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Пособие Борисова (англ для инженеров базовый).doc
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5. Reading

5.1 Read the text about Russian traditions and match the traditions with the events.

Which of these traditions are more common and which are less common?

1. This is the biggest and most favourite celebration for Russians. It is the belief that the way you celebrate this event shows how your year will be, so Russians prepare the best meals and celebrate in style. Duck or goose, stuffed carp, and a jellied meat called 'holodets' are among the common most dishes, as are small pies/pastries filled with cabbage, apple, meat, or a range of other fillings. On the morning of January 1, people usually don’t cook and eat the leftovers.

2. The main tradition at this time is the painting of hard-boiled eggs. Red is the predominant colour, as it signifies new life. Russians exchange eggs and kind wishes for the celebration.

3. It is tradition for the father to plant a tree, wishing the child to grow up strong and healthy just like the tree.

4. The husband must carry his wife over the threshold in his arms. It is a very old custom and began because people thought that a new wife would be wanted by evil spirits, and thus the husband should hold her tightly and protect her from them.

5. Before departing on a long trip, Russian people often sit in silence for a few minutes, praying for good luck and fortune during the journey.

6. At the beginning of spring, as the weather warms, and the days become brighter, children and young adults often play outside. They play different Russian games, they play with the snow, and often fall in love. At this time, Russians also celebrate pancake because a pancake is round like the sun, and it symbolises the new life beginning in springtime.

7. It is a custom for the certain person to organize a celebration, and this includes paying for dinner if it takes place in a restaurant. The celebration can sometimes go on for more than one day. A playful form of congratulations to the person in question is to pull their ears for the number of years they are! It is a playful joke, but it means that we wish them a long and happy life.

  1. Maslenitsa

  2. a birthday party

  3. a newborn baby

  4. New Year

  5. travelling

  6. Easter

  7. wedding

5.2 Can you guess the meaning of the highlighted words from the context? Check the meaning with a dictionary.

6. Speaking

6.1 Choose a tradition from 5.1 and add some details to the description. Tell the class about it.

6.2 In pairs or small groups. Think of three or four customs and traditions in other countries. Find the details and make a presentation.

Note! You can speak about rare traditions which are not widely known outside the countries.

7. Writing

Have you ever heard about Seven Wonders Of Russia? The project was launched by the TV channel Russia, the newspaper Izvestiya, and Radio Mayak in 2007.

Look at the photos. Can you say what these objects are and where they are located?

In pairs. You are a travel agency and you are making a promotional website for your new tour around Russia. Choose an object from this project and write a presentation about it.

Include the following information for foreign tourists:

  1. Where is it?

  2. What is the best way to get there?

  3. What is interesting about it?

  4. What is the history of this place?

  5. Are there any limitations or safety precautions?


1. Can you describe a country you have visited / want to visit?

2. Can you describe traditions and celebrations in some country?

3. Can you describe the region you live in?