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Образование прилагательных

1. Образование прилагательных при помощи суффиксов.

Для образования прилагательных употребительны следующие суффиксы:

Суффикс - ful, образующий прилагательные от существительных. Главное значение: « обладающий данным качеством»:

use – useful, peace – peaceful, harm - harmful

Суффикс - less, образующий прилагательные от существительных. По значению он противоположен суффиксу –ful и означает отсутствие какого-либо качества:

useuseless, help - helpless

Кроме того, имеются следующие распространенные суффиксы прилагательных:

- ish (reddish, greenish, sweetish)

- y (dirty, windy, sleepy)

- able, - ible (possible, impossible, comfortable)

- al, - ical (political, practical)

- ous (famous, dangerous)

2. Образование прилагательных при помощи префиксов.

Прилагательные нередко образуются от прилагательных (и причастий) при помощи префиксов. Наиболее употребительны отрицательные префиксы un-, in- im-, ir-:

happy – unhappy, natural – unnatural, known - unknown

Прилагательные могут образовываться при помощи префиксов также и от существительных: war – antiwar, pre-war, post-war.

3. Образование прилагательных путем словосложения.

Сложные прилагательные часто образуются путем соединения основ прилагательного и существительного с добавлением суффикса – ed: goodnatured, darkhaired, blueeyed.

К другим типам относятся такие сложные прилагательные, как sky–blue, dark–brown, peace–loving.

Образование наречий.

Наречия образуются чаще всего от прилагательных при помощи суффикса – ly: quickquickly, loudloudly, happyhappily, carefulcarefully, badbadly.


Exercise 1. Complete the sentences using the appropriate derivatives of the words in brackets.

1. Those wires look a bit ... . If I were you I would be more careful. (danger)

2. English weather is very ... . It's often different from day to day. (change)

3. Long leather boots were extremely ... at one time. (fashion)

4. The country exports ... over two million tons of rice. (year)

5. Until the situation has settled down, it is not ... to travel to that country. (advise)

6. He’s looking forward to starting his new job, but at the same time he’s a bit ... .(nerve)

7. I’m very pleased with my job. It's a very ... company to work in. (friend)

8. I think people who help the old, sick and ... are the salt of the earth. (home)

9. He’s not very ... . What he needs is someone to look after him and do everything for him. (care)

10.Jack is always in trouble though the rest of the family are ... , honest people. (respect)

11.The report which doesn’t contain all the necessary facts is ... and makes a bad impression. (use)

12. A lot of people wear jeans and sweaters because they are cheap and ... . (practice)

13. Smoking is ... to health and in many countries a warning is printed on every packet of cigarettes. (harm)

14. A taxi, sometimes called a cab, is the most ... way of travel. (comfort)

15. It takes ... patience to teach small children. (consider)

16. The magazine was full of stories of the private lives of ... people. (fame)

17. It was ... of you to drop all the plates. (care)

18. Don’t eat those mushrooms. They may be ... . (poison)

19. Pack the glasses carefully. They're ... . (break)

20. I think it’s ... to book rooms in a hotel in advance. (advise)

21. Firemen wear ... clothing, otherwise they would get burnt. (protect)

22. My sister is a very ... person. She paints and makes sculptures. (create)

Теst 1.

Complete the sentences using the appropriate derivatives of the words in brackets.

1. She is rather ... ; that's why people call her a chatter-box. (talk)

2. The founders of this college were all ... men. (exception)

3. I am so ... to you for your help. (gratitude)

4. The children were ... at the idea of going to the Zoo. (excite)

5. Lives of great men teach us many ... lessons. (value)

6. His new house is rather modern and .... (space)

7. It’s more ... to go by bus than in a taxi. (economy)

8. The ... men denied all the charges. (accusation)

9. It is often a good idea to start with smaller, easily ... goals. (achievement)

10. Most characters of Jack London's stories are brave and ... people. (courage)

11. I have been a ... reader of your magazine for many years. (faith)

12. This information should be made more ... to the public. (access)

13. She felt embarrassed by his ... attention. (persist)

14. Buckingham Palace is a ... residence built in 1703. (luxury)

15. We will do whatever is ... to stop them. (necessity)

16. Only large blackboards are ... for a classroom. (advice)

17. His results at the exam seem to be really .... (disaster)

18. You can take this medicine. It is ... to one's health. (harm)

19. It was ... of her to postpone the business trip until later. (sense)

20. He was one of the ... unpromising young actors in that stock company. (number)

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