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4. Сократите данные предложения, заменяя словами из списка (Упражнение 1) выделенные курсивом конструкции. Если это необходимо, измените порядок слов.

1. The dollar snapped higher Friday as some people who purchase and maintain an inventory of goods to be sold closed out bets against the currency.

2. Their conversation was so prolonged that the Black Forest clock that announces the hours with a sound like the call of the cuckoo hanging over the door struck midnight.

3. Cold, damp weather lowers resistance to respiratory infections like pneumonia and inflammation of the membranes lining the bronchial tubes.

4. My husband and I both work during the day out of the house, so the two lads would remain inside the house and get around an hour of fresh air and exercise in the evening.

5. Waters occurring in nature with some dissolved salts present, often bottled and sold as drinking water are by no means common in this county.

6. Nice's celebrated promenade along the Mediterranean is lined with cafes situated directly on the beach, and it's a bustling area active with cyclists, runners, walkers and rollerblades.

7. Lime trees are planted on both sides of the long stretch of open level ground (paved or grassy) for walking beside the seashore, and there are bicycle paths throughout.

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What types of tourism do you know? Which one do you prefer? Why?

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Health Tourism & Leisure Travel

It was not until the 19th century that cultural tourism developed into leisure and health tourism. Some English travellers, after visiting the warm lands of the South of Europe, decided to stay there either for the cold season or for the rest of their lives. Others began to visit places with health-giving mineral waters, in order to relieve a whole variety of diseases from gout to liver disorders and bronchitis.

Leisure travel was a British invention due to sociological factors. Britain was the first European country to industrialize, and the industrial society was the first society to offer time for leisure to a growing number of people. Initially, this did not apply to the working masses, but rather to the owners of the machinery of production, the economic oligarchy, the factory owners, and the traders. These comprised the new middle class.

The British origin of this new industry is reflected in many place names. At Nice, one of the first and most well established holiday resorts on the French Riviera, the long esplanade along the seafront known to this day as the Promenade des Anglais; in many other historic resorts in continental Europe, old well-established palace hotels have names like the Hotel Bristol, the Hotel Carlton or the Hotel Majestic — reflecting the dominance of English customers to whom these resorts previously catered to.

Winter Tourism

Even winter sports were largely invented by the British leisured classes initially at the Swiss village of Zermatt (Valais) and St Moritz in 1864.

Until the first tourists appeared, the Swiss thought of the long snowy winter as being a time when the best thing to do was to stay indoors and make cuckoo clocks or other small mechanical items.

The first packaged winter sports holidays or vacations followed in 1903, to Adelboden, also in Switzerland.

Organized sport was well established in Britain before it reached other countries. The vocabulary of sport bears witness to this: rugby, football, and boxing all originated in Britain, and even tennis, originally a French sport, was formalized and codified by the British, who hosted the first national championship in the nineteenth century, at Wimbledon. Winter sports were a natural answer for a leisured class looking for amusement during the coldest season.

Mass Travel

Mass travel could not really begin to develop until two things occurred.

a) Improvements in technology allowed the transport of large numbers of people in a short space of time to places of leisure interest.

b) Greater numbers of people began to enjoy the benefits of leisure time. A major development was the invention of the railways, which brought many of Britain's seaside towns within easy distance of Britain's urban centres.

The father of modern mass tourism was Thomas Cook who, on 5 July 1841, organized the first package tour in history, by chartering a train to take a group of temperance campaigners from Leicester to a rally in Loughborough, some twenty miles away. Cook immediately saw the potential for business development in the sector, and became the world's first tour operator.

He was soon followed by others, with the result that the tourist industry developed rapidly in early Victorian Britain. Initially it was supported by the growing middle classes, who had time off from their work, and who could afford the luxury of travel and possibly even staying for periods of time in boarding houses.

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