are horrible. Most days I read - I like history books, and biographies of famous people. I go to bed about midnight.

Are the following sentences true or false?

1. Luke goes to work by car. 2. He has breakfast at home. 3. He has a big breakfast. 4. He does not have lunch at home. 5. He talks to many different people in a typical day. 6. He finishes work at the same time every day. 7. Luke doesn’t like sport. 8. He speaks Italian very well. 9. He doesn’t like television. 10. He reads in the evening.


Speak about the way you and your friends spend your free time after reading the following stories.