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Post-Reading Activity

Ex. 9. Answer the following questions.

1. Do you take a cold or a hot shower in the morning? 2. What time do you leave home to get to university? 3. Have you ever been late for classes? 4. How many classes do you have every day? 5. Eating is such a waste of time and effort, isn’t it? It would be better if we could simply take pills. 6. What is your idea of a good rest after classes? 7. How long does it take you to prepare your homework? 8. What sports are you good at? 9. Do you take part in any organized sporting activities? 10. Do you prefer to stay in or go out in the evening? 11. What is your favourite pastime? 12. Do you make any plans for the weekend? 13. Do you like to spend your free time with your friends or on your own? 14. How often do you go to the cinema (to the theatre)? 15. Why do some people prefer to watch films at the cinema instead of relaxing in front of their TV sets? 16. Are theatres as popular now as they used to be? 17. What is the best time for you to go to bed?

Ex. 10. Find the Russian equivalents for the following English word combinations.

  1. to belong to a group

  2. to describe the routine

  3. to depend on the weather

  4. to have a late night

  5. on the other hand

  6. to have a lie-in

  7. to attend lectures

  8. as a matter of fact

  9. to be available

  10. a students’ hall of residence

  11. a recent letter

  12. recreation facilities and entertainments

  13. to be up to one’s neck in work

  14. an outstanding mathematician

  1. зависеть от погоды

  2. ходить на лекции

  3. места отдыха и развлечения

  4. быть студентом группы

  5. быть в наличии

  6. выдающийся математик

  7. быть по горло загруженным работой

  8. студенческое общежитие

  9. описывать определенный режим дня

  10. оставаться в постели позже обычного

  11. поздно лечь спать

  12. с другой стороны

  13. в действительности

  14. последнее письмо

Ex. 11. Read what Sharon says about a typical working day:

I usually get up at 7 o'clock and have a big breakfast. I walk to work, which takes me about half an hour. I start work at 8.45. I never have lunch. I finish work at 5 o'clock. I'm always tired when I get home. I usually cook a meal in the evening. I don't usually go out. I go to bed at about 11 o'clock. I always sleep well.

Yesterday was a typical working day for Sharon. Write what she did or didn't do yesterday.

  1. She got up at 7 o'clock.

  2. She … a big breakfast.

  3. She … .

  4. It … to get to work.

  5. … at 8.45.

  6. … lunch.

  7. … at 5 o'clock.

  8. … tired when … home.

  9. … a meal yesterday evening.

  10. … out yesterday evening.

  11. … at 11 o'clock.

  12. … well last night.

Ex. 12. Complete the sentences. Use I’ll (I will) + one of these verbs:

carry do eat send show sit stay

1. My bag is very heavy.

… it for you.

2. Enjoy your holiday.

Thank you. … you a postcard.

3. I don't want this banana.

Well, I'm hungry. … it.

4. Do you want a chair?

No, it's OK. … on the floor.

5. Did you phone Jenny?

Oh no, I forgot. … it now.

6. Are you coming with me?

No, I don't think so. … here.

7. How do you use this camera?

Give it to me and … you.

Ex. 13. Write sentences beginning I think... or I don't think... .

  1. (Diana will pass the exam)

  2. (Diana won't pass the exam)

  3. (we'll win the game)

  4. (I won't be here tomorrow)

  5. (Sue will like her present)

  1. (they won't get married)

  2. (you won't enjoy the film)

  3. (it won’t rain this afternoon)

  4. (the exam will be difficult)

10 (she won’t be up to her neck in work)

Ex. 14. Ask special questions.

1. They had an important paper in the desk. (what, where) 2. Five girls from our group live in the hall of residence. (how many) 3. Paul and Jim played tennis yesterday. (when) 4. This student has got three lectures today. (how many) 5. His friends work hard all day. (whose) 6. Professor Smirnov will hold a seminar tomorrow. (what, when) 7. These men have a logical plan. (who) 8. It took me two hours to do my homework yesterday. (how long) 9. We will probably go to Scotland for our holiday. (where) 10. We usually have our meals in the kitchen. (where) 11. I like a big breakfast in the morning. (who, when) 12. Sally goes to the theatre once a month. (how often) 13. My cousin won one million rubles in the lottery. (how much)

Ex. 15. Translate into Russian.

1. I overslept this morning because I had a late night yesterday. 2. Helen will stay in this evening. 3. Did you go out last Sunday? 4. At the end of each term students are always up to their neck in work. 5. Jennifer and her room-mate get on well because they respect each other. 6. Jack left his house a bit late in the morning, missed the bus and was late for classes. 7. We have a long lunch break but I never go to the University canteen. 8. At times there are other things to do like going shopping, doing sports and so on. 9. Later in the evening Kate does a bit of painting which is a sort of a hobby for her. 10. I used to go fishing when at school, but now I haven’t got any time to do that.

Ex. 16. Translate into English.

1. Летом я принимаю душ по утрам, а зимой я часто принимаю ванну. 2. В Минске есть много мест отдыха и развлечений. 3. Твоя квартира выходит окнами на юг или на север? 4. Я занимаюсь английским в выходные дни, так как я по горло загружен работой в течение недели. 5. К сожалению, у меня очень мало времени на отдых. 6. Моя подруга никогда не опаздывает на первую лекцию. 7. В наше время не так уж легко поступить в университет. 8. Если вечером я ложусь поздно спать, то на следующий день я стараюсь поспать немного днём. 9. Здесь у меня есть возможность играть в теннис два раза в неделю. 10. Как правило, рабочая неделя пролетает очень быстро. 11. Катя живёт в студенческом общежитии №7, и с ней в комнате живут ещё две девушки.

Ex. 17. Writing.

  1. Write a letter to your mother describing your weekdays at the University.

  2. Write a letter to your friend in which you tell him/her how you enjoy your life at weekends.


Grammar: Continuous tenses. Pronouns: some, any, no

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