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Fire prevention measures

1. Foam can be used on this type of fire. 

2. You can’t use this extinguisher on an electrical fire. 

3. This fire extinguisher has a blue flash. 

4. These help stop fires from spreading. 

5. You should use this on a Chip Pan Fire. 

6. You must only use this on an electrical fire. 

a. powder

b. foam

c. fire blanket

d. carbon dioxide

e. fire doors

f. petrol

Exercise VI. Read and translate the dialogue. 

Seafarer 1: There’s been an explosion in the engine room! Quick! There’s a fire!

Seafarer 2: Call the Captain!

Seafarer 1: Engine room to bridge! Emergency! Emergency! Explosion in the engine room!

Captain: Captain speaking. What’s the damage?

Seafarer 1: It’s bad, Sir – there’s fire and a lot of smoke!

Captain: Can you contain the fire?

Seafarer 1: I don’t think so, Sir – it’s out of control!

Captain: Get everyone out now! Do not attempt to extinguish the fire! Repeat. Do not attempt to extinguish the fire!!! Sound the alarms immediately!

Seafarer 1: Yes, Sir!

Loudspeaker: Attention! Attention! This is your Captain speaking. Fire in the engine room! This is an emergency! Proceed to your muster stations immediately!

Loudspeaker: Attention! Attention! Fire is spreading! Prepare to abandon ship! Prepare to abandon ship!

Question: What is the emergency?

Answer: There is a fire in the engine room. 

Exercise VII. Tell about fire-fighting on board a ship. 

Lesson 10. Register of shipping new words and word combinations

juridical body


to supervise

to issue


Load Line Certificate

Certificate for seaworthiness

Certificate for Minimum Freeboard acknowledgment

merchant vessel insurance society to establish dues and charges BRT (Brutto Registered tonnage) GRT (Gross Registered tonnage) NRT (Net Registered tonnage)

reliability sea-going vessels

solidity [sә´lidәti]

to lower fitness

load line

freight-carrying capacity


hurricane force

юридический документ, орган выполнение вести контроль,наблюдать (за чем-л.) выпускать

осмотр, инспекция Свидетельство о грузовой марке Свидетельство о Мореходности Свидетельство по Минимальной Линии Загрузки

признание, подтверждение

зд. документ, признающий что-л. торговое судно страховое общество учреждать

пошлины и налоги брутто регистрированный тоннаж брутто регистрированный тоннаж

нетто регистрированный тоннаж


морской транспорт

плотность, прочность

уменьшать, снижать

годность, соответствие

грузовая линия, линия нагрузки


банкротство; несостоятельность

ураганная сила


Register of shipping

Register of shipping is the juridical body. Its main objective is to increase safety of navigation. There is Register of Shipping not only in our country but in Great Britain – British Lloyd’s, in France-French Veritas, in Sweden-Swedish Lloyd’s, in Norway-Norwegian Lloyd’s and American Bureau in the USA. Register of Shipping supervises for the implementation of international conventions, takes part in the work of international organization. 

Register works out and issues classification rules, for sea-going vessels, construction rules and also rules for ship’s measurement and definition of their load line. Register defines the degree of wear, conducts survey and produces the following documents: Load Line Certificate, Certificate for Seaworthiness, Passenger Certificate, Certificate for Minimum Freeboard and Certificate for the use of Shipboard radio station. 

Vessels, which are built according to these rules, are given adequate certificate of class in the Register. This certificate is acknowledgment of vessel’s reliability and fitness for the navigation. 

Class of the merchant vessel defines solidity thus gives the right to define Load Line and region of navigation. Insurance societies establish the amount of the insurance sum on the technical class basis and take correspondent dues from Ship-owners and Shippers for the cargo carried on board. We know that dues and charges for the services rendered to the ship are always calculated from gross Register Tonnage. It is the work of shipping register to ascertain BRT, GRT and NRT of any vessel. Vessel's class is lowered in case of the loss of original solidity after accidents, even partially. 

Lowering of the class is unprofitable for the ship-owner because this may lead to increase of the insurance does and also to increase of the minimum Freeboard that is to reduction of freight-carrying capacity. 

ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1. What is Register of Shipping? 2. What is its main objective? 3. Does Register of Snipping exist only in the USA? 4. What does Register of Shipping supervises for? 5. What does Register of Shipping work out? What documents does it issue? 6. What does the ship built according to the rules receive? 7. What do insurance societies establish? 8. Why can the ship’s class be lowered? 9. Is it profitable for the ship owner? Why?

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