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Differences between British and American Letters


Opening Salutations

1) Dear Sirs - to a company

2) Dear Sir - to a man

3) Dear Madam - to a woman

4) Dear Sir or Madam - if you do

not know the sex of the reader

5) Dear Mr Baker or Ms Bellow

6) Dear John Smith/Dear John -informal

Closing Salutations

1-4 Yours faithfully

5 Yours sincerely

6 Kind regards

Best wishes


1) Dear … (Representative) - if you do not know the name

2) Gentlemen - to men

3) Dear Mr. Bell or Ms Jacobs - when you know the name

4) Dear John - informal - when you know the name

1-2 Yours faithfully,

Yours truly,

3 Sincerely yours,


4 Best regards,

Very often British people type a comma after the salutations, but an increasing number of firms are eliminating this. In American letters colons are used after formal opening salutations and commas after informal ones. After a closing salutation they always use a comma.


  1. Read the extracts and discuss the questions:

  1. Where are the extracts taken from?

  2. What is the purpose of each letter?

  3. How do they differ?

  4. Which extracts are examples of formal letters?

  5. How is the reader addressed in a formal letter?

  6. What are the closing remarks*for formal letters?

  7. What is the salutation in a friendly letter?

  8. How would you end extracts 1, 2 and 3?

  9. How would you begin the extracts 4 and 5?

Dear Mr. Miller,

I received your kind invitation to the reception. Unfortunately, owing to other commitments, I will be unable to attend...

Dear Ralph,

I just got your invitation to the company's event I'm afraid I can't make it because I've already made plans which I can't change ...

Dear Sirs,

I am writing to complain about the poor quality of the items which I received from your company: I have no other alternative but to cancel the order which I placed earlier this week...

... thus, I recommend that you accept this advice on the matter. I am sure that the suggestion offered is the best solution. Please let me know if this was helpful.

Yours sincerely,

Lee Jones

... I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience. I look forward to meeting you to discuss employment opportunities.

Yours faithfully,

Nicole Porter

II. Put an f for formal and an I for informal language. Give reasons.

1. In reply to your query about...

2. I trust that this is the information you require........

3. Hope this information helps you ...

4. I would like to express my dissatisfaction with the item I

purchased ...

5. I'm afraid I won't be able to make it on Friday........

6. Why don't you come and visit us ...

7. I'm looking forward to hearing from you ...

8 I look forward to meeting you.

9. I am writing with regard to the advertisement........

10. How about getting together next Friday instead? .....

11. Pop in for a chat some time soon ...

12. You've been very helpful...

13. Well, I must leave now ...

14. By the way, I've got to tell you ...

15. I regret to inform you that...

16. It is with great happiness that I congratulate you on your engagement...

17. Please accept my sincere apology ...

18. Write back soon!

19. Keep in touch...

20. You are cordially invited

to attend ...