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Времена группы perfect continuous

to be в Perfect + Participle I

Present Perfect


Past Perfect


Future Perfect





You have been writing



She has been writing





They had been writing




I shall have been

We writing



He will have been

She writing




We have not (haven’t)

You been writing


He has not (hasn’t)

She been writing





They had not (hadn’t)

He been writing



I shall not (shan’t)

We have been writing



He will not (won’t)

She have been writing




Have We been

You writing?



Has She been

It writing?




Had They been writing?




Shall I have been

We writing?



Will He have been

She writing?


Времена группы Perfect Continuous (совершенные длительные) образуются с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в Perfect (Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect) и Participle I смыслового глагола.

Present Perfect Continuous выражает длительное действие, которое началось в прошлом, продолжается до настоящего времени либо закончилось непосредственно перед моментом речи. При употреблении этого времени обычно указан период времени, в течение которого совершается действие: for an hour (в течение часа), for a long time (долгое время), since 6 o’clock (с 6 часов), all my life (всю жизнь), all this week (month, year) — всю эту неделю (весь месяц, год) и др.

Past Perfect Continuous выражает длительное прошедшее действие, которое началось раньше другого прошедшего действия и все еще происходит в момент его наступления или закончилось непосредственно перед моментом наступления другого прошедшего действия. Период действия может быть указан: for 2 months (в течение двух месяцев), for a long time (давно, долго) и т.д.

Future Perfect Continuous выражает длительное будущее действие, которое начнется ранее другого будущего действия и будет еще совершаться в момент его наступления.


Exercise 1. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1. He has been painting this fence for a long time.

2. My secretary has been typing the report for 5 hours.

3. The boys have been trying to fix that bike since morning.

4. The tourists have been waiting for the guide since 4 o’clock.

5. You have been talking for almost an hour without stopping.

6. It has been snowing heavily during the whole night.

7. We have been looking for that café for half an hour.

8. He has been writing this letter since the lecture began.

9. He has been living in this city since 1970.

10. They have been repairing the road for the last five years.

Exercise 2. Ask questions to the following sentences beginning with the words in brackets :

1. They’ve been looking for a restaurant since they came to the town (who ? where ? what … for ?).

2. She has been packing her suitcase since morning (what ? why ?).

3. Arthur has been driving for 6 hours without any rest (who ?how ?).

4. They’ve been answering their child’s questions the whole day (whose ? what ?).

5. Ed has been playing with his dog in the park since morning (who … with, where ?).

6. She has been washing up since breakfast (who ? what ?).

7. Her husband has been watching football on TV since breakfast (who ? what ?).

8. Someone has been looking through my things (why ?).

9. My mother has been staying with us for three weeks (who ?).

10. He’s been working here since 1990. (How long ?).

Exercise 3. Use the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Progressive.

1. She (to walk) in the park since morning. It’s time to have dinner, but she (not to come) yet.

2. She (to read) this book for 3 days and (to read) 300 pages already.

3. He (to drive) to London for 6 hours. How many miles he (to cover) by now ?

4. How long you (to write) this test ?

5. I (to learn) French since I was ten.

6. He (to solve) this puzzle at last !

7. Jack and Tony (to play) chess since they are here.

8. Barry (not to finish) doing his room yet.

9. The customers (to complain) about mixed-up bills all morning.

10. They (to pull down) the old houses in this street for the last few months.

Exercise 4. Join the following sentences. Use the Past Perfect Progressive Tense in the main clause.

Pattern: They began watching TV. After half an hour their parents came. — They had been watching TV for half an hour when their parents came.

1. The Thompsons went to live to Sussex. Six months later their son joined them.

2. We started to play football at about 3. Somewhere about half past 3 it began to rain.

3. Mother started cooking dinner. After 10 minutes Hazel came to help her.

4. Brian was trying to fix his car. After 3 hours he gave up the idea.

5. She worked for this company. After 25 years she retired.

6. My sister studied French. Then, after 5 years, she went to France.

7. We settled down in London. After a fortnight our two cousins joined us.

8. We sat down to dinner. After 5 minutes the door-bell rang.

9. Ann sat down and began to write her report.

The family began watching an interesting film. After half an hour the TV broke down.

Exercise 5. Use the Past Simple of the Past Perfect Progressive Tense instead of the infinitive in brackets.

1. He (to look) at her. He (to know) she (to cry).

2. She (to tell) him about her plan, which she (to think of) all morning.

3. Holly (to close) the book which she (to read) and (to look up) at her mother.

4. Through the window he (to see) the room where they (to sit) the previous night.

5. Paul (to think) for some time before he (to dare) to answer.

6. They (to sit down) to dinner which mother (to cook) all morning.

7. How long Tony (to read) when this terrible accident (to happen) ?

8. When I (to come) everyone (to stop) talking.

9. How long this man (to stand) there and (to watch) you before you (to notice) him ?

Exercise 6. Use the Future Perfect Progressive Tense or the Present Simple Tenses instead of the infinitives in brackets.

1. He (to write) a letter for 3 hours when you (to come).

2. He (to learn) French for 6 years already when he (to enter) this college.

3. Ann (to study) English for 10 months by the time he (to go) back to Syria in October.

4. By the time we (to get) to New Zealand, we (to fly) for 13 hours.

5. I (to sleep) for 2 hours by the time he (to get) home.

6. They (to ask) me silly questions for 2 hours. Why they (not to stop) ?

7. The painter (to work) on this landscape for almost a year by Christmas.

8. By July 1 she (to live) here for 5 years.

9. They (to try) to solve this problem for 3 years by 2013.

10. We (to have) dinner for half an hour tomorrow when he (to call) for us.

Exercise 7. Translate into English.

1. Наконец я нашел книгу, которую долго искал.

2. Я буду писать доклад уже час, когда ты придешь.

3. Когда я вошел в комнату, они обсуждали эти новости больше часа.

4. Я жду тебя уже 15 минут.

5. Мы живем здесь около 15 лет.

6. Ты слишком долго слушаешь музыку.

7. Весь день идет снег.

8. Я работаю здесь с прошлого года.

9. Как давно она преподает в университете?

10. Что вы тут делаете с раннего утра?


1. Kate has been working here …

a) since two years b) two years ago c) for two years d) from two years

2. I … for a whole hour !

a) has been waiting b) am waiting c) had been waiting d) have been waiting

3. When I came to Tom’s place he said he … a report for two hours.

a) had wrote b) had been writing c) has been writing d) was writing

4. How long …English ?

a) you have been studying b) has you been studying c) have you been studied d) have you been studying

5. I … for half an hour at this time tomorrow.

a) will have been working b) will have worked c) have will been working d) will have been worked

6. She said that she … keen on drawing.

a) was b) is c) has been d) were

7. Mary told me that she … to leave for London the next week.

a) is going b) has gone c) were going d) was going.

8. Jane said that she … a report on the Civil War.

a) had made b) has made c) made d) was made.

9. My sister … much lately.

a) worked b) have worked c) has worked d) has working

10. He asked me if Tom … yet.

a) hadn’t left b) left c) hadn’t leaved d) hasn’t left

11. I … the work by 8 o’clock tomorrow.

a) will have been finished b) will finished c) will finishing d) will have finished

12. She asked me how long I … English.

a) learn b) am learning c) had been learning d) had been learned

13. Do you know whose work … ?

a) has just been discussed b) have just been discussed c) just discussed d) has just be discussed

14. I didn’t know he … a new book.

a) wrote b) has written c) writes d) had written

15. … John today ?

a) Did you see b) Have you seen c) Have you see d) Has you seen

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